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That link to the torontoprosoccer ballot has not been working for me for the past few days... it says "SQL Error: Msg 2714, Lvl 16, State 6, There is already an object named 'pagelog_1218' in the database., Server SQL3, Procedure , Line 1.
Please try again later! "

Is something wrong with the site?
What's in a name? For soccer fans, a lot
Toronto's new major league team aims for old-world cachet and a unified fan base

Special to The Globe and Mail
In a league littered with such familiar-sounding clubs as Real Salt Lake (think Spain's storied Real Madrid) and D.C. United (hello Manchester United), it's fitting that Toronto's first Major League Soccer franchise should also seek a bit of overseas magic.

So last week when Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment -- which will be fielding a Toronto MLS team next April -- unveiled its shortlist of potential names, it was no surprise that the selections had a hint of international yearning: Inter Toronto FC, The Toronto Reds, The Toronto Northmen FC, The Toronto Nationals and Toronto FC. (FC stands for Football Club.) The fruit of six months of market research is now being hashed out by fans in an on-line poll at

On paper, Inter Toronto FC -- a nod to the Italian League's Inter Milan -- appears to be a calculated appeal to the city's 425,000-strong Italian community. And the name's supporters already have their arguments ready. Inter Milan was originally formed by Swiss and Italian players from what became rival AC Milan who objected to the team's policy of signing only locals, explains Joe Russo, a commentator on Telelatino's Sunday Night Soccer Fanatics show. "Inter is short for Internazionale, which means bringing together players from every country. Given Toronto's multicultural makeup, the name makes sense."

MLSE Executive Vice-President Tom Alsemi, who is overseeing the poll, admits the merit of Inter Toronto lies in its Italian roots. "Most people who look at [Inter Toronto]," he says, "gravitate to Inter Milan and Italian football . . . Those clubs have a hundred years of brand equity, where we're trying to launch something new. I see the Inter name as trying to make this look more like traditional soccer."

Still, Mr. Alsemi says, it's a double-edged sword. "There is a risk of alienating other ethnic communities who may be loyal to some other soccer franchise."

Unfortunately, the other possibilities don't hold much more promise of uniting Torontonians. The Toronto Reds might suggest Communist sympathies, but it's a nod to the soccer tradition of identifying clubs by their colours -- in this case the red of the Canadian flag. The Northmen name, meanwhile, harkens back to a never-ran Toronto World Football League team whose opening season Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau blocked in 1974.

Mr. Alsemi doubts the Reds or the Northmen will be front-runners. Meanwhile, the Toronto Nationals will be an awkward choice if MLS teams sprout up in Vancouver or Montreal. That leaves Toronto FC, which is generic, but at least follows the European naming tradition.

Mr. Alsemi won't reveal which way MLSE is leaning, saying he'll await the poll results. Even then, he emphasizes, "this will not be a vote" -- the results will not necessarily determine the final name.

That may be a good thing, as more than 200 people have added their own suggestions on-line. There may still be hope, then, for our pick: How about Globe Toronto FC?
please no euro copycat name! I hope MLSE pick Toronto F.C. or Toronto City F.C.
^ FC is an "euro copycat" name:

F.C. = Football Club

MLS = Major League Soccer
Just out of curiosity, roughly what % of the Toronto population is of European origin?

I know that would depend on how many generations you went back but for argument sake roughly what % are no higher than 3rd generation european?

Anyone care to speculate?

It's just all this european name hating is begining to bug me (as an Englishman!). ;)
I bet there are more Canadians than Europeans.

Ca·nadi·an n.
- A person who knows what back bacon, butter tart, KD, poutine, Timbits, a looney, soccer, Boxing Day, toques, and GST is. :)

Was the thread title "Soccer Stadium takes shape"? Why the need to call it a soccer stadium... oh ya, because that is what it is called in Canada and anything else is confusing. Inter Toronto Randello di Calcio??
i don't think the toronto loonies, timbits, or butter tarts would inspire fear in the hearts of opponents...

hmm toronto has lots of coyotes, how about Wile E. Toronto F.C :p
^^ a better sound byte would have been porky pig doing his "th th th th that's all folks!" ;)
Don't think they're done with the exvacation yet.

But the team name will be officially announced next week.
