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ben stein's new movie....

Ben Stein was on the Hour the other night. In the interview he made a few key arguments:

The Nazis were Darwinists
So what? The Nazis wore hats. By the same logic, we should all stop wearing hats.

Darwin couldn't explain certain things
People use this argument too often. Darwin didn't know all there is to know about evolution, he just popularized the concept. Really, what Darwin thought is totally irrelevant. What matters is the knowledge we've gained since.

Science doesn't explain the origins of life
Science isn't static and it doesn't profess to know everything that's knowable. A century ago science couldn't explain the makeup of an atom or treat a virus. Just because we don't know something now that doesn't mean we won't figure it out sometime in the future. Besides, I think science is closer to creating life than Stein realizes.

Ben Stein was on the Hour the other night. In the interview he made a few key arguments:

The Nazis were Darwinists
So what? The Nazis wore hats. By the same logic, we should all stop wearing hats.

the nazi's were not darwinists. we explained this already in the thread. artificial selection is not natural selection. the nazis were practicing artificial selection and you know who is to blame for that? livestock and plant growers!

here's one of ben stein's quotes...

Love of God and compassion and empathy leads you to a very glorious place- science leads you to killing people.

yes, gott mit uns (god with us) is what it says on those belt buckles.

"Secular schools can never be tolerated because such a school has no religious instruction and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith . . . We need believing people."

-Adolf Hitler. April 26, 1933, from a speech made during negotiations leading to the Nazi-Vatican Concordat of 1933.
Evolutionists don't debate creationists because there's not much to debate about, as far as they (we) are concerned. We will debate macro- vs. micro-evolution, Darwinian vs. Lamarckian evolution and other subjects within evolution, but not the concept itself. The chapter is basically closed. Debating evolution at this point is like debating Einstein's theory of relativity.

The thing is, if you reject evolution, you have to reject all of science. The tools we use to determine the age of fossils come from physics and chemistry: carbon dating, for example. If you maintain that the Earth is 10,000 years old, that means all our isotope-based measurements are wrong, which means all our nuclear physics is wrong. Evolutionary theory does not exist on its own. Like all scientific theories, it draws on a multitude of physical laws that we have proven. "Theory" in science does not mean what it means in common parlance: some person's vague thinking about some subject. In science theories are rigorously tested time after time, and adjusted as new data becomes available. Darwin provided a basis for evolutionary science. Attacking Darwin these days is like attacking Rutherford's model of the atom as little balls that stick together.
Evolutionists don't debate creationists because there's not much to debate about, as far as they (we) are concerned.

Yes they do. They debate all the time.

We will debate macro- vs. micro-evolution, Darwinian vs. Lamarckian evolution and other subjects within evolution, but not the concept itself. The chapter is basically closed.

No it isn't. As long as evolution remains a theory, the debate will continue.

The thing is, if you reject evolution, you have to reject all of science.

No you don't, especially since science has copious amounts of empirical evidence to support many things we believe. Many of them have gone from theory status to proven status.

While I agree that the scientific use of the term "theory" is a lot more sound than a lot of theories i've heard, until it is proven, evolution is not a certainty.
As long as evolution remains a theory, the debate will continue.

While I agree that the scientific use of the term "theory" is a lot more sound than a lot of theories i've heard, until it is proven, evolution is not a certainty.

i feel the same way about music theory. quavers and semiquavers! sounds gay to me. and what's this business with swing? has there ever been a type of music that was soo anti-monogamy! ;)

p.s, a great video that explains scientific theory and the scientific process.....

here's one dealing with creation science/NS debate & theory....
