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Bed bugs so bad in Toronto they'll soon spread on transit, in theatres.

The sensible thing to do is to find some Asian bug that naturally feeds on bed bugs, and release it into certain neighbourhoods. Also, infested residents in the Wellesley/Sherbourne area ought to restrict their travel around the city until we contain this.
The sensible thing to do is to find some Asian bug that naturally feeds on bed bugs, and release it into certain neighbourhoods. Also, infested residents in the Wellesley/Sherbourne area ought to restrict their travel around the city until we contain this.

I hope youre being sarcastic?
The plan could work. Ideally the Asian bugs die off when their natural prey have dissapeared. Also, with regards travel by residents in the Well/Sher area; I dont mean NO travel, just less travel such as work and close relatives until this is contained.
The sensible thing to do is to find some Asian bug that naturally feeds on bed bugs, and release it into certain neighbourhoods. Also, infested residents in the Wellesley/Sherbourne area ought to restrict their travel around the city until we contain this.

Or perhaps we could invite the US Army over to douse the city with agent yellow...
The sensible thing to do is to find some Asian bug that naturally feeds on bed bugs, and release it into certain neighbourhoods. Also, infested residents in the Wellesley/Sherbourne area ought to restrict their travel around the city until we contain this.
Skinner: Well, I was wrong. The lizards are a godsend.
Lisa: But isn't that a bit short-sighted? What happens when we're overrun by lizards?
Skinner: No problem. We simply unleash wave after wave of Chinese needle snakes. They'll wipe out the lizards.
Lisa: But aren't the snakes even worse?
Skinner: Yes, but we're prepared for that. We've lined up a fabulous type of gorilla that thrives on snake meat.
Lisa: But then we're stuck with gorillas!
Skinner: No, that's the beautiful part. When wintertime rolls around, the gorillas simply freeze to death.
This is a new one....

How do you suggest to an entire neighborhood that they should stay inside or not wander too far off from their homes because they might spread bugs elsewhere?

How exactly would this work?

And what about residents in other homes and buildings throughout the city? How exactly do you restrict their access till the bugs disappear? This is simply not practical. The bugs are probably here for the duration and this might simply be nature's way of telling us that you can't get rid of parasites that easily.

If ever.... And lice are making a comeback as well.
How do you suggest to an entire neighborhood that they should stay inside or not wander too far off from their homes because they might spread bugs elsewhere?

How exactly would this work?

And what about residents in other homes and buildings throughout the city? How exactly do you restrict their access till the bugs disappear? This is simply not practical. The bugs are probably here for the duration and this might simply be nature's way of telling us that you can't get rid of parasites that easily.

If ever.... And lice are making a comeback as well.

I don't understand the Wellesley & Sherbourne area being quarantined. Bedbugs are found throughout the city, the only way to deal with them is through the Integrated Pest Control Management System which is preparing your home for the sprays (a huge, sometimes heartbreaking job), sealing all cracks and entrance points into your home (especially electrical/cable/telephone outlets, light switches, plumbing access points & heat/HVAC areas), sealing your mattress(es) in bed bug mattress cover(s), professional pest control treatments, vacuuming along baseboards & hiding spots every day and immediately disposing of the vacuum bag and then repeating the spray treatment in about 10-12 days and continue to vacuum along baseboards/hiding spots for another two weeks. Hot washed & hot dried/dry cleaned clothing should be stored in a sealed plastic bags in an area away from the infested area which can then be worn out to help from carrying "hitchhikers' with you when you leave your home.
Thanks for my first laugh of the day;

From post:
with regards travel by residents in the Well/Sher area; I dont mean NO travel, just less travel such as work and close relatives until this is contained.

So all WellSher people would have some city commission deciding which relative is close enough to allow them out in their off hours.
Bugs, bugs, bugs....

Seeing as how bed bugs just don't care about your social status or income, anyone who comes into contact with them almost guarantees that they get spread elsewhere. Now, the only difference is how they're dealt with since it's obvious that those who can afford to get rid of them will find the means to do so but for others?

I actually had a co-worker just recently back in the fall, who had to have his place sprayed because he got them but it was his own fault. He found a discarded mattress on the street and took it inside his place.

Presto. He had bed bugs. Showed us the bites too. Not pretty. We all laughed at him.
Seeing as how bed bugs just don't care about your social status or income, anyone who comes into contact with them almost guarantees that they get spread elsewhere. Now, the only difference is how they're dealt with since it's obvious that those who can afford to get rid of them will find the means to do so but for others?

I actually had a co-worker just recently back in the fall, who had to have his place sprayed because he got them but it was his own fault. He found a discarded mattress on the street and took it inside his place.

Presto. He had bed bugs. Showed us the bites too. Not pretty. We all laughed at him.

Anyone who picks up a gross, discarded mattress off the side of the street deserves to get bed bugs for sheer stupidity. Actually, he doesn't deserve bed bugs - no one does, but that was not a smart thing to do.
I now require every visitor to the Winter Palace to strip naked at the door and submit to a thorough inspection - lest they unwittingly transport anything with six legs or more that isn't bearing a current passport across the threshold.
Oh, yes.....

Fond memories, those head lice. My brother and myself both were sent home twice when we were young because of an outbreak at school. Not fun. Can you imagine going back a century or more and knowing that many if not the majority of people had head lice?
"How do you suggest to an entire neighborhood that they should stay inside or not wander too far off from their homes because they might spread bugs elsewhere?

How exactly would this work?

And what about residents in other homes and buildings throughout the city? How exactly do you restrict their access till the bugs disappear?"

I didn't say it would be easy, it would rely on neighbours watching neighbours who seemed to be headed somewhere. Residents in other parts of the city could discreetly observe people who looked like they were from the Wellsley/Church area. (This is NOT racial profiling.)

I don't believe any heavy handed govt involvement is required or practical, I'm just talking common sense here.
