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Bay Adelaide Centre West Tower (Brookfield, 50s, WZMH)

I also like the current design. I like that it's three towers instead of one, I think it will be nicer at street level with the open plaza between the east and west towers. The original design also called for eliminating Temperance street, I like that the current plan keeps it. And I also agree with Caltrane, PoMo is horrible.
It's interesting how people's opinions vary regarding the evolution of this project. I personally don't like the first version but could have lived with #2 or #3. What I think a lot of us agree upon is that waiting this long for another box has been a huge anticlimax.

I actually liked 1 & 2, but absolutely despised #3 ...

It's too bad this tower is only 50 floors though. Would rather have this design, but the height of the first proposal.
So, are there detailed designs available on the plaza and towers 2 and 3? I really didn't know the project was this big!

Thanks in advance!

I'm not aware of any detailed designs or renderings, the closest thing would be the site plan:


As Caltrane said, I'd imagine the east tower will be similar to the west one, just a bit shorter. Personally I wish they would twin it with the west tower, or make it taller, but I guess with what's going on in the financial markets these days demand for office space might not be so high.
so there's another park going in west of the 37 story hotel/condo tower?
Actually the second tower was 679 ft. and 50 floors but ended up being downscaled to 45 floors (know known height for this). I believe Brookfield was getting desperate as they wanted the tower to go up back in 2000.
Thanks for the info and the site map, good shit!

I have walked on Temperance a couple of times, but cant quite recall what is at the North Tower site. Can anyone refresh my memory?

I like the little park to the east of the site though, its a nice, quaint spot.
Why the hell are the city's height restrictions so low here with FCP and Scotia right across the street? Is it just because of shadow studies? Give me a break!

Shadowiing on NPS which I fully support. It may be in a dilapidated state like the rest of the city but I can't think of more important civic landmark. (or prehaps I'm just being too screwball European) FCP is actually quite a bit taller than what the shadowing bylaw would allow.
Why can't we get our own version of this:


I'd rather not. It may be unique, creative and innovative but like the majority of unique, creative and innovative projects out there, Torre Agbar is also incredibly ugly.
Thanks for the info and the site map, good shit!

I have walked on Temperance a couple of times, but cant quite recall what is at the North Tower site. Can anyone refresh my memory?

I like the little park to the east of the site though, its a nice, quaint spot.

That park to the east is Cloud Gardens, built with Section 37 money received when the first stump went up. Currently where the north tower would be is not open to the public except for an entrance to the underground parking lot. The construction office for BA is there as well as a fenced off area. It is also a breeding ground for pigeons because there are always dozens of them sitting on the ground and fence.
For this case, but not specifically Torre Agbar works because it is not part of a skyline - it is situated almost entirely on its own, close to a massive traffic circle and within a few blocks of the sea - it works perfectly, and it is no way an ugly tower. I don't find the BA Centre particularly amazing or that intriguing, but it gets a job done, I guess. However, I don't see the problem in having accent towers within the city's skyline, they don't detract from it, but rather add some differentiation and clarity to an otherwise monotonous jungle of like towers. I am sorry but I don't buy that argument..

If blending in was all towers needed to do, then why go to the lengths to build towers that twist, or bend or have their massive structural system exposed? Why bother? Also, not to bring NYC into the equation, or even Chicago for that matter, but both of these cities have significant stand alone towers, but they neither detract or pull your view away from the skyline- they are more like beacons or emphasis elements within the grand scheme of things...

