Interesting how posts magically disappear on this forum, I'm quite surprised that the entire thread and any mention of a bubble hasn't been neatly sanitized yet.
Anyways, I'll stick to my hypothesis that CN Tower is mentally unstable, by stating facts then, oh man, I can't even address it, it's quite too hilarious.
Interested, I feel no sympathy what so ever for the someone who overextends themselves. It's called greed. We make very good money, and we work very long hours, 80+ a week. We are highly specialized and have extremely high IQ's, and we deserve our compensation. People will always look for people to blame for their own failures, but main street expects the financiers to make an economy grow, to provide efficient capital markets to provide them with the loans so they can live (essentially) beyond their means. We don't put a gun to their head and force them to do anything, they have free will and are perfectly capable of making sound decisions. We run a business, and that businesses goal is to make a profit-- nothing else. If you want to take out a loan and indebt yourself for the next 50 years and live like a bum to have some house, sure, go for it! Haha, it's highly amusing to see the daily bullshit we see at work, but in the end, the average IQ of the population is rather low, and a sizable percentage of the population would be considered mentally retarded.
I really don't concern myself with such insights. People are unintelligent and a waste of time in general, ala CN Tower and company. That article you mentioned is quite hilarious, and it sounds like it was written by a failure. Fannie was evil? Please. Payday loans? That has nothing to do with the finance industry, and with that comment alone, the author loses any credibility. We're to blame because idiots can't live within their means? QE-- the QE that Bernanke and other central bankers had to resort to because billions of greedy ordinary people wanted to portray an illusion of wealth? Wealth is generated by sweat and hard work, not by debt. Ponzi scheme? Rigging the stock market?! I think that author mentioned everything except the classic "Wall St is run by Jews and Israel", haha. I wouldn't be surprised if he were a tin-foil hat wearing, Hitler-idolizing Anti-Semite who cries over his mortgage statement every night.
Anyways I'm getting really tired with the bullshit on here, people really do have a low IQ. The writing is on the wall. Sleep tight.