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Automobile City

W. K. Lis

Member Bio
Dec 24, 2007
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Toronto, ON, CAN, Terra, Sol, Milky Way
Toronto wants to be Transit City. It is doing this by planning a Light Rail System across the city. They could have other ideas to make Toronto a true Transit City, such as:
  • zoning multi-use low-rise buildings,
  • entrances to buildings at transit stops (not turning their backs on them, like the big box stores),
  • eliminate free parking (free standing for a short time, okay),
  • transit priority signals,
  • road patterns that allow quick and easy pedestrian access from home to transit stop, etc.


But what about the 905? Which ones are getting on the Transit City bandwagon, or are they still on the Automobile City bandwagon stuck in traffic? Which ones keep building the big box stores that ignore transit stops? Which ones still allow only single-use buildings? Which ones automatically allow free parking for their employees or visitors? Which ones widen their roads for more traffic? Which ones keep building cul-de-sacs which require automobiles to fetch a carton of milk? Which ones still think buses are the best means of public transit?


Some of the points require provincial action. Free parking is one. Toronto cannot require the banning of free parking, if the 905 keeps them. The province needs to require everyone to pay for parking, at the shopping centre, offices, and big box stores, in Toronto and in the 905. Allow only the first 15 minutes free standing. If the employer pays for employee parking, that should be a taxable allowance. Maybe there should be a reduction for the commercial property tax on the site, replaced with a Green P meter with the money going to the city.

We should be implementing transit solutions that people WANT to take advantage of, rather than forcing them by making all other options unaffordable.

The only people who benefit will be the upper and middle-classes, who can keep parking where and when they want, everyone else will be forced onto transit whether it efficiently gets them where they're going or not. Plus we reinforce the image of public transit as have-not transit.
Toronto already is a Transit City, thanks to things like the existing subway network, a healthy downtown, a truly useful bus network, and some of the western world's densest suburbs. Building a streetcar network at Jane & Finch and in Malvern will have no appreciable difference on how this city appears or functions other than worsening traffic if the road lanes taken by the ROWs are not replaced.
Except that the free parking is provided at the shopping centres, big box stores, or big stores that have parking lots (ie. Square One, Shoppers, Loblaws, Canadian Tire, etc.), but the stores that line the main streets have parking on the street with meters provided by the city. To even it out, those big store parking lots should have the same parking meters, or get rid of the parking meters on the streets.
Except that the free parking is provided at the shopping centres, big box stores, or big stores that have parking lots (ie. Square One, Shoppers, Loblaws, Canadian Tire, etc.), but the stores that line the main streets have parking on the street with meters provided by the city. To even it out, those big store parking lots should have the same parking meters, or get rid of the parking meters on the streets.

Punishing everyone is a dim way to ensure equality.
How the politics of parking can defile a city

Sunday, May11, 2008 Toronto Star story on Free Parking:

Tim Falconer
Special to the Star

Tolls may be an idea that some people and some cities are finally willing to debate, but free parking remains the blind spot in urban and transportation planning. I'd heard various estimates (four, eight, 13) for the number of parking spots per car in North America, and I have to admit that, initially, I was shocked. After all, like most people, when I'm driving around hunting for a legal space – all the while burning fossil fuels, spewing emissions and adding to the traffic congestion – it never occurs to me that North American cities devote so much space to parking.

But the typical driver has a parking spot at home and one at work (usually bigger than the cubicle he or she spends all day in) as well as shared spots at malls, stores, restaurants and even churches.

We're so accustomed to abundant free parking that we resist paying for it, hate looking for it and, most of all, dread getting tickets. As Donald Shoup, America's parking guru, told me, "Everybody thinks parking is a personal problem, not a policy problem." But everybody is wrong.

Born in California in 1938, Shoup was living in Honolulu when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941. Now a professor at UCLA's urban planning department and the author of The High Cost of Free Parking, he has a growing band of followers who call themselves Shoupistas even though the market-oriented policies he advocates could best be summed up by the battle cry, "Charge whatever the traffic will bear."

He'd offered to arrange "free (or rather fully subsidized) parking" for me, but I wanted to take the bus in order to experience public transit in Los Angeles. I made it to UCLA 45 minutes early and spent the time checking out the campus, and then went up to his office and found a bald man with a grey beard sitting at a desk that had a radio in the shape of a parking meter on it.

Shoup isn't sure what the ratio of parking spots to cars is – he suspects it's at least three or four to one, probably more – but he knows it's too high. He's also convinced that free parking not only encourages people to drive, it's actually expensive because subsidizing it costs the economy more than the U.S. government devotes to Medicare.

Turning to his computer, he showed me aerial photos of several cities to demonstrate how much land we waste just to give drivers a place to leave their wheels. "Parking is the single-biggest land use in almost any city and almost everybody has ignored it," he told me. "It's like dark matter in the universe: We know there's something there, and it seems to weigh a lot, but we don't know what it is. If only we could get our hands on it."

While he was at his computer, he also gave me a virtual tour of the Old Town Pasadena neighbourhood, with before and after photos that showed how it had gone from skid row to upscale destination.

ONE OF HIS IDEAS was instrumental in that transformation. The city faced a common problem: Parking was free, but the few merchants who were still in business complained that it was inadequate. The people who worked in the stores took most of the spots, leaving customers to drive around searching for one – or just staying away. Meanwhile, the city had a vision of a revitalized downtown but no money to repair sidewalks, plant trees, increase security or take any of the other steps necessary to attract people.

Shoup recommended charging enough for parking to maintain an 85 per cent occupancy rate and using the money shoppers dropped in the meters to improve the neighbourhood. The revenue couldn't go into the city's general coffers; it had to be spent on the streets.

Once that happened, the business community started to invest, too – even sandblasting and renovating derelict buildings – and soon the shop owners, who had initially opposed meters, wanted to charge for parking until midnight. They wanted the money for the improvements, but they also discovered that their fears about scaring away customers were unfounded – anyone who really wanted to shop or eat in the area was willing to invest a few quarters.

As the area became more popular, the meters raised more money for more improvements, which increased the popularity. And so on. The city now collects one million dollars a year to pay for upkeep that includes sweeping the sidewalks nightly and steam-cleaning them twice a month.

In Calvin Trillin's Tepper Isn't Going Out, a slight but charming novel about a man who becomes a New York folk hero because of his parking acumen, once Murray Tepper finds a parking spot, he just sits there and enjoys it. But when Shoup and I talked about the book, he pointed out that Tepper wouldn't have stayed put so long if Manhattan charged the right price for street parking. The right price is the one that means there are always one or two open spots per block. Since the cost encourages turnover, time limits are unnecessary; in fact, any place that needs to impose time limits is not charging enough.

A city should adjust the rate every quarter to ensure the 15 per cent vacancy rate, always letting the market decide the price. "Nobody can tell you what the right price of gold is, or the right price of wheat or apples," he argued. "It just happens."

Free off-street parking isn't something that just happens, though, because planning departments always insist that developers include a minimum number of parking spots. Shoup doesn't have much respect for the ability of urban planners to determine how many spots are necessary. Since planners don't learn anything about parking in school, they learn it on the job, but because parking is so political – NIMBY neighbours constantly squawk at the thought of anyone parking on their street – what they really learn is the politics of parking.

"Planning will be looked back on as worse than phrenology, because phrenology didn't do any harm," he said, referring to the nineteenth-century pseudoscience that claimed to be able to determine character and other traits from the size and shape of a cranium.

The harm abundant free parking does feeds on itself: All that land dedicated to parking, which often sits empty for much of the day, increases sprawl, and that sprawl makes alternatives such as public transit and walking less feasible, which forces more people into cars, which increases the need for more parking.

Again, Shoup argued that the market should decide: Freed from the arbitrary and capricious demands of the planners, developers will put in the right amount of parking – enough to meet their customers' needs, but not so much that they waste valuable space or money.

When the Westfield San Francisco Centre reopened in September 2006 after a major renovation, it was triple the size, featured high-profile tenants such as Bloomingdale's and expected 25 million visitors a year – all without adding any new parking. A lot of people shook their heads at that, but the mall is close to 32 transit lines and sits across the street from a large parking garage that was rarely anywhere close to full.

In 1992, the state of California adopted another Shoupism: Under the parking cash-out law, companies that pay for employees' parking must offer the equivalent in cash to nonparkers. So someone who works for a firm that pays $150 a month for each spot in an underground lot can opt to forgo the spot and pocket the cash. After the law came in, 13 per cent of employees took the money – most switching to car pools or taking public transit, though a few started riding a bike or walking to work.

ALTHOUGH HIS ideas seem like so much common sense, Shoup still feels they're underappreciated. Many places want to thrive the way Old Town Pasadena has, but few realize how crucial the meter money was to that success.

Still, he knows some planners are curious because he receives more invitations to speak than he can accept. Cities pay him large lecture fees, fly him first class and then wine him and dine him, but they don't all do what he suggests because parking is so political.

"All I can do is go and say, 'You're doing everything wrong,' " said Shoup, who rides a bike about three kilometres to campus, puts just 5,600 kilometres a year on his Infiniti, and admitted that he's often mistaken as an enemy of the car. He insists he's not; it's just that people would live differently – read: drive less – if they had to pay for parking.

The good news is that all that parking space is an accidental land reserve for housing that can bring in tax revenue even as it helps ease traffic congestion, air pollution and energy dependence.

"The nice thing is that when cities adopt what I'm saying" – he snapped his fingers – "like that, it works."

From Drive by Tim Falconer. © Tim Falconer 2008.
It seems rather obvious that these areas will turn into upscale shopping and entertainment areas - who else besides the middle- and upper-classes can still afford to drive and park there once parking prices are jacked up? :p

Also, why isn't a bigger point made about activating the public spaces taken up by parking lots? Why not abolish surface lots and ensure that all new parking construction be multi-storied and space-efficient?

I'm not sure why people who park should fund the renewal of cities, isn't that a common-good that our taxes should collectively be paying for?
It seems rather obvious that these areas will turn into upscale shopping and entertainment areas - who else besides the middle- and upper-classes can still afford to drive and park there once parking prices are jacked up? :p

Ummm...people who take transit to them?

I'm not sure why people who park should fund the renewal of cities, isn't that a common-good that our taxes should collectively be paying for?

It is in this example. It's just an elective tax that some people don't wish to pay (by, as he explains, walking, taking transit, car pooling, or bike riding).

Why should people who are paying to renew cities subsidies those who park?

Additionally, his point that one prices parking at 85% occupancy means it is the market deciding the value of the spot, which seems fair. Unless one is hoping that everyone else will subsidize your spot for you.
Toronto already is a Transit City, thanks to things like the existing subway network, a healthy downtown, a truly useful bus network, and some of the western world's densest suburbs. Building a streetcar network at Jane & Finch and in Malvern will have no appreciable difference on how this city appears or functions other than worsening traffic if the road lanes taken by the ROWs are not replaced.

But I tell ya, LRT in centre-of-street lanes is magic!

Sure, it will mean a higher quality of a ride, and a relatively faster ride for people directly on or near most corridors, but saying that Transit City is what separates us from the animals is a far fetch. It is the "LRT for everyone" gospel that bugs me most about the LRT advocates, even though I know it has a fairly wide range of applications and works well because of its flexibility if planned properly. But Munro and others say that subways, or even regional rail, is a "solution looking for a problem", but isn't that the same of LRT?


That said, the 905 suburbs aren't that bad at all by western standards. Parts of Peel, Halton and York Regions (specific parts of Markham, Richmond Hill, Brampton and Mississauga) will benefit from better transit and intensification and there are some visible steps toward that (look at Downtown Brampton as a place now going through a quick change in density and transport infrastructure). Durham Region though is Auto City still, and there's the shame of places like northern York Region and Milton.

Also, consider that parts of the 416 are very similar to the inner 905. If you want big box stores with loads of free parking, check out Golden Mile, Morningside/401, around Sherway, Crossroads Centre. There's also Leaside and Stockyards, which are only somewhat better (still, try a walk from transit on St. Clair or Keele to Rona at Stockyards!).

If you want houses backing on to major arterials, try York Mills east of Bayview, Sheppard east of Markham Road (along an inevitable "Transit City" line!), Rexdale, or northern Agincourt. Newer 905 subdivisions especially in the more enlightened suburbs, don't have these much anymore.
Ummm...people who take transit to them?

That assumes there's a realistic alternative, which there often isn't (at least in the case of Toronto, and I'm sure for Old Pasadena City as well)

It is in this example. It's just an elective tax that some people don't wish to pay (by, as he explains, walking, taking transit, car pooling, or bike riding).

Why should people who are paying to renew cities subsidies those who park?

Businesses pay for parking construction, the only parking the public has to pay for is around civic structures - and that seems rather minimal.

Additionally, his point that one prices parking at 85% occupancy means it is the market deciding the value of the spot, which seems fair. Unless one is hoping that everyone else will subsidize your spot for you.

Lots of things can work in a free market system, even healthcare. It doesn't mean it's actually preferable, just potentially profitable.
That assumes there's a realistic alternative, which there often isn't (at least in the case of Toronto, and I'm sure for Old Pasadena City as well)

That's kind of where your argument falls apart. I lived in Los Angeles for 12 years, and in Clairmont (about 30 miles from Old Town) for the 6 years before that. I remember when Old Town was one badly rundown mall, one good theatre, and bunch of pawnshops*. I remember when the revitalization started. The people who live there paid a great deal to make old town the place it had been 40 years before that, and I remember when the began to recoup the investment (including using increased parking fees). There was
(and is) substantially less choice of how to get to old town than there is Queen St, and yet it became, as a result of the steps the city took, a pedestrian place filled, I assure you, with representatives of all economic strata.

Businesses pay for parking construction, the only parking the public has to pay for is around civic structures - and that seems rather minimal.

Actually, never. Well, seldom. Parking lots, as in around individual stores, but the multi-level parking next to the theatre? Pasadena. the streets? The city. The parking structures next to third street promenade? Santa Monica? Green P parking? Toronto. No, cities have subsidized parking for decades to bring people in, and it turns out, that's a bad plan.

Lots of things can work in a free market system, even healthcare. It doesn't mean it's actually preferable, just potentially profitable.

Unlike, say, health care, parking isn't actually required. If you don't like it, you don't have come to town. This article suggests that the people who actually have money would rather pay for parking (or get paid not to park, as the case may be) than deal with run down streets. If you'd prefer that the residence take care of everything so you don't have to spend any money, that's fine. If you can't afford it, you can't afford it.
Eliminating free parking (or reducing TTC fares) would go a huge way toward making the city more transit friendly. Living at St. Clair subway station, I still end up driving to the Yonge and Eglinton Centre to see movies simply because it costs less to drive there and park the car than it does to ride the subway round trip. And that's for just one person. When I carpool, driving costs no more than 50 cents for gas, while the TTC costs more than 20 dollars!

Fare by distance. FARE BY DISTANCE!!!! Even with free parking, I'd rather take the subway for environmental reasons, so long as short trips don't cost an arm and a leg.
Businesses pay for parking construction, the only parking the public has to pay for is around civic structures - and that seems rather minimal.

Lots of things can work in a free market system, even healthcare. It doesn't mean it's actually preferable, just potentially profitable.

Actually, these two senteces together don't even make sense. If businesses build the parking, they can charge what they want (which will be about enough to keep about 85% of parking at capacity, more or less). If the city did, then they have as much right, or more, to askthe same amount.

You actually manage to come across as pro-free market in one sentence, and against it in the other.
Depending on which side of subsidies you're on.

Again, if you don't want to shop there, don't. Your money will probably not be missed. It is entirely possible you don't see the difference between that and, say, health care, but I suspect you probably do.
Green P parking? Toronto. No, cities have subsidized parking for decades to bring people in, and it turns out, that's a bad plan.

Green P isn't free?

It's a bad plan for people who want a transit-only city, or for people who want to use the money otherwise collected.

Unlike, say, health care, parking isn't actually required. If you don't like it, you don't have come to town.

I don't think you should be discouraging people from coming downtown.

If you have a car, parking is required.

This article suggests that the people who actually have money would rather pay for parking (or get paid not to park, as the case may be) than deal with run down streets. If you'd prefer that the residence take care of everything so you don't have to spend any money, that's fine. If you can't afford it, you can't afford it.

I don't like nickel and dimeing perceived 'haves'. If the issue is that parking is expensive to maintain than charge what it costs to maintain, but I don't agree with making sure it's as expensive as the market will bear.
