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Another Admiral Beez rant against panhandlers

beez, you have too many fears man. you ever stop to think the toll fear its self is taking on you?
I have few in any fears. Panhandling is an annoyance that I'd like to see our city address, simple as that.

What I've got is too much free time, a juice-up sense of imagination and a proscrastination problem that keeps me coming back here to type whatever's on my mind at the moment, combined with a tendancy to sometimes see the world as black & white, and often reminding myself afterward (usually with help from the good folks here at UT) to look for the grey. Now, that's an honest Admiral self analysis.
I give up 40 long and hard hours of my week to my job so that I can support myself, save for the future, and treat myself to a nice dinner once or twice a week. When I see homeless people fast asleep at 8 in the morning, I want nothing more than to turn around and go back to bed. When I see them during the day, I'm reminded of how much time I give up to my employer rather than myself. When I see them at night, I wish I could stay out late too, but no, I have work the next morning.

Mentally ill homeless people aside, it's for the above reasons that I find it hard to feel compassion toward homeless people, and want them all off the street. I work my ass off 5 days a week while they mope around, too lazy to do anything bug beg. While I'm glad that part of my taxes help them out (you never have 100% job security, and one day I may need help too), I also have no regrets about using the dollar I didn't give them for their own lunch to buy a slightly better lunch for myself.
Admiral Beez, many of your suggestions are quite sensible in my opinion, and I support them. Unfortunately, the way you go about promoting them doesn't tend to inspire support.
IMO, there is only one way to rid the city of panhandling all together, and that's through eliminating the need to panhandle. First, increase welfare rates to a level that makes affordable housing and public transit affordable; second, build more rent-geared-to-income, co-operative and other affordable housing for these folks throughout the city, specifically avoiding the downtown area (that area's got its share); third, rebuild the mental-health and addicition services to get mentally ill and addicts off the streets and into housing or institutions (only when necessary); forth, tell the nation that Toronto is looking after its own, but that destitute folks from other provinces or cities can not easily be accomondated (otherwise the nation's poor will flock to these new Toronto services); fifth, build more homeless and transitional shelters throughout the city, so that everyone on the street has somewhere to go (ensuring that any lack of quality is addressed, so that no one is scared to go there); sixth, change OHIP, Welfare, etc. so that you don't need a home address to claim services; seventh, outlaw sleeping on sidewalks or overnight in public parks, and enforce laws prohibiting roadside solicitation; eighth, prohibit panhandling outside businesses, bank machines, theatres.

There is it. The Admiral's cure for panhandling. Deal with the causes, eliminate the need for the behaviour, and now you've got a good position from which to push for a stop of panhandling, since no one would have any excuse for doing it. I'd gladly accept a 5% or more increase in my provincial and municipal taxes to make this happen. See, I've got a heart too, I'm not all evil, crush the poor, etc...

I wouldn't have much problem with prohibiting panhandling with these measures in place at all.


Admiral Beez never mentioned homeless people in his opening post to this thread. In fact, he repudiated the automatic assumption that the two are always related (post 5). The first post that raised homelessness was yours (post 4). It would appear unfair to rename the thread as his rant against the homeless when he was clear that his gripe is with panhandlers.

Admiral Beez never mentioned homeless people in his opening post to this thread. In fact, he repudiated the automatic assumption that the two are always related (post 5). The first post that raised homelessness was yours (post 4). It would appear unfair to rename the thread as his rant against the homeless when he was clear that his gripe is with panhandlers.

You're taking it too seriously, Hydrogen. The thread has become ridiculous and predictable anyway. The first thread title certainly wasn't relevant, as it wasn't about asking how one would contact the police to make a complement. It was a rant against pandhandlers/homeless/poor/whatever.
Howabout Admiral Beez Still Hates The Poor?

Double Feature:

8PM: Admiral Beez Still Hates The Poor
9PM: The Snide Sarcasm of AndreaPalladio
10PM: Panel discussion and food fight
