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A blog virus... oh no!!




This has been showing up on numerous blogs. What is funny is that it actually fits most descriptions of a virus eventhough it is only an animated gif. Spreading... check, mutates... check, infectious... to those that think it is interesting... check. :)
Might be a for-real virus, might be a joke, might be a troll. Suggestion: ignore.
If it were really a virus, would you be putting us at risk by posting it like that? (Simple question. I'm dumb but cautious.)
That's a strange hypothetical. I suppose he would, only most browsers detect and interrupt potentially harmful scripts.

Really, if you exercise a little bit of caution, it is very easy to avoid being victimized by malicious programs.
It's an animated gif file. No more harmful than any other image posted on this site hosted somewhere else. Rolling happy virus -> :rollin

I thought the thing was funny when I saw it and decided to share. A virus tends not to be a little green guy visible on a website which says "I'm a virus" and which is not picked up by Norton or McAfee. Some people on this forum are obviously a little paranoid it seems. Time to buy an anti-virus subscription or get off of Windows perhaps?
I thought the thing was funny when I saw it and decided to share. A virus tends not to be a little green guy visible on a website which says "I'm a virus" and which is not picked up by Norton or McAfee. Some people on this forum are obviously a little paranoid it seems. Time to buy an anti-virus subscription or get off of Windows perhaps?

I've ran windows without a virus scanner lurking in the background for over 8 years now and I've never had a single virus. Before getting a router I never had a firewall either... never been hacked. I've never had spyware or adware installed without knowing about it first (I've had to install a couple of programs that came with it just because... I had to have those programs).

It's amazing how paranoid some people are online. Use some common sense and stop thinking that there are legions of hackers out there just waiting to attack your computer... Those are the same people with 20 different programs loading up when they bootup (at least half with icons on the task bar - most of which they don't know what they are) and fast computers that run extremely poorly. It's amazing what taking a few minutes to understand your computer (and most importantly your operating system) can do for you.

btw... that gif IS quite hilarious.
Yeah, web paranoia is as bad as....real life paranoia. When i've told some people i keep my wifi network open for whoever wants to use is, some people are shocked. i ask why, and they aren't sure, but they are sure they are shocked.
^ I wouldn't be concerned about security risks from leaving the wireless connection open assuming firewall software is installed. The real risk to you stems from people thinking those people using your internet account are you when they are doing illegal activities on the internet. You don't want your ISP tracking spam back to your internet connection or having police suspect you of downloading kiddie porn because someone in your neighbourhood isn't careful about computer viruses or happens to be a pedophile.
I will continue to operate under the assumption kiddie pornographers are not hiding under every rock, waiting to download.
0] Hello. I am Blog.Worm. Take me to your leader.
I will continue to operate under the assumption kiddie pornographers are not hiding under every rock, waiting to download.

Maybe, but I'd definitely assume it's possible that they're in your area...
Interestingly, the problem with modern operating systems isn't so much that people have so much useless software running, but rather their fundamental design. I went to a talk last month by the creator of a new OS called Minix (which is just a proof of concept) that runs drivers as user processes (as opposed to in the kernel) and has a very small (4000 line) kernel (windows and linux are many tens of thousands of lines). It's really forehead-smackingly obvious that this is the direction in which we need to move. His goal was to have a 'TV-like' computer (which is to say, OS) where you take it out of the box, put it on your desk, plug it in and it runs perfectly for 10 years without you needing to be a computer scientist or even really understand how a computer works. I thought it was very interesting... you can download a copy if you're interested. Just google minix 3.

Perhaps I wasn't clear earlier. When I said it was an interesting hypothetical, I meant that the premise was impossible (that the gif was a virus). Assuming that this premise were true, it might have been harmful, though most browsers can catch malicious programs that are embedded in websites and prevent them from executing.
"It's really forehead-smackingly obvious that this is the direction in which we need to move."

I won't be satisfied until I can go "Computer, tell me the location of Commander Data."
