Toronto 50 at Wellesley Station | 114.9m | 37s | Plaza | BDP Quadrangle



PlazaCorp have just received assent from the city to change the address of 46 Wellesley Street East to 50.

Not a big deal; merely another piece of evidence that this project is moving forward.

46 Wellesley Street East

A chain link fence has gone up around the 4-storey brown brick office building at 46 Wellesley Street East and a large Pro-Green Demolition sign is hanging on the facade. I think it used to be the St. John's Ambulance offices, but was approved quite a while ago for a 25-storey (approx.) condo. Let's hope it doesn't become a parking lot.

Oops - perhaps I should have put this in the Condo Sales thread in Toronto Issues but I don't know how to move it.
Ya I saw that too. I thought the building where The Mix variety store is (40 Wellesley) would be developed first as it seemed to be further along in the process. This was posted many moons ago of 46 Wellesley, I have it listed as being 28 stories for whatever reason -

Ya I saw that too. I thought the building where The Mix variety store is (40 Wellesley) would be developed first as it seemed to be further along in the process. This was posted many moons ago of 46 Wellesley, I have it listed as being 28 stories for whatever reason -

Yes, that's the one. I don't think 40 Wellesley has been approved and I doubt very much they will get the height that they are seeking, whereas I'm fairly certain that 46 Wellesley was approved by the City about a hundred years ago. Thanks for posting the elevation.
is that the buildng with the boarded up heritage house attached to its back?
Yes, it can be best from Paul Kane Parkette area
Now, I am not one of those people who will always say that retail HAS to go into the ground floor of all buildings (there are many who say this), but in THIS particular building, as well as with 22 Wellesley, I think it would have been wise. That strip of Wellesley is quite heavily trafficed and would be well servived by a restaurant or 2
That line drawing points to a depressingly dull design. Let's hope it has improved by the time the renderings are out.

I'd contacted Plazacorp back in 2004 when I first started considering a pre-construction purchase and I recall them saying they planned to start marketing in Spring 2005, but I guess the battle with 40 Wellesley put them well off that mark. I think the earlier comment that they've had approval for the project for quite a while is correct.

Regarding 40 Wellesley - I think the original proposal was opposed and they've had to go back to the drawing board regarding both design and height.
This strip of redevelopment is definitely a missed opportunity for a few spaces of retail like a Second Cup or the like. Foot traffic is very heavy in this stretch from early morning until late at night.
that beast parked out front must be a damn scary site for a building
28 floors was the last proposal on the books
