500 Sherbourne Condos (Times Group Corporation) - Real Estate -

all working now, not sure what the problem was, but told Kyle Tuesday and he sent someone up. just in time for a cool weekend when we don't need it anyway lol. Has anyone heard when the building is going to be registered? I asked Kyle but he hasn't replied as yet.
So the majority of the issues have been fixed. I think there are maybe 2 minor things left.

The landscaping on the south side has turned out quite nice.

Still holding out hope that the BBQ's will be ready before it gets too cold :)
I went by my unit last friday and showed Kyle my deficiencies. Hopefully, they fix my floors and baseboards. Kyle mentioned that the building may not register until December. He said something about the units across the street not being occupied until late November or early December. Not sure why its relevant. Anyone shed some light on the registration issue. My unit is sitting empty and would hate to pay occupany fees until then.
did he mean the loft building? I didn't think that mattered.

Yes like the landscaping, wish there was more grass instead of cat litter though.

we are still having difficulty with our thermostat, getting it looked at tomorrow, does anyone know if the display needs batteries? as the display flickers now and then. getting our centre island fixed tomorrow, the last major deficiency, just a few smalll ones to go now lol. think more people must be moving to our floor, all the units are getting cleaned. damn, liked being the only ones lol
I think they might be registering the two buildings separately. Loft building's moving at a pretty good clip now.

As for neighbours...I think my floor save for a unit or 2 is completely moved in. I have neighbours above, below and on either side. Soundproofing's pretty decent as I don't really hear much besides the typical condo noises.

I've noticed that the BBQ's have been moved...so perhaps they're now outside...the kitchen/prep area is now empty so the patio should be open soon I'm thinking.

The gravel has kinda grown on me.
Yes, we have someone above and below, hear the odd coin drop, but not much else. we had better have our housewarming before anyone else moves in lol. maybe we can use the BBQ's too!
Too bad, I was expecting this building to register in October......probably should have rented the unit for 1yr.
What does everyone think about the fence? I like it between building and park (there should be a gate for us to get through however) but in front of the building I think it looks horrible.
Its unnecessary to have a fence there. What's the purpose?

Also the quality of the front steps is terrible. When it rains water sits on the steps and there are a bunch of chips in the concrete. Do you think they will replace or repair this?
Its pretty ugly!

At least one of the units on the 34th floor is moved in. Why would it take till Jan to register?
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It would be nice to have a gate so you can cut through the park....I agree.

in front of the building? You mean on the Sherbourne side? That's really not the front of the building. Um, I think it would have looked better without the fence, you're right but it's not that bad, I can live with it. Haven't noticed the water issue with the steps...I'll keep an eye out for it.
They are going to submit their application for registration very soon. I think it takes a long time for the city to process it. It should be done by mid-December, but since December is a slow month everywhere, they are saying January.

RE Chipped Steps:

Again, does anyone know of any legalese surrounding the condition of common areas before the building is turned over? Is the builder required to fix chipped/stained pre-cast on the outside of the building? Do the steps need to be fixed? Will scratches on the elevator doors and bad paint jobs in the hallways be corrected?

How can we ensure this stuff is looked after before they hand us the building?
Will that mean we have to pay 2011 property tax upfront if it doesn't register until then?

I have noticed the rain accumulating on the steps, I don't know why they put an entrance there, we never use it, would have been better on the side with the drive way.

Sorry I have no idea who is responsible for the outside deficiencies.
They are going to submit their application for registration very soon. I think it takes a long time for the city to process it. It should be done by mid-December, but since December is a slow month everywhere, they are saying January.

RE Chipped Steps:

Again, does anyone know of any legalese surrounding the condition of common areas before the building is turned over? Is the builder required to fix chipped/stained pre-cast on the outside of the building? Do the steps need to be fixed? Will scratches on the elevator doors and bad paint jobs in the hallways be corrected?

How can we ensure this stuff is looked after before they hand us the building?

No worries, what isn't fixed in the common areas after registration will be addressed by a full building audit by a certified firm that specializes in this area, the the Board must follow through with this. They hire a firm that specializes in examining everything from the top of the roof down to the bottom level of the basement. All details big and small from deficiencies to quality of workmanship are carefully examined and then a full detailed report is sent to the developer and copied to Tarion & the BoD for remediation.
No worries, what isn't fixed in the common areas after registration will be addressed by a full building audit by a certified firm that specializes in this area, the the Board must follow through with this. They hire a firm that specializes in examining everything from the top of the roof down to the bottom level of the basement. All details big and small from deficiencies to quality of workmanship are carefully examined and then a full detailed report is sent to the developer and copied to Tarion & the BoD for remediation.

Thank you so much! I've been looking for an answer for months now. This is good to know.

Are you of the opinion that the first thing a condo board should do is fire the developer-appointed property management company?
