Developer: JFC Capital ULC
Address: 311 Bay St., Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo, Hotel)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2012
Height: 925 ft / 281.93 mStoreys: 58 storeys
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Toronto St Regis Toronto Hotel and Residences | 281.93m | 58s | JFC Capital | Zeidler




Pre-construction Pricing Ends Soon!

Dear Andrew, (a.k.a) WHISTLER

Thank you for your interest in Trump International Hotel & Tower, Toronto. If you have not yet purchased a suite, I encourage you to do so soon. With over $200-million now sold at Trump Toronto, the window of opportunity for you to buy at pre-construction pricing will soon be closing.

Construction plans for Canada's first historic Trump property will soon be announced. Now is the time to act.

Due to growing demand, we have just implemented the first of many price increases. Prices will continue to rise steadily over the next few months. And once construction begins, prices will skyrocket. Don't miss this opportunity to maximize your investment potential.

Contact your Trump Toronto sales executive soon to lock in a great suite at a great pre-construction price. Because, as I've said before: 'there’s nothing like a great piece of real estate and getting simultaneously, a great deal.'

With $200-million now sold, this is your final opportunity to purchase at pre-construction pricing!

The Residences start at 1,299-sq. ft. and are currently priced from the $900,000's. Hotel condominiums from the $700,000's (CAD).

Similar Trump International properties have historically had substantial equity growth—setting the pace of local price appreciation and often exceeding other investment vehicles.

Pre-construction buyers at my Trump International Hotel & Tower, Chicago (now under construction) saw their initial purchase values rise over 90% in just 12 months. Currently, prices at Trump Chicago have appreciated to over $1,250-a sq. ft.
Video is old ;) And got the e-mail too, seems like the same one I got a month or two ago :rollin
The letter has no dates or timelines (when is soon?). When did they say construction was to begin? I thought they mentioned this spring or early summer.
Prices will continue to rise steadily over the next few months. And once construction begins, prices will skyrocket.

One can only assume not until mid to late fall if not longer.
Smells like desparation to me. How many times do you send an email like this out. Especially for a high end project.
Another email! Can trumptoronto be far behind, in another misplaced attempt to juice sales hereabouts?
Good idea - skyrocket the already way above market prices once construction starts... Good way to prevent sales to anyone who wanted to buy at current prices but didn't want to risk investing until they knew the building would be built. This kind of approach work when prices are a deal pre-construction..but seriously... not at this price point.
Its too bad - it would be such a great addition to the city.
"Another email! Can trumptoronto be far behind, in another misplaced attempt to juice sales hereabouts?"

It'd be funny if The Apprentice winners are really just interns hired to do exactly that kind of stuff all day long. Pore over internet forums, spread rumours in elevators, hand out flyers, etc.
I'd be happier to see a mailing announcing a complete redesign. That 'Taj Mahal Casino' thingie proposed for the top of the building gives me hives.
God. Pity the person whose *job* it is to pore over this forum. You're either here as a labour of love, or not at all...
I don't know if it's been changed. It's visible in the renderings on the site, though. It's the North-West corner - as it rises to the roof, it tapers off in a kind of spire-ish-thingie.
I do not like it.

I'm not that hot on the tower design, either - especially compared to the company's tower design currently going up in Chicago. I think ours looks a bit chintzy.

That said, I'm looking forward to seeing a tall building on this site.

I think the "top hat" is actually Mr. Trump's pompador, that is if he paid for enough hair to be transplanted.
