Again, my "if" qualifier. However, as we know, and as we're seeing now, there might well be a multipronged, complicit strategy afoot--that is, if the push polling doesn't work. the strategic endorsements might. *Everyone's* working together here on this, to make Bailaomania a thing, to turn Bailao vs Chow into the new Eggleton vs Sewell, and helped by how though Kouvalis magic, Bailao's the most wolf-in-sheep's-clothing of Chow's opponents, emphasis upon the "sheep's clothing". I'm not saying it'll work--I'm saying, *watch* how it works, how it *might* work, and how they'll spin the final result. And, team Chow will be watching, too, at least from a longer-term 3-dimensional-electoral-chess POV...Because trusting the outlier polls from a company known for getting things wrong is a good idea?