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2019 Canadian Federal Election

My prediction is that these two are done with politics. They clearly do not understand political strategy and were only appointed due to the woman to men ratio that Trudeau arbitrarily mandated for his cabinet.
With dishonest clandestine recordings, the former AG was rubbish in the role and had to go. The ONLY reason for keeping her would be due to her gender, which is a disservice to the other women in caucus.
Just my opinion, but if Trudeau retains his job, he should pick the right people and ignore gender equality.
My prediction is that these two are done with politics. They clearly do not understand political strategy and were only appointed due to the woman to men ratio that Trudeau arbitrarily mandated for his cabinet.

No, we need her to be a spoiler in the Vancouver Granville riding. Jody please stay, if only for a little while longer.
Just my opinion, but if Trudeau retains his job, he should pick the right people and ignore gender equality.

Wilson-Reybold and Philpott were both exceedingly capable, scandal-free ministers with great CVs.

There is no evidence the would not have been included in any cabinet, based solely on their merits.

There are some male ministers in the Trudeau cabinet (and one or two other women) for whom the same cannot be said.

Further, I a party comes remotely close to being representative in its winning candidates (MPs) and has a majority government there should be 80+ women to choose from to fill about 14 spots in a gender-equal cabinet.

It really shouldn't a challenge to field a highly competent, highly accomplished cabinet, that is also representative in that respect (sex)
Wilson-Reybold and Philpott were both exceedingly capable, scandal-free ministers with great CVs.

There is no evidence the would not have been included in any cabinet, based solely on their merits.

There are some male ministers in the Trudeau cabinet (and one or two other women) for whom the same cannot be said.

Further, I a party comes remotely close to being representative in its winning candidates (MPs) and has a majority government there should be 80+ women to choose from to fill about 14 spots in a gender-equal cabinet.

It really shouldn't a challenge to field a highly competent, highly accomplished cabinet, that is also representative in that respect (sex)
The problem is his demand for a 50-50 cabinet will always give people who check off more minority boxes the top jobs over any other consideration. If you were a white male looking for a role as AG you may as well have not have submitted your application. JWR was basically guaranteed whatever cabinet position she wanted even if she was not 100% trusted which leads to issues like this. He could have opened up applications to anyone and potentially have had a more reliable voice for AG.

The funny thing is I truly believe that a copmpany called "First Nations Engineering Inc." asked for a deferred prosecution agreement she would not have hesitated.
The problem is his demand for a 50-50 cabinet will always give people who check off more minority boxes the top jobs over any other consideration.

Uhhhh, where did anyone suggest a quota based on one's racial, ethnic or religious status? This is about sex.

While it certainly would behoove any government to endeavour to put up a broadly representative cabinet, that is not what we are discussing here, so no advantage is granted.

Moreover, none would ever be granted if the candidate pools (elected MPs) were representative of Canada at large.

Which they should be, unless of course you are asserting that one group is inherently more suited to power than another?

If you were a white male looking for a role as AG you may as well have not have submitted your application.

You do realize that no one ever applies for a cabinet job. No matter their sex, race etc.

Also have a good look at our cabinet, are you really telling me there aren't enough white men in powerful positions?


Have a closer look at the Prime Minister's complexion, and the Finance Minister's, and the Minister of Justice's, and the Minister of Transportation's etc etc.

There are 14 white men in the cabinet, and 4 visible minority men. There are 17 women; that actually under represents women marginally. 3 of those women are minorities.

In total, 7 visible minorities are in cabinet posts, that is again, below their proportion of Canadian society.

The idea that there is some sort of conspiracy against white men is not only obnoxious, and offensive, but also blatantly untrue! PS, as a white man myself, I have never felt disadvantaged because of it.

JWR was basically guaranteed whatever cabinet position she wanted even if she was not 100% trusted which leads to issues like this. He could have opened up applications to anyone and potentially have had a more reliable voice for AG.

JWR was an attorney, and a former crown prosecutor with an excellent CV. She's articulate, intelligent and there is no evidence she is not trustworthy. She was eminently qualified for the post.

The funny thing is I truly believe that a copmpany called "First Nations Engineering Inc." asked for a deferred prosecution agreement she would not have hesitated.

There's nothing funny about your delusions that frankly appear outright racist, seeing as you have presented no factual evidence to support your supposition.
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Doug Ford is messing with unions, teachers and slashing health care. The federal Liberals must love this
Doug Fords actions will have little bearing on federal election results. The protests today were for relatively minor cuts to education based on shrinking enrolment in Ontario schools. The class size issue is overblown. The only real issue is the mandatory e-learning which I am hoping will be more flexible since it’s not suited for everyone but it is good exposure to future work training as that’s mostly eLearning. The devil is in the details of how they roll that piece out.

The MSM and SM are screaming too loud on any minor changes to funding. The Tories are implementing cuts for sure but that was expected and what voters asked for. They voted for austerity and they shall have it.

Trudeau is toast due to his personal brand being burned by how he royalty f%^*{d up the SNC mess. It would have been a non-issue had he owned up to the mistake and apologize.
Doug Fords actions will have little bearing on federal election results. The protests today were for relatively minor cuts to education based on shrinking enrolment in Ontario schools. The class size issue is overblown. The only real issue is the mandatory e-learning which I am hoping will be more flexible since it’s not suited for everyone but it is good exposure to future work training as that’s mostly eLearning. The devil is in the details of how they roll that piece out.

The MSM and SM are screaming too loud on any minor changes to funding. The Tories are implementing cuts for sure but that was expected and what voters asked for. They voted for austerity and they shall have it.

Trudeau is toast due to his personal brand being burned by how he royalty f%^*{d up the SNC mess. It would have been a non-issue had he owned up to the mistake and apologize.

It's becoming almost cultlike how influential the anti-Fords think they are at deciding the federal election. To dyed-in-the-wool true blue fiscal conservatives, Ford's doing absolutely nothing unexpected or "extreme". Austerity, attrition, finding efficiencies are all common tropes of a modern PC government and what one would come to expect after a mounting $346 billion debt shortfall that could take 100 years to erase if left unchecked.

People are acting as though attempting to change the status quo in any shape or form is fundamentally wrong. It is not necessarily. I'd await the budget before casting too much judgement on that.

As for Ford hurting Scheer's chances? How? If anything, Ontario is setting up the blueprint of ideas the Federal Cons can model. Outside of the cities of Toronto and Ottawa proper, the Conservatives are polling at a healthy margin above their competitors. 35 seats out of 124 out of 338, won't decide the election. The media would love for Scheer to shun Ford, but methinks he'll be the marquee special guest at this summer's FordFest.
Doug Fords actions will have little bearing on federal election results. The protests today were for relatively minor cuts to education based on shrinking enrolment in Ontario schools. The class size issue is overblown. The only real issue is the mandatory e-learning which I am hoping will be more flexible since it’s not suited for everyone but it is good exposure to future work training as that’s mostly eLearning. The devil is in the details of how they roll that piece out.

The class size issue is a larger issue than you give it credit for.

Here's the problem.

Lifting the 'average' to 28, means for you expect a fluctuating number, let's say, between 22-34 (6 up or 6 down). Though this runs into questions of what a minimum size is to run a course section......but I digress

Even w/this very low level of fluctuation, I can tell you there are very few science labs set up w/more than 24 stations in Ontario schools (some have less).

My niece has a science class w/24 in it now, in which students have to 'share' lab space.

Most computer labs don't exceed this size either.

Even many general high school class rooms are very full and near their fire code limits, which are often as low as 25; sometimes 30 may be physically possible.

Ontario has simply not built class rooms for 30+ in generations, if ever.

An average of 28 simply isn't workable; a CAP of 28 should be, at most schools.

But the proposal doesn't lift a cap, it lifts the average.

The key to this is the funding formula.

If you assume that good education in science and comp. sci means each student gets their own work station; a system wide refit is a non-starter in the near term...........

That means those classes are capped at between 18-24 depending on classroom set up.

Let's saw them off in the middle at 21............they represent about 20% of High School Courses...........

That makes the 'average' for the rest more like 30........

There is a serious mathematical problem here.

Schools have neither the desks nor the space for classes of this size, totally apart from teacher-student ratio.

Its too big a move, on a systemic basis, all at once.

It is also contra-indicated by the best academic research; which shows optimal class size for achievement varies between 15-22; though can skew higher in lecture-format courses.

Regardless its a problem. Were it implemented selectively, and with a clear capital plan to meet space requirements; and phased in over a reasonable period, it might be defensible; but alas, it is none of those.
Remember the episode of The Simpsons where they had two levels of desks in classrooms? I think Lisa was President in it. That was the first thing that came to mind.
The funny thing is I truly believe that a copmpany called "First Nations Engineering Inc." asked for a deferred prosecution agreement she would not have hesitated.
What does this mean? It can never be proven.

I interpret it that because she MIGHT have broke the law and interfered in the independent prosecution, it's ok for Trudeau to ACTUALLY break the law.
I believe people should be charged for breaking the law, not for being suspected of potentially breaking the law in the future if certain circumstances should arise.
The class size issue is a larger issue than you give it credit for.

Here's the problem.

Lifting the 'average' to 28, means for you expect a fluctuating number, let's say, between 22-34 (6 up or 6 down). Though this runs into questions of what a minimum size is to run a course section......but I digress

Even w/this very low level of fluctuation, I can tell you there are very few science labs set up w/more than 24 stations in Ontario schools (some have less).

My niece has a science class w/24 in it now, in which students have to 'share' lab space.

Most computer labs don't exceed this size either.

Even many general high school class rooms are very full and near their fire code limits, which are often as low as 25; sometimes 30 may be physically possible.

Ontario has simply not built class rooms for 30+ in generations, if ever.

An average of 28 simply isn't workable; a CAP of 28 should be, at most schools.

But the proposal doesn't lift a cap, it lifts the average.

The key to this is the funding formula.

If you assume that good education in science and comp. sci means each student gets their own work station; a system wide refit is a non-starter in the near term...........

That means those classes are capped at between 18-24 depending on classroom set up.

Let's saw them off in the middle at 21............they represent about 20% of High School Courses...........

That makes the 'average' for the rest more like 30........

There is a serious mathematical problem here.

Schools have neither the desks nor the space for classes of this size, totally apart from teacher-student ratio.

Its too big a move, on a systemic basis, all at once.

It is also contra-indicated by the best academic research; which shows optimal class size for achievement varies between 15-22; though can skew higher in lecture-format courses.

Regardless its a problem. Were it implemented selectively, and with a clear capital plan to meet space requirements; and phased in over a reasonable period, it might be defensible; but alas, it is none of those.
I agree it’s a problem. Is it the end of the world? No. It’s a cut. Can schools figure it out. Yes. Absolutely I agree that it will cause problems for classes like Science and CS where bench or computers are needed. This means that schools will drop small classes below 20 students and there will be larger classes for English/History, etc above 30 to make it work.
