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2018 Ontario Provincial Election Discussion

Oh, don't you worry about me. I'm well-trained in rolling my eyes into the back of my head when I hear people talking straight rubbish to me. I studied poli sci in university and one of the courses I am most grateful for was my Critical Thinking class in second year. The single most important piece of education I have ever received, bar none.

This reminds me about how pissed off I get watching the bullshit that is QP. If I wasn't really healthy I'm sure my doctors would be telling me that it's bad for my heart or blood pressure.
Well then they'd be the perfect ones to investigate, ne c'est pas? Knowing all about sexual harassment gives them a leg up.
I don't usually follow Post Media that closely, but note that Chris Selley's latest comment piece is appearing in both the Stun and Pest (and it's actually good journalism, albeit Selley usually is pretty adept at being on the mark)

Of course Post Media is steeped in OntCon history. They do have a dog in this fight, and I suspect they'll be leaning heavily to support Caroline, all the time trying to appear neutral.
Actually I don't know about the Post - and Selley was fairly mute about choices in his commentary, but I do note that you are leaning heavily to support Caroline.;)

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Actually I don't know about the Post - and Selley was fairly mute about choices in his commentary, but I do note that you are leaning heavily to support Caroline.;)

She's not that heavy, physically. I'll backtrack a bit, since they haven't shown their hand clearly yet on a favourite, but there appears to be a clear editorial bent in both against the status quo. Perhaps it's just the wish to see the party run in a way that it can get elected? I don't see Fedeli captivating Average Ont voter. I certainly see Mulroney doing so, or at least the potential to do so. Unfortunately, I don't see the bundle of backstabbers in the caucus anointing her.
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The Conservatives seem to be going out of their way to let everyone know they'd be even more incompetent than the Liberals.

With more goodies set to come from Wynne and a consistently ineffective Howarth, a Liberal majority doesn't seem far fetched at all.
The Conservatives seem to be going out of their way to let everyone know they'd be even more incompetent than the Liberals.

With more goodies set to come from Wynne and a consistently ineffective Howarth, a Liberal majority doesn't seem far fetched at all.
What's really notable is how Fedeli is fanning the flames of angst, instead of doing what he claimed had to be done. He's punching himself in the face while screaming: "You deserved that". There may not be a party left for the likes of outsiders to save and take to victory. That may however allow something more sensible and representative of "Progressive" conservatism to spring from the ashes. Whether that could happen in time to win the next election remains an open question. I can't see Fedeli leading the party anywhere except in circles.
The Conservatives seem to be going out of their way to let everyone know they'd be even more incompetent than the Liberals.

With more goodies set to come from Wynne and a consistently ineffective Howarth, a Liberal majority doesn't seem far fetched at all.

Well know exactly how irrelevant the Ontario NDP are if they can't even formulate a plan to win in this climate amidst the over the top Liberal scandal and Conservative self destruction. I'm starting to wonder if this specific admin has become a quiet extension of the Liberal party. Still time left, but seriously something isn't right here either. Any serious party would be contending based on default inn this climate
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What's really notable is how Fedeli is fanning the flames of angst, instead of doing what he claimed had to be done. He's punching himself in the face while screaming: "You deserved that". There may not be a party left for the likes of outsiders to save and take to victory. That may however allow something more sensible and representative of "Progressive" conservatism to spring from the ashes. Whether that could happen in time to win the next election remains an open question. I can't see Fedeli leading the party anywhere except in circles.

I think that happened under Brown, to some degree. It's going to have to continue if they want any chance of winning.

Questions will linger for quite some time though. The actual election day is just over about 4 months away. Debates, etc. will be happening in the next 2.5-3 months. Can they move past all of this by then?

It's going to be incredibly difficult, and that's assuming nothing else comes out.
Wynne has got to be thanking her lucky stars right now. I can't believe the PC Party has become such a rampaging dumpster fire in such a brief amount of time. It's unreal.

If Doug runs, it’s going to get very dirty. That’s how he plays. Even if Mulroney emerges the victor, she’s going to come out with a bloody nose.

It occurs to me that in a Ford vs. Mulroney Steel Cage Death Match, dear old Thug will be able to double down on the usual "Common Man Against the Evil Elites" shtick that is the Ford family's stock in trade. As I said earlier, Mulroney isn't just a product of a burgeoning political dynasty, she's the offspring of a man who s primarily responsible (in this country) for the past 30 to 40 years of stagnating wages, declining standards, vanishing middle class, shitty government, the Rich snatching everything while the rest of us fight over crumbs, etc. etc. etc. And it's a dead certainty she enthusiastically agreed with every despicable step her old man took on that front. As we can see from the current occupant of the White House, phoney populism is a handy method to electoral success these days, even if the charlatan employing it isn't even remotely sincere. All one needs is the balls to go that route, a quality Thuggo-O is not exactly lacking in.

Of course, Dofo is the product of a political dynasty of his own, albeit a crappy, small-time backwards, bargain basement political dynasty. (Remember when sainted Mother Diane was delusional enough to compare her clan to the Kennedys?) Not that he'll acknowledge that inconvenient li'l factoid if he goes down this road, needless to say.
To flip this back over....and waiting for the prick to drip, whoops, pin to drop...anyone care to guess the kerfuffle behind the scenes in the OntLib camp? "If anyone has even a *possibility* of being named for harassment, you better step forward now because we'll lynch you publicly as a vengeful offering to the braying masses".

I'd say the chances of a Lib peccadillo dropping in the next few months is very high. It's happening with the Feds, albeit they're prepared for damage control, are the QP Libs as well prepared? You can bet your kinky booties the Cons have investigators looking to trip the Libs on this. *ANY* kind of 'indiscretion' will do.

Meantime, to at least show this isn't a 'local thing':
British MPs could lose their seats under new sex and bullying rules
British MPs found to have engaged in sexual harassment or bullying could lose their seats under a new independent grievances and complaints procedure for staff working at Westminster.

The proposals, composed by a cross-party working group of MPs and staff, include granting the parliamentary commissioner for standards new powers to suspend MPs from the House, which could lead to “recall” — a process that can result in the loss of seats. The plans, seen by the Financial Times, are due to be finalised on Monday and are expected to be published later this week.

Click here to read more.

For a one time access to the above, enter the *words* in the link: "British MPs could lose their seats under new sex and bullying rules" into Google. This isn't 'cheating'. The FT welcomes Googlers to read their articles.

"The group has proposed an independent grievance procedure, which includes a contact person in parliament and a dedicated phone line for reporting, an opportunity for informal resolutions, and independent investigators to consider evidence. It sets out that final decisions on cases will be made by the parliamentary commissioner for standards, “who is, of course, independent”.

This might well be a model for QP to follow, rather than the Federal one emerging. I like the mention of "independent investigators". Such already exists in a number of QP ministries and Speaker as precedent, some completely independent.
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But it's edgy, gets clicks, gains attention, and most importantly it keeps them in the news. Who cares if it's real or not. Any publicity is good publicity. This is why I think it's Ford matriarch-related. They took advantage of this notion, and sure enough more often than not it works!

Good eye. Well timed
