Interesting. This is a fairly important building for this stretch of Dupont with a handful of notable businesses located here along with office space up top.
Immediate precedent is 299 Campbell, across the street at 14s but just to the north there is a 26s precedent that I imagine may be of note to the team working on this.
Comments: Site would comfortably fit 2 towers; but does abut SFH, across a narrow lane to the west, and a limited amount to the east and south.
To me, the logical play would be something close to tower height near Dupont, stepping down to mid rise to the south, hopefully w/o a weird pyramid look. Tower would like have a N-S orientation given the dimensions of the site.
Yeah, this feels like it would be a net loss despite the desperately needed housing. It's not a remarkable building in any way, but it hosts so many small businesses that losing it in one fell swoop would immediately sanitize the community and make it a worse place to live. ...But this is the type of thing that you get when the houses next to it are exempt from intensification..
On a related side note, studio space like this seems very hard to come by right now. I know there is a lot of office vacancy at the corporate level, but these types of spaces seem like they're in high demand. Thats anecdotal, based on my own search for a studio.