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1265-1277 York Mills Road (@Parkwoods Village Dr, Diamond Corp, new retail) COMPLETE

The current condition of the facilities is certainly in need of some updating. The conceptual drawing looks more or less the same as it does now, except for the additional building(s) on the west side. Despite now having two Dollaramas so closely spaced together, considering the demographics of the community served, there probably won't be any major complaints.


The developers noted that this is currently a "highly successful centre" and that they're anticipating the "2,200 new residential units planned just west of the site", referring to The Ravine ( While I'm not sure if these 2 new projects will result in a noticeable change to the landscape of the neighborhood, refreshing what's already there can only improve the community when it's all said and done.
Looks like you guys called it. I just came across this:


So much for the condos. Looks like some renovation to the Shopper's and Food Basics, a Dollarama (ugh, whatever), and a bunch of new retail space where the gas station used to be. Here's hoping they make a go of it.

Let me speculate a bit. The retail structure they're putting up at the northwest corner of the site is part of the original proposal, but the the renovation of the rest, I believe, is just a deferral of building the condos which, I'm guessing, will/may be built at a future date. Let me explain why I believe this. A friend that lives fairly close by had gone to the earlier community consultations and she said that one big issue at the time with the proposal is that any kids that were to live in these condos would have to be bused to a school in a different area. I know that several years ago, Brookbanks Public School (a stone's throw from this site to the south on Brookbanks Dr.) was closed due to low enrollment, but it has since been occupied by Crestwood Preparatory College, a private school. Also, at least some of the children that would have gone to Brookbanks P.S. now go to Three Valleys P.S. which itself has four portables (the last I checked). Maybe the developer is waiting (or hoping) for the TDSB to reclaim the former Brookbanks P.S. before building their condos. After all, having to bus kids to an out-of-area school makes these condos a harder sell.
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That's interesting. What, then, would happen to the Crestwood students if the school was to become public again? I can't imagine what you're surmising will take place. There are so many schools in the Parkwoods area; maybe one of them could be expanded? Speaking of bused in students; that's exactly what happens at nearby Milne Valley.

It's also ridiculous for the TDSB to be closing schools due to low enrollment. That isn't going to be a perpetual issue, as the city is only going to get larger and said schools will be needed in the future.

Do you have any idea what retail is going into the new construction at York Mills & Fenside, which you mentioned above? The steel framing seems to be all in place; shouldn't be long until this is complete.
I don't know what the arrangement is with Crestwood. I'm guessing that they're leasing the property, rather than owning, in which case they can't be evicted at will. Perhaps, the TDSB may be waiting until their lease runs out. Again, I'm speculating. I wouldn't worry too much about Crestwood; they've re-located their school before and not necessarily close to their previous locations.

When they decided to close Brookbanks P.S. this was before the condo boom of recent years. Changing demographics resulting in lower concentrations of children compared to earlier periods with higher concentrations had been the story for some time. If some schools are experiencing capacity issues now, it's probably because of an influx of children from new local higher density residential developments.

Milne Valley used to be Milneford Junior High School many years ago. Again, because of declining enrollment at the time, Milne Valley was the result of consolidation with another school, Herron Valley Junior High School. Milne Valley became a middle school after they got rid of Grade 13. I don't know the current makeup of the students, but the students that are bused in probably come from the area south of Lawrence, bounded by Victoria Park Ave, Eglinton Ave. and the Don Valley, the area formerly served by Herron Valley J.H.S.

I think the reasons for the capacity issues at Three Valleys P.S. has to do, first, with the extra students taken on from what would have been Brookbanks students and the fact that this school also houses a daycare facility now that I don't think it had back then. However, with four portables, practically, they don't have any more capacity. The current philosophy of the TDSB (or maybe the philosophy that's imposed on them by the province) is that it's more efficient to consolidate students at fewer schools (even if it means using portables and busing students) than keeping too many under-capacity schools.

I don't have any inside info on who will be the retail tenants in the new retail structure, but I'll bet anyone that there will be a Tim Hortons!
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Milne Valley was always a middle school, no? I went there over 20 years ago and it was just grades 6-8. There were 6 grade 6 classes, 6 grade 7 classes and I believe, 5 grade 8 classes. My brother went there nearly 30 years ago and it was also just a middle school then. Maybe I'm misinterpreting you. By getting rid of Grade 13, do you mean replacing it with OAC; in contrast to the removal of OAC, about a decade ago and high school ending with Grade 12?

Yes, I think the students are bused in from Victoria Village.

Yes. A Tim Hortons, for sure, and probably a Subway. Maybe the old St. Hubert on Lawrence Ave E, adjacent to the CPR rail line, will make a comeback in these new digs, lol. That restaurant seemed to sit empty for years before finally turning into a short lived bar.
I did write "...many years ago," didn't I? That's even before your brother went to Milne Valley. The school most definitely was Milneford J.H.S. when it was built and stayed a J.H.S. until (I don't remember the exact year) sometime early to mid-80's. You interpreted right; replacing Grade 13 with OAC, maybe incorrectly, in my mind was the same as doing away with it.

There shouldn't be any capacity issues at Milne Valley or high school thereafter, though. I'm also considering that with the Ravine condos being built at Valley Woods Rd., it would especially make sense for the TDSB to reclaim Brookbanks P.S. rather than busing students elsewhere.

By the way, there was a really, really greasy Caribbean take-out place hidden away at Parkwoods Plaza that happened to move to Donwoods Plaza just across from Milne Valley. I didn't know the name of it when it was at Parkwoods, but at Donwoods it's called Alwyn's. Fortunately, it doesn't appear to be so greasy at its new location.
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I did write "...many years ago," didn't I? That's even before your brother went to Milne Valley. The school most definitely was Milneford J.H.S. when it was built and stayed a J.H.S. until (I don't remember the exact year) sometime early to mid-80's. You interpreted right; replacing Grade 13 with OAC, maybe incorrectly, in my mind was the same as doing away with it.

There shouldn't be any capacity issues at Milne Valley or high school thereafter, though. I'm also considering that with the Ravine condos being built at Valley Woods Rd., it would especially make sense for the TDSB to reclaim Brookbanks P.S. rather than busing students elsewhere.

By the way, there was a really, really greasy Caribbean take-out place hidden away at Parkwoods Plaza that happened to move to Donwoods Plaza just across from Milne Valley. I didn't know the name of it when it was at Parkwoods, but at Donwoods it's called Alwyn's. Fortunately, it doesn't appear to be so greasy at its new location.
Good point re The Ravine condos. That's going to bring something like 6, 000 new residents to the area. That would certainly put some pressure on Crestwood to move to another location. If Brookbanks is reclaimed, say goodbye to that well maintained track and field built. That will become a muddy, neglected mess, like all other TDSB green spaces.

Allwyn's was always the name (I eat their frequently). In what way is it not as greasy? Are you referring to the food or the condition of the restaurant? The location at Parkwoods Plaza was revolting (I'm surprised it wasn't closed down for health and safety reasons) and ridiculously crammed. One can now get an oxtail sandwich there. That was recently added to the menu. Gotta try that sometime soon.
