Developer: City of Toronto
Architect: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, Adamson Associates Architects
Address: 92 Front St E, Toronto
Category: Institutional, Commercial (Office, Retail), Public Space / Park
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 83 ft / 25.30 mStoreys: 5 storeys
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Toronto St Lawrence Market North | 25.3m | 5s | City of Toronto | Rogers Stirk Harbour

The option of using the Market Square parking garage seems the best one to me. Its the simplest soultion.
I agree. If they are moving Court Services to St. Lawrence Market, does this mean just the bureacrats, or are they going to build courtrooms for Provincial Offenses Court too?
The St. Lawrence Market area is already a significant tourist attraction. A redeveloped North
Market building that has the dual civic functions of a public market and a court house would
greatly contribute to this area as a destination place.

Sounds good to me.
Every time this comes up I say this, I wish the design of the building were more interesting, rather than a "ye olde market buillding" type of thing.
Yes, a modern interpretation of 'ye olde market building' would be cool and I am the first to slam faux-historic, but in this context, it will do little harm.

My concern is the delay. Let's hope they get underway before the end of the year.
I don't have a problem with ye old market as long as they do it right. Aren't they proposing to rebuild what was there at one time? I always thought that this area could be our version of Boston's Faneuil Hall / Quincy Market (which by the way, has the best food court in the world).
Faux can be done well, although often it's not. If there's a spot where faux is appropriate, it's there. Anyway, I thought the building was redesigned making it more contemporary... am I imagining this?
Boldly stealing the proportions and the essence of the design of the St.Lawrence Hall immediately to the north - and doing something contemporary and complementary - is a perfectly workable solution. It might also be faced in the same stone, if it is still available. Uninspiring faux copyism isn't the only way to blend in.
This may be logistically insane, but would a pedestrian square or commons on Front St. between the two halls be a good idea? I can't really picture traffic flow around there but maybe Jarvis and Church could serve as north/south arteries to divert the east/west traffic along Front and Wellington around the square? It might be somewhat derivative of Faneuil Hall but you can never have enough open, public areas like this downtown, especially as the city's population and density continues to grow so rapidly.
tudar, I totally agree with your suggestion, and think an open market square with a coolio canopy would be idea.
Ah, but if it still existed, you can be sure that anyone proposing its removal would be condemned as a barbaric philistine, or an ignorant yahoo from Doug Holyday country, etc...
