Developer: Conservatory Group
Architect: Richmond Architects
Address: 30 Grand Trunk Crescent, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 35 storeys
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Infinity Condos (Conservatory Group) - Real Estate -


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Oct 15, 2011
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Hi guys.

I didn`t take it, what exactly they are building ?
Do they build four high raised buildings in this small place ?
(Ice 1-2, Infinity 3-4)

Does anybody has exact plan ?
The PWC building is the one that is already built. The one you have labelled as PWC is going to be the Delta, and the one you have labelled as Delta will be Bremner Tower. Also, you have the Ice towers switched. The one on the left will be the taller one.
The PWC building is the one that is already built. The one you have labelled as PWC is going to be the Delta, and the one you have labelled as Delta will be Bremner Tower. Also, you have the Ice towers switched. The one on the left will be the taller one.

How about the number (3), the yellow one. it would be the building there as well ?
The PWC building is the one that is already built. The one you have labelled as PWC is going to be the Delta, and the one you have labelled as Delta will be Bremner Tower. Also, you have the Ice towers switched. The one on the left will be the taller one.

How about infinity 3 and 4. It would be like that ?
What would happen with price for 51 Lower Simcoe condo ? Will in increase or decrease then they build all this buildings ? What do you think ?
