Developer: St. Michael's Hospital
Address: 131 Victoria St, Toronto
Category: Institutional (Health Care)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 17 storeys
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Toronto St Michael's Hospital Patient Care Tower & Emergency Department | ?m | 17s | St. Michael's | NORR

6. 30 BOND ST
File Number: A0382/10TEY Zoning QT6.0 (PPR)
Owner(s): ST. MICHAEL'S HOSPITAL[ Ward: Toronto Centre-Rosedale (27)
McCarthy Tetrault
Property Address: 30 BOND ST Community:
Legal Description: PL 22A LTS 2-10 + LTS 48-56 EXEMPT PER SEC.3(1)6 OF THE ASSM'T ACT
R.S.O.(90) C.A.31
To construct a 17-storey addition to St Micheal Hospital (northwest corner of Queen Street East and Victoria
1. Section 1(2), By-Law 1999-68
The maximum permitted non-residential gross floor area is 102 000.0 m².
In this case, the non-residential gross floor area will be 121 625.0 m2.
2. Section 1(6), By-law 1999-68
One additional loading space, having dimensions of 18.3 m X 4.0 m is required to be provided.
In this case, no additional loading space will be provided.
3. Section 2, By-law 1999-68
Additions to the building may be constructed in not more than two phases within the areas shown
outlined with heavy lines on Plan 3 attached to the By-law.
The subject addition is not one of the phases shown on Plan 3 of By-law, 1999-68.
4. Section 3(1)(ii), By-law1999-68
Upon completion of Phase 1, not less than 35 parking spaces shall be provied and maintained on the lot.
In this case, 35 spaces will not be provided on the lot.
5. Section 3(1)(iv), By-law 1999-68
Upon completion of Phase 1, not less than 42 parking sapces shall be provided and maintained within
30 m of the lot.
In this case, the 42 off-site parking spaces to be provided on the properties at 26 Shuter Street and 209
Victoria Street are not permitted. as they are located further than 30 m from the lot.
6. Section 3(2), By-law 1999-68
Upon completion of Phase 2, landscaped courtyard space whall be provided in the locations indicated
on Plan 4 attached to and forming part of the By-alw.
In this case two of the areas idenitified as “landscaped courtyard space”, on Plan 4, will be occupied by
the addition and relocated medical gas tanks.
7. Section 4(2)(a), By-law 438-86
The maximum permitted building height is 46.0 m .
The building including the addition will have a height of 80.6 m.
8. Section 4(5)(b), By-law 438-86
A minimum of 79 additional on-site parking spaces are required to be provided for the addition.
In this case, no additional parking spaces will be provided..
Wow...Sick Kids now St.Mikes, the hospitals are on a roll.

This was actually on the St Mike's Research Building thread a day or so ago. The info is certainly better as a new thread but it should be noted that the application is to the Committee of Adjustment and it's not yet a real development proposal. They may just be tidying up loose ends so that ONE DAY they can move ahead. Let's hope it happens as this is a VERY ugly parking lot and loading dock area but ...
Before the new research building was launched, the Hospital (I don't care what they like to call themselves now) had the Shuter wing (NE corner of the warren of wings and corridors) planned as the next section to be torn down. It is as ugly as the now-demolished Annex buildings that were across the street, but taller and as crappy inside. The Bond wing is the oldest, but it is also quite lovely on the main floor and the front entrance.

I'm hoping that this is for real, that we be rid of that lot and the hospital rid of the Shuter wing.
I love the slightly messy, but intriguing architectural timelines presented by our hospitals. St. Mike's, and many others like St. Joseph's and the Princess Margaret read like a visual history of architectural styles; each new addition just crammed into whatever space is available. It feels very natural and organic, versus the many carefully manicured and banal site plans we see so often in residential developments.

I'm looking forward to seeing this one rise, Victoria Street has developed into quite the little canyon over the years.
The picture above looks like an incoherent mess (way too many 'parts' that fail to flow together). It almost looks like a bad post-modern Safdie design.
The parts flow together beautifully. The new addition mirrors the window patterns, columns, and even the mechanical floors. Things don't line up perfectly, but that doesn't make it incoherent. It's nothing like Metropolis where windows are out of alignment for no good reason.
Looks like restrained POMO to me, minus the porthole windows, which isn't a bad thing. Kind of reminds me of the Humana Building in Louisville.
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Nowhere near as OTT as Humana though. Yeesh, Michael Graves should not be allowed near another drafting table... (although he designs fun stuff for Target).

