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  1. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Directing logistics in a logistical manner, probably. Besides, it's the Palace of The People. It is in the literal sense, the public's office, the taxpayer is Rob's boss and who Rob as mayor, MINO, and soon councilor ultimately answers to. So in short, none of you, or anyone else's god dang...
  2. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Provincial Tories may theoretically have more safeguards, but if this is the same pack of dunderheads who thought Hudak would make a fine choice for leader, who could make inroads into the GTA, and Premier material. Then might as well just give another Liberal majority wrapped in a nice package...
  3. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This, a billion times. Then again Doug seems genuinely oblivious at times. Like if someone were to call him "champ" sarcastically, he may think it's genuinely complimenting him, since he seems to act like he's entitled to daily compliments or such.
  4. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    But Doug -was- mayor. Han Solo did not shoot first, it was Greedo who did. We have always been at war with Oceania. Here's photographic proof. The bobble head of the 2010-2014 mayor of TO. Written on the base are the words "Mayor Rob Ford", but that was a typo, it really should...
  5. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Bulk batteries, I heard Doug is -the- man to see if the city wants to save billions on bulk batteries purchases. Yes. Though there is still that COI case. And I would not mind reading a page 3 headline of "Rob Ford found guilty in COI case, also facing municipal election illegal...
  6. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well Doug was co-councilor and co-merryl after all. Rob did win back ward 2, and Mikey won a school trustee seat. A Ford win means -all- Fords win as well. You know, all for one and one for all kinda thing.
  7. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I've said it before in another thread, so apologies for repeating it here. If Tory is serious about building bridges and mending fences, I hope he doesn't waste too much time and energy trying to bring Rob and Doug in. Go to the people that King Rob claimed under his fiefdom instead. Not all...
  8. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Would Councilor Rob ver 1.5 do that though, realistic odds of it happening I mean. To me at least councilor Rob 1.0 was mostly a Lone Wolf baying out one note, in the key of F-major and minor. But what wondrous variations he got out of that one note performance. There was Rob being fairly...
  9. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Rob is still MINO until end of nov\dec 1 iirc no? While I'd like to see the Ford era end in an arrest of Rob and even sweeter, Doug, that's probably not going to happen anytime soon, piss-ibly ever. Hope the COI case will proven true in court however, and gets Rob tossed out. If that...
  10. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Strictly on the hypotheticals, maybe so when the sniffer dogs and the UV flashlight sweep of the office happens and something interesting is found. Rob can claim it has nothing to do with him since he vamoosed out of the office way before this happened? Plausible deniability uh I mean to...
  11. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Bullseye. The current system sounds ok on paper. In reality, pfft. Remember Rob showing up during advanced polls, claiming he's just helping folks like a good boyscout mayor. Rob ignoring an election worker's request for the MINO to leave? Esprit de corp and rousing feelings of...
  12. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yep. I like the code of conduct, but IMO it's worthless if it has no penalties, or enforcement. It merely becomes a list of suggestions, useless against those in power who are shameless or brazen enough to act like they own the town. In a somewhat related note, D. Dale's article re: 20...
  13. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yep. Let's see if JTory is more forthright and transparent. I already know what Rob's real gesture of respect for taxpayers is. And there's something really wrong when the satirical itinerary has more info than most of Rob's real itinerary.
  14. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    While I do agree with your point about the gig not necessarily being a 9-5 job. Key issue here thanks to Rob and Doug, is that trusting them to perform those duties without asking them to account even for days never mind minutes. It can become an exercise in futility and frustration. And fair...
  15. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Ok then how about... Five, hundred! Billion! Dollars..?
  16. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Again with the 5k. Is there some sort of special attachment to that specific amount for the Fords? It seems to come up rather often.
  17. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Would it be something like "hi hello I'm Dianne Ford WHY aren't you NICER to my Robbie?!" /a billion candlepower spotlight glare stare from the helicopter parent of the century to the new councilors
  18. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    If Doug does run, you're right that Dofo's 33% of TO votes will likely be his strongest pitch for why he deserves the mantle of Ontario PC leadership. He even came ahead against NDP stalwarts like Chow, and he didn't even run a full length camping season. I think it's not as solid as he thinks...
  19. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Number #1 is not impossible, but IMO that may mean implosion or further splintering of OPC, which despite some people's glee at the thought. I think one less party is not good for democracy in general. I'm hoping the OPC will tell Doug in no uncertain terms, to go pound sand. Number #2 is...
  20. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    50/50 odds IMO. Doug may ask for respect and privacy for the family. And announce a presser within the same day, you know something real classy like to show how much FoFam actually cares about Rob. Frankly, I would not be surprised if some of Rob's critics care more for him on a basic human...
