News   Jul 22, 2024
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News   Jul 22, 2024
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News   Jul 22, 2024
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  1. Roy's Square

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Bingo! That's exactly what the fuckers want.
  2. Roy's Square

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Alas, the PCs are particularly adept at precision fucking. Remember Harris's Education Ministry's notorious funding formula that was able to specifically target downtown Toronto schools?
  3. Roy's Square

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Also from the article . . . Ms. Shoichet is a biomedical engineer who is an expert in the study of drug delivery and tissue regeneration. So, Dime-bag Doug either saw her as part of the competition, or a narc.
  4. Roy's Square

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Doug Ford was spotted late this afternoon in the hallways of Toronto Western Hospital. So, who was he visiting? His sister? His mother? For family affairs, the Ford's have infamously favoured the Humber River Regional Hospital in Etobicoke, although there was a brief moment in #topoli lore...
  5. Roy's Square

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    I predict Don Cherry won't be alive to see that . . . nor Doug, for that matter. He already looks like a pimple getting ready to pop.
  6. Roy's Square

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Or make Etobi Coke again!
  7. Roy's Square

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Just a feeling based on the Ford family's priorities and the care they extend to anyone or anything outside that bubble. Also, I was being cynical, as is my wont.
  8. Roy's Square

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    I hate to be the first person to say this, but I'm pretty sure their dog is dead too . . . which no doubt Dianne would also blame on Renata.
  9. Roy's Square

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Maybe they'll just take away his powers and put Norm Kelly in charge.
  10. Roy's Square

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Well, for a start, some intrepid reporter could investigate why Kinga is living in one of Diane Ford's condos, and who exactly owns the lease to her car. ALLEGEDLY.
  11. Roy's Square

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Now, we all know about the the Ford family's connections to Ron Taverner of 23rd Division in Toronto, but aren't there also dodgy stories of their dealings with York, the OPP . . . and for that matter, anyone now in a position of authority to whom Doug sold hash back in the 1980s...
  12. Roy's Square

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Did anyone else hear this?
  13. Roy's Square

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Or maybe motion capture . . . though, come June, using the leader of Her Majesty's opposition might be cheaper.
  14. Roy's Square

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Rob was the underdog and slowly gained support. This election was Doug's to lose; and so far he's doing an excellent job.
  15. Roy's Square

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    I agree. There is no way Premier Doug could possibly govern in the minority. Bullying is alls he's got, and bullying don't work work when the folks you are bullying can kick you to the curb.
  16. Roy's Square

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
  17. Roy's Square

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    In the four years he was councillor, Doug never did anything remotely charitable without crowing about it in front of the cameras. If he had given away that much money, you can be sure it would've at the very least involved a giant novelty cheque.
  18. Roy's Square

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Maybe yes, maybe no—but what he really was was incredibly lucky to be be running in an election where most every NDP candidate won . . . except, of course, the sad sack in my riding whose campaign I joined. Still, we were all pretty happy that night.
