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  1. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And broadcasters are stymied as to why they are losing money to other content providers. Although, sounds right up the Ford alley.
  2. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Right. Not a member of Ford Nation but definitely a member of ABC -- anyone but Chow. You do realize that just posting "That sounds Like Chow." or "You must be thinking of Layton" is also trolling? Got it. You don't like Chow. Why you find a need to use Ford as an excuse to talk about...
  3. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think we might be surprised by how stupid Mikey can be. He's a Ford without life experience. I don't blame the literal kid though. He doesn't know better. However, his demon handlers definitely should. They are a disgusting clan.
  4. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm not sold on him until I see how well he can yell at a pothole.
  5. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yes, we all remember the famous politician Uncle Chow.
  6. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I also can't think of an explanation for the selfies. Also, if it is fake (I don't think it is) someone is dedicating a lot of time. It is a very active page.
  7. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    She sure does like some super random stuff. She follows everything from the Campbell's Soup Page to a plastic surgeon to a door manufacturer to Neville Park Photography.
  8. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't think it's fake simply because of the fact there are multiple selfie photos posted. I don't know how someone would get access to them and post them without having stolen her phone. Although, it's weird that under her Music Likes she's listed the following. She doesn't strike me as...
  9. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    haha, oookay. Jesus. April Fool's?
  10. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Learning that your father offered your mom to strangers for sex would mess some kids up. It's kind of a mean thing to do.
  11. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'd say falsely implying a journalist is a pedophile, accusing him of taking pictures of kids, calling Trudeau a fag, telling a woman to go to Iran to get shot and raped, threatening to commit murder and the general sneering contempt he had for 90 percent of this city suggests he may have had a...
  12. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The more they play this clip of Stephanie's speech the more you are able to parse out the language and phrasing and also see Renata's body language -- at one point she's silently mouthing the words as she does a little conductor move with her hand. Also, should I be offended because I'm not a...
  13. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Pleas join us Monday through Wednesday when we will be live-streaming our privacy.
  14. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto Doug said nothing you couldn't predict. Best brother ever, respect for taxpayers, Ford Nation will continue, blah.... Here's a taste: Rob was truly the party of the people. And we do a lot of...
  15. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Now George Lagioganes is on CP24 speculating that had the Ford's not opted for a Church funeral they likely could have held it at the ACC.
  16. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Doug must be pissed that Stephanie is dominating the news highlights.
  17. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Very true. But it's SAL. SAL is going to SAL.
  18. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    She's not there as a journalist. She's there as a contrarian sycophant looking for reasons to be outraged.
  19. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    She's tweeting from inside the church?
  20. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And as they leave the church a woman screams "You're not dead're sleeping" And she's still yelling.
