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Search results

  1. Sir Novelty Fashion

    Good examples of adaptive reuse?

    So, once again I put on my obnoxious journalist hat and put a question to the crowd: I've been asked to come up with some good examples of adaptive reuse in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. I'm defining the term kind of broadly - buildings that find new lives, through some degree of...
  2. Sir Novelty Fashion

    Any former Learning Annex students out there?

    Hello one and all... once again, I go trawling for people to talk to. I'm working on a piece for that newspaper I write for about the evolution of the Learning Annex through the years, from local classes to the Donald Trump mega-expo that's coming back to town this month. I'd really love...
  3. Sir Novelty Fashion


    Hey Ed - I've bumped up against this a couple of times. Any chance of enabling strikethrough text in vBulletin? According to this thread, it should be easy to do: cheers!
  4. Sir Novelty Fashion

    Help Wanted: anyone live along the Sheppard line?

    So, I'm doing a bit of recruiting once again. Does anybody live - or know someone who lives - along the Sheppard line, and might be willing to talk about what that's like? Just thought I'd put it out there...
  5. Sir Novelty Fashion

    Looking for other Learning Annex Expo / Trump attendees

    Yes, I know, it was many months ago. But did anyone else here sign up to go see Donald Trump and/or the Learning Annex expo when it came to town? I've had some funny experiences with them, involving unauthorized use of my credit card number, and I wanted to know if I'm the only one...
  6. Sir Novelty Fashion

    Richard Bradshaw, 1944-2007

    Tess Kalinowski Staff Reporter Richard Bradshaw, conductor and general director of the Canadian Opera Co., has died suddenly, leaving the company in shock. He had a reputation for never accepting no as an answer. As a result he will be remembered as the driving force behind Toronto’s...
  7. Sir Novelty Fashion

    Google Earth Toronto buildings

    So for the first time in months and months, I fired up Google Earth. I'm on Google Maps all the time, but almost never fire up the whole application. Anyway, I was surprised to discover that people have been modelling excellent 3D representations of downtown Toronto buildings, and adding them...
  8. Sir Novelty Fashion

    WANTED: CityPlace dwellers. Know any?

    This might not be a Toronto Issue yet... but just wait, it will be. I'm looking for residents of CityPlace, as part of an article I'm working on for a major daily newspaper. If that's you - or if you know someone and could point them towards me - please drop me a note through UT, or write to...
  9. Sir Novelty Fashion

    Updates: Like we used to have 'em

    Where are the updates of yesteryear? Ou sont les mise-a-dates d'antan? This forum used to be hopping with them. Not being one to wallow in nostalgia - well, fine. Being one to wallow in nostalgia, I decided to walk the walk. And there definitely was some walking involved. We start at One...
  10. Sir Novelty Fashion

    Calgary | University Innovation Quarter | ?m | ?s | University of Calgary Properties Group

    BY KERRY DIOTTE I just returned from a vacation split between Toronto and New York City. Curiously, Torontonians like to think their burg is Canada's version of New York. I overheard that very sentiment last week in T.O. while kicking back on a sliver of an outdoor restaurant patio on a...
  11. Sir Novelty Fashion

    Railfan forums?

    A general question for y'all: Does anyone know if there are online forums that cater to the Toronto railfan community - a UT for the railroad set, as it were? Or a subsection of a larger site? I don't really know the lay of the land, but I figure there must be *something* out there... Thanks!
  12. Sir Novelty Fashion

    Know yer architecture (in Cincinnati)

    Check this out: an illustrated primer to recognising architectural styles from Cincinnati's municipal government, customised for the city and offered as a public reference. Great reading in its own right - this is something that, as a non-architect, I'm increasingly interested in. But...
