They have completed some floors in eight, I'm not aware of any in seven. The average slab for levels 19-36 was 7 days, and walls 4 days, thus my 11 days. Regardless, we have a lot more time to enjoy this project.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but 594 days (54 floors x 11 day average). Add two weeks for each mechanical section (optimistic) makes it the summer of 2025. Just one person's opinion...
It looks like it steps up, so pour the perimeter, then place forms for the short wall/lip stepping up to the raised area? Same thing last time (#13,311).
Quite possibly, the variable is how long will the mechanical levels take? It was just under four months for the first ones, albeit over the holidays. Hopefully now that they've done it once it will be quicker...