I guess everyone must have gotten the email update today. The elevator workers are being ordered to back to work on Monday and they are going to send us a letter for the confirmed occupancy date which will be on June 2014.
It was supposed to be October 2013 right? But how come few weeks strike...
How much is the glorified "rent" that we have to pay to the builder before you start your mortgage? Is there a formula? If it is too high, can I opt out to not live in the condo yet until I start to pay mortgage instead of paying the "rent" to the builder?
I have not locked in a mortgage rate...
The ones on strike are Elevator Union, Roofing Union, and Drywall labour union. I do not believe only elevator, roofing worker, and drywall worker are the only workers working on the project. You probably saw other workers who are none of these.
Did anyone receive the letter from Emerald City advising the final occupany date? I didn't, and last night I received an email from Natalie the customer care manager about an Unavoidable delay.
That's right.....the final occupancy date is going to be effected. The Unavoidable Delay is being...
Are the builder allowed to change the size of the balcony without your agreement? My balcony supposedly will be almost 100 sq ft. I have to take a look at it when I pass by.