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  1. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    ah, but this case is the inverse of the typical limited liability case. They probably won't be suing Dough Ford Inc, but Doug Ford the person. As a person you have unlimited liability and that includes any shares of any corporate holdings you have, and a garnishment on future wages. Not sure...
  2. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    someone made a comment about judging Harper by the company he keeps, and I'm afraid this old song started running through my head :D : ‘Twas an evening in November, As I very well remember. I was strolling down the street in drunken pride, But my knees were all aflutter, So I landed in...
  3. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Hmmm. I wonder if it is a case that the video itself plays no part in the Lisi case, and that the contents of the video will not be used against ford since, as we assumed from the beginning, a recording of Ford smoking a pipe would be woefully insufficient grounds on which to base a case or...
  4. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    ah, but czonists weren't officially full US citizens, just US nationals, if they were born there between 1904 and 1937, following a 1904 ruling that such territories were not considered part of the United States. McCain, born in 1936, only became a "natural born American" and eligible for the...
  5. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Ron? Ron Ziegler? Is that you?
  6. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    ... And they work with Tableau, one of the better brands of write blocker.
  7. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You know talking about all this has given me the urge to get back into this professionally. It's been a few years since I did any forensic work for legal purposes (all civil, not criminal). Since then it's just been hardware failure recovery, but I always did have a Secret Squirrel gene. Perfect...
  8. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    not to digress, but an initial low level pass with a write blocker engaged certainly speeds up the indexing process without the worry of inadvertently corrupting the data with something as banal as a file access time update.
  9. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You know, I've done forensic recovery on a computer system (though mostly financial and corporate work, not criminal) and yes it is more than just hitting a button or two, but it's not quite the Sisyphean task you make it out to be. Regardless, considering that the timing of the release of the...
  10. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Just sitting here, hitting refresh, with the biggest goddamn grin. Hizzonor is about to learn a truism taught to me years ago by my mother: "There are no rewards or punishments, only consequences."
  11. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This. Absent a recall mechanism (or, in the most serious cases, an impeachment process), one of the few checks and balances on elected officials between elections is shame. I'm not a big supporter of shaming, but used judiciously, it can encourage a politician back on track when they've become...
  12. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    not so sure I'd want RoFo driving a bus....
  13. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    "Hey Man, Nice Shot" is the title of a song about R. Budd Dwyer. Frankly I would be surprised if Ford's critics would want blood on the walls - too easy then to make a martyr of RoFo. I'd rather he stick around and deal with the consequences of his actions, maybe turn it into to a teachable...
  14. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And I think therein lies the secret to his Teflon brushes with scandal. If Nixon had lacked all sense of shame, plus had his own weekly radio show where he could spout off lies without consequences, he would have served a full two terms. I don't know if he's just without shame, or he...
  15. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Of course if one derailment interests you and one doesn't, subjectively they will be different. But, if like several others on the thread, neither derailment interests you in the slightest, the do have something of a subjective equivalence. At least in terms of annoyance and irritation factor...
  16. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You know for a bunch of folks sniping at some newbie about his irrelevant posting and its impact on mobile readers (a concern with which I heartily agree), you've certainly managed a lot of irrelevant music posts in a short time period. It would be great if we could maybe keep this thread to...
  17. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    My hot two: 3. Ford attempted to slide past jail guards to speak to a drug-abusing friend. and 6. Two of Ford's friends, Dave Price (now employed in the mayor's office) and Sandro Lisi (the above mentioned driver), went searching through the drug dens of Etobicoke to retrieve the crack...
  18. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    thank you. It always irritates me when people believe "freedom of speech" mean freedom from criticism and/or free access to the platform of their choice. Yes, they may speak freely, but no one is obligated to provide or sponsor a platform from which they may speak.
  19. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I've always like the RUF system, but that's dual mode:
  20. Parker

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm still thinking its blackjack. :cool:
