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Search results

  1. Pep'rJack

    Homelessness and Panhandling in Toronto

    Where else? From the remaining 80% of the salaries of those lazy, spoiled municipal employees, who do nothing but enrage everyone with their incessant gorging off Miller's Stalinist teat, and who all live like veritable kings n' queens off YOUR hard-earned money! Please don't sass the 'adults'...
  2. Pep'rJack

    New Land Transfer Tax

    lordmandeep rocks - I demand more lordmandeep! You clearly understand nothing of right-wing ideology: it's *always* about demanding things of others that one would never succumb to oneself. The poorer and hence more worthless said others are, the better.
  3. Pep'rJack

    Toronto Tourism

    TIFF is second in size only to Cannes, and is now widely regarded as the most important industry/market festival (as opposed to competitive festival) in the world, a status it's only recently solidified, and shows no signs whatsoever of losing any time soon. It is nothing less than a truly...
  4. Pep'rJack

    Toronto Minto Midtown | 160.01m | 52s | Minto Group | Zeidler

    Looks great so far - from the south, especially.
  5. Pep'rJack

    " Access to justice a 'basic right' "

    . Access to justice a 'basic right' Country's top judge says the system's high cost is an `urgent' problem that must be addressed, But lawyer's recent accusations of money-grubbing among his peers won't help, chief justice says August 12, 2007 by Tracey Tyler Legal Affairs Reporter...
  6. Pep'rJack

    Hazelton Hotel/Condo (Yorkrow, 9s, P+S/IBI Group) COMPLETE

    ^ LOL - how true. Those 'townhouses' look better in the photo than they did in reality.
  7. Pep'rJack

    New Land Transfer Tax

    3x totally agree - I have no idea why any of these things didn't happen. As for Beez's suggestion being potentially illegal, I think what he means is that the city should have raised holy hell over this issue at the time, and used whatever means possible - stunts, political brinksmanship, legal...
  8. Pep'rJack

    The New Toronto: More Potholes, Dirtier Streets And Longer Snow Removal Waits/List Of

    ^ Careful not to mix up neoliberalism & neoconservatism - though they overlap, they're not the same thing. These terms have become very slippery, and lead to much confusion for obvious reasons: Martin...
  9. Pep'rJack

    HK to get "Grande Arche" for Government Headquarters

    That is really beautiful, imo. Many impressive projects in HK at the moment.
  10. Pep'rJack

    New Land Transfer Tax

    That's quite an abrupt about-face from someone who posted virtually nothing but rigidly narrow anti-union venom from the outset, but I'm certainly not complaining. The "problem", however, with this new pov is that it attempts - in typical right-wing fashion - to create a false equivalency where...
  11. Pep'rJack

    Stinson files for bankruptcy protection

    Agree that the paragraph above is pure comedy gold. The sheer ridiculousness of this guy's entire operation from start to finish has been just spectacular. The real miracle isn't that he pulled off this grade-Z circus for so long, but that he somehow managed to get any of this stuff off the...
  12. Pep'rJack

    New Land Transfer Tax

    I wish, I wish, I wish SO much that this was widely understood and internalized, as this is THE crux of all the issues involved. To all those still looking at City Hall as the culprit, re-read the underlined sections in particular and please finally understand how you have been manipulated and...
  13. Pep'rJack

    Toronto Tourism

    ^ Concur re NY & stylish-ness - yer average NY-er is pretty much a schlub, not some uber-sophisto as we've told ourselves. Many cities have larger proportions of stylistas (Paris, Rome, even Vancouver) - it tends not to mean much save for a high concentration of vanity and an excessive emphasis...
  14. Pep'rJack

    1 St Thomas (Lee Development, 29s, Stern)

    Sorry for boorishly interrupting this PoMo circle-jerk-o'-the-nerds, but just wanted to blurt out that CN remains the King, while Zephyr's tight-sphincter'd ultra-earnestness and preciously thin skin are alternately making me all misty and cracking me up. Please do carry on.
  15. Pep'rJack

    Brutal drivers in the GTA.

    In that case, I advise you in the strongest terms to never, ever consider driving in Vancouver. Signaling is simply not part of the ostensibly 'laid-back' (read: 'mindless, selfish & dazed') culture in this town. TO and other places can be frustrating and trying to drive 'round in, but you don't...
  16. Pep'rJack

    CampusCommon (50 Gerrard E, student rental @ Church St, 12s, Burgess)

    Pristine, honest and perfectly contextual. Don't change a thing.
