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  1. SimonP

    Transit City Plan

    No one denies those lines exist, or that the numbers aren't accurate for them. What EnviroTO is stating is that none of those Chicago ones should be considered full subway lines. They are spur lines or low volume surface routes. Looking at another city, in London the least used line, the...
  2. SimonP

    Transit City Plan

    Here is an article on that debate: "Ford's proposed cut of Eglinton transit line dominates debate "
  3. SimonP

    Transit City Plan

    You can't precisely predict demand, but you can get a pretty good idea. We know the density in that part of town and that it is lower than would typically generate subway level ridership numbers. We have commuiting patterns, the city has data on how many people travel between Downsview and STC...
  4. SimonP

    Transit City Plan

    I was at a debate during the campaign at York Memorial Collegiate. There Ford repeatedly said that he opposed the Eglinton line, saying that Toronto just couldn't afford it.
  5. SimonP

    Transit City Plan

    Politics. Ford decided early on that his key to victory was Scarborough. He had Etobicoke locked up, and if he could get similar numbers in Scarborough he would win. Unfortunately for him he had much lower name recognition in the eastern part of the city. He thus opened an office out there, did...
  6. SimonP

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    An even better example is hydro. Harris opened the system to privatization, but after a few years private companies had only taken over one minor power station. It turned out that private companies couldn't actually generate power at a much cheaper rate, and they couldn't compete with OPG. When...
  7. SimonP

    Transit City Plan

    That's the most unfortunate thing. With the state of provincial finances, the plan that gets decided on in the next few months will likely be the only new transit Toronto gets for the next ten to twenty years.
  8. SimonP

    Transit City Plan

    Based on the Globe poll and previous statements here is a map of who would support Transit City. 19 are in favour and 14 outright opposed. There are 8 exec members who have agreed to vote with Ford on any major issue, but these include several people who've supported Transit City in the past...
  9. SimonP

    Transit City Plan

    This makes a lot of sense. The big problem with it politically is that Ford has promised the moon to Scarborough and its 10 councillors, and this plan has a subway ending at Vic Park and an unfunded replacement for the SRT.
  10. SimonP

    Transit City Plan

    Adam Giambrone has been active on these subjects on Facebook. His messages over the last 24 hours:
  11. SimonP

    Transit City Plan

    We need 23 councillors to vote in favour of saving the Eglinton Line. If they vote for Eglinton, it will also save the SELRT, as Ford won't be able to divert money to transform Sheppard into a subway. The Globe page lists 14 definites and 2 of the maybes explicitly say they support the...
  12. SimonP

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    His strategy seems to be "say whatever crazy stuff will most get a rise out of lefties." Perhaps his strategy is that if he can sustain a suburbs vs. downtown war for the next four years, he'll easily cruise to reelection by winning the majority of the city that is suburban.
  13. SimonP

    Transit City Plan

    During the election campaign, the Toronto Environmental Alliance asked each candidate "Will you work to complete the Transit City Light Rail Plan by 2020 as endorsed by the TTC, Toronto City Council and Premier Dalton McGuinty in 2007?" Yes - 21 Peter Milczyn Anthony Peruzza Maria...
  14. SimonP

    Transit City Plan

    Politically perhaps Eglinton will survive. Nunziata, Stintz, and Parker are all on Ford's exec and I can't see them accepting nothing for their wards and having all the money sent to Scarbrough. Nunziata has been fighting for an Eglinton Line ever since she was first elected mayor of York, and...
  15. SimonP

    Transit City Plan

    Update from the Star: This could be read as Eglinton still going ahead, as long as it doesn't interfere with cars Ford might let it stand. He doesn't actually have the power to stop this work, only the TTC board does and the full board hasn't met yet.
  16. SimonP

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Ford has promised a 2.5% cut to city spending, but spread over only one third of city programs. The libraries are in that third and would thus be facing a 7.5% cut. That means a lot of reduced hours and closed branches. Councillors are not going to vote for a budget that slashes libraries in...
  17. SimonP

    Transit City Plan

    From the Globe and Mail:
  18. SimonP

    Transit City Plan

    Actually no. On Joe's campaign, we spent a lot of time trumpeting Transit City. We had to stop, not because people weren't supporting it, but because no one knew what it was. Less than 10% of the city had any clear idea what the plan was.
  19. SimonP

    Transit City Plan

    Some folk are organizing a canvass to save the Eglinton Line.
  20. SimonP

    Transit City Plan

    Politically, I don't see any of this getting decided until after next year's provincial election. It would likely not be until the first Hudak budget in early 2012 that any firm plan would be made. Unfortunately that's likely to be a cuts and austerity budget, so I wouldn't count on any pledges...
