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  1. Roots_Energize


    commercial industry has been influenced by graffti art ,graff artist where painting on the side of trains, buses, trucks before it was fashionable to do so, every culture will eventually be used by advertising companies to sell products , they even use buddhism, and yoga to promote there...
  2. Roots_Energize


    SOCIETY: AGO'S MASSIVE PARTY Naked fundraising ambition Deirdre Kelly mingled with art scenesters at the glammed-up Art Gallery of Ontario. Photography by Janice Pinto DEIRDRE KELLY April 19, 2008 Emphasizing the "art" in "party," a gang of graffiti artists turned the Art Gallery...
  3. Roots_Energize


    On one hand you complain about graffiti being a criminal act, then on another hand you try and talk about graffitis credibility , so there damned if its illegal or damned its legal, no matter how good the painting is, if picaso picked up a spray can and painted on a wall you'd still be against...
  4. Roots_Energize


    Alot of people dont like the tags but like the artistic work of graffiti murals, pieces ect, here is a solution that takes away bad graffiti and replaces it with colourful skillful work that people enjoy, check out the link, click on the bell box project video 1 , and 2...
  5. Roots_Energize


    but people tend to like the murals, and stuff done with the spray cans better then the tags done with markers, so you'd just be encourging more tags instead of real art work
  6. Roots_Energize


    Bansky is awesome, he went into one of the main art galleries in England and managed to sneak in a gallery with some of his art work and he hung it up on or wall or something, it stayed in the gallery for a while before they noticed and they ended up keeping Banskys art work, he has a name...
  7. Roots_Energize


    Thats cool, yeah its cool how universal it got, just kept progressing, Seen is one of the top famous graffiti kings from new york, i think he has a tattoo shop now? then theres Dondi he died way back, amazing painter, Doze does some really cool organic stuff, cool beings, ancient...
  8. Roots_Energize


    Not all Graffiti is illegal, so the legal stuff you still consider not cultural? yes graff artist with real talent are the worst criminals on earth, they should be marched into a ditch and shot lol, there not morally superior with divine law bidding insight like you, your like an advanced...
  9. Roots_Energize


    Fair enough, the tittle of the thread should be tagging, but it doesnt really matter.
  10. Roots_Energize

    Graffiti check out these pictures, im not sure how to post them on the thread? tried to paste url in insert image but wont paste, wierd.
  11. Roots_Energize


    Graff artist have also become tattoo artist aswell, some people get graff style tats
  12. Roots_Energize


    Fantasy life, what are you talking about? Graffiti is'nt just some fantasy , its actually a real culture! with real people sharing a love for real art, it takes alot of skill to be able to turn a bland wall into a masterpiece, some look so detailed they look like photos, theres so many...
  13. Roots_Energize


    1. Not everyone hates graffiti art like you do 2. The art adds to the eclectic mix of big urban cities everywhere 3. Let the artist have the laneways, theres enough dull grey bland spots around the city for those who enjoy that over graffiti 4. Dont be so uptight
  14. Roots_Energize

    The Tenor (10 Dundas St E, Ent Prop Trust, 10s, Baldwin & Franklin)

    maybe cause the designer was male? it would look different if a female created tls, less industrial?
  15. Roots_Energize

    The Tenor (10 Dundas St E, Ent Prop Trust, 10s, Baldwin & Franklin)

    YeS!! exposed ducts being covered, thank God! , now if only we could cover those fake fans
  16. Roots_Energize

    2008 Urban Toronto Community Project

    im sure spacing would be happy about it, and would even have a write up about urban toronto on there site which would give urban toronto even more exposure!
  17. Roots_Energize

    2008 Urban Toronto Community Project

    planting trees, shrubs, ect in the city would be fun, urban art aswell, like painting , funkdify the city, mosaics, murals, sculptures ect, really brighten up dull grey areas!
  18. Roots_Energize

    Toronto Royal Ontario Museum | ?m | ?s | Daniel Libeskind

    We've all been tricked by a highly safisticated propaganda system designed to manipulate us into liking this crystal thing, using word magic, misleading overrated renderings that reshape your synaptic, i am now awaken from my long slumber and dream like delusional state of liking the mikal...
  19. Roots_Energize

    Toronto L-Tower | 204.82m | 58s | Cityzen | Daniel Libeskind

    I think this is just what the toronto skyline needs, change it up a bit, we need a diversity of buildings!
  20. Roots_Energize

    A Brief History of Urbanophobia

    Its time for the biggest urban cities to unite, power in numbers right, exchange ideas, work together , and put pressure on government! Become self reliant in food (urban farms), alternative energy, reduce garbage, ect. Cites have huge advertising promotional power...
