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  1. P

    Richard Florida (Rise of the Creative Class) Moving to Toronto

    But if they put no energy into an opinion of Toronto's development than their opinion has no worth, therefore their answer on a meaningful poll would be worthless. It's like making a poll on your favourite type of ice cream, but the people answering don't care to eat ice cream.
  2. P

    Richard Florida (Rise of the Creative Class) Moving to Toronto

    The general public doesn't dwell on these issues. They don't care, the only people that are interested in this type of thing are the type of people who discuss it here.
  3. P

    Do you like Toronto?

    sorry I had trouble, but it's up now.
  4. P

    Richard Florida (Rise of the Creative Class) Moving to Toronto

    Of course it would be a small poll, but this is much better than nothing or based on a few choice encounters. It has the exact demographic we're looking for... people educated about Toronto. At least now we can see a small cut of people's overall feelings on Toronto. Here's the poll folks...
  5. P

    Do you like Toronto?

    What is your feelings of Toronto and its overall development in comparison to the other large urban cities of the world?
  6. P

    Richard Florida (Rise of the Creative Class) Moving to Toronto

    First of all.. what are we basing our opinion that Torontonians are too pessimistic of their own city? From a chance meeting with a few Torontonians being perplexed as to why you actually moved here? Or is it maybe our own self-consciousness in comparison to larger cities, or the opinions of...
  7. P

    Richard Florida (Rise of the Creative Class) Moving to Toronto

    and there you go, proof that there are many optimists out there for Toronto. I love Toronto for its diversity and acceptance, and hope it will stay that way... but aesthetics needs big improvements and hopefully improvements will come.
  8. P

    Whole Foods

    from what I remember, small grocers were more of a vital part of downtown Toronto before the advent of large chain grocers. It wasn't really small big-business chain type grocers, but more of the mom and pop no-name and pseudo-name grocer varieties of meat and convenience/vegetable stores. The...
  9. P

    Richard Florida (Rise of the Creative Class) Moving to Toronto

    I don't see how everyone is really negative on Toronto... it seems more balanced like other places. I mean if you go to a small suburban city would everyone be high on where they live? If you go to a more expensive, very urban city, would everyone be high on where they live? We also have our...
  10. P

    Richard Florida (Rise of the Creative Class) Moving to Toronto

    so the secret to unlocking Toronto's potential is to make the Buffalo, Rochestor, Toronto areas as much as a single, continously connecting entity as possible... interesting...
  11. P

    Toronto’s Messy Urbanism from the perspective of an Angeleno

    That might be less so for places in Europe because of the many train taking backpacker tourists.
  12. P

    Chinatown...Death of a Neighbourhood

    I don't think there ever was a large population of Koreans living around Korea Town, other than possibly the people who ran business there.
  13. P

    Whole Foods

    I thought the Dominion location at Bayview and York Mills would've been ideal for a Whole Foods, but maybe not enough population around the area?
  14. P

    Whole Foods

    thanks for the updates. Hope to hear where the North York location is soon. I guess the Sherway Gardens location would reach a lot of people visiting the mall.
  15. P

    Whole Foods

    Any more info on expansion plans? I think a Whole Foods put in the Harbourfront or Yonge and Sheppard location would really increase the marketability of the areas. It would be the utmost sign of gentrification of an area; akin to having a Starbucks, Dominon or Loblaws opening except at a...
  16. P

    The Star: Is it closing time for the Matador?

    This is a real shame, to think that a prominent performer such as Neko Case recorded live there as recently as 3 years ago and now they're planning to turn it into a parking lot? huge step backwards.
  17. P

    New Land Transfer Tax

    As you understand, many aspects of private and public are completely different, but still public workers are considered to be paid fairly well. Here is a link for top paid salaries for the publc sector in Ontario last year...
  18. P

    Re/Max 2007 Real Estate Reports

    So was the motion brought up and passed on the day the land transfer tax was rejected, or has it been postponed? Probably a moot point anyway...
  19. P

    New Land Transfer Tax

    That sounds really extreme (reffering to the bonus system), I thought public sector workers were already considered to be payed well, edit- but it does sound like an interesting idea to give incentives for finding savings, maybe you have something there.
  20. P

    New Land Transfer Tax

    Your reasoning seems kind of vague, do you think you can be more specific? $250k seems very reasonable to me for a management type position.
