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  1. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Technically possible? Sure, why not? However, I doubt a doctor would recommend it, nor the police, nor anyone who has to share the road with that person. I'm sure people drive after smoking crack & coming down every day in this city, but I bet they are way more likely to cause serious injury or...
  2. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I've done neither - not a moral judgement, but a simple wish to avoid what I see as the obvious downsides of doing these things. However, I have in my time been around people who were on one or the other. There are few things more irritating than a small group of people at a party who have gone...
  3. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I also had that impression, although I cannot currently recall where I picked that up (here?) Certainly @goldsbie tweeted recently along the lines that TPS thinks it's Basso, and I seem to remember that Doolittle & Donovan disagreed over whether "the voice" was male or female after having...
  4. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Check out this Star article from 2010, wherein one Josie Erent explains why she likes Ford (hint: she doesn't get enough respect & doesn't like paying taxes). The other two people profiled sound like talking points personified ("regular guy", "lose some weight", "councillors spend like drunken...
  5. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Mmm. As bitter & horrible as @ejb___ undoubtedly is, she's not really a public figure, so I'm not sure whether or not it's necessarily a good thing to be speculating about her real-life identity here. Still, I'm not a mod, so up to you. I'm not doubting your analysis, mind you; you're probably...
  6. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Disagree. I think they were shocked at how difficult & costly it was to produce anything even semi-coherent containing the Fords. That just goes to show how badly they didn't know what they were getting into.
  7. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    "You can take our magnets, but you can never take our freedom!" Um, we'll see about that. Especially Rob's.
  8. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Although I'd said I'd leave this topic alone before either of you said made your feelings known, I guess I can only apologise for boring people with technology stuff.
  9. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yes, but you don't have to be a Mitnick or a Stallman to know that putting sensitive info on the internet means losing control of it forever. Even Mr. or Ms. Windows XP would have a clue about that; after all, this sort of thing crops up in the mainstream media from time to time. I also disagree...
  10. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Hah! I know someone who met him while working at a kid's summer camp a couple of years ago. He was just another guy, but somehow it came up in conversation. The way it was told to me was something like: Mikey: "...well, yeah, because of who my uncle is." My friend: "Oh, who's your uncle?"...
  11. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I also work <something with computers> and I agree that people aren't generally that savvy. However, having something this valuable up your sleeve tends to sharpen the mind and increase caution... hence my theory that they would be super-careful and/or seek out advice. As for the account...
  12. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I know you weren't addressing me, but FWIW, I know you weren't making any kind of blanket judgement on anyone. I only chimed in because "drug dealers are everywhere" is something that surprised me growing up and moving through various cities/apartment buildings (sheltered childhood? maybe)...
  13. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Majorly agree. There are drug dealers in just about every highrise & condo building in Toronto, and they are no less prevalent in Yorkville than they are on Dixon. Doesn't matter where you look: most people are not drug dealers. Rather, they're just trying to go to work, come home, put dinner on...
  14. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Nice. I think the order would be important: you could start with the Somali community, then move to the media, the cops and end with the Mayor raging as he is cuffed... ...or have the Mayor second as he goes to get his fix, then move to media, then end with the cops. So long as it ends with an...
  15. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I wonder how much of it is confirmation of what we already suspect, and how much of it is mind-blowingly awful totally new stuff...? As silly as this sounds at first glance, I can believe it. It's not like Ford is running round town with a tommy gun taking out citizens(?), so there's no...
  16. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm on for the 12th of March. Only two days 'til I win the pool! :D (as others have noted: hey, any day it happens, we all win)
  17. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I suppose this is possible, but it still seems unlikely; Massoudi is certainly clever enough to realise that deleting one copy of the crack video on some web storage service wouldn't make an ounce of difference to Team Ford. I also think he's smart enough not to send out a load of e-mails which...
  18. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Agreed. I assigned just about zero credibility to the Massoudi/hacker story as soon as I saw that inveterate troll/desperate attention-seeker ManüvSteele claimed to be at the center of it. The "proof" was easily-faked screenshots, and this: ...which wud also be vry easyt to fake... all u have...
  19. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Dale: "[Massoudi] did not seem especially thrilled to see me. The mayor himself wouldn't look at me." I think I just felt some serious schadenforde. Marvellous.
  20. SecretSquirrel

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Going back a few years: a friend of mine (not someone who obsessively follows this stuff, but we've chatted about it once or twice) used to work in the same office as Price, and his account of Price tallies with media reports from when Ford hired Price. My buddy says Price was "weird" and...
