News   Jul 22, 2024
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News   Jul 22, 2024
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News   Jul 22, 2024
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  1. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm not a doctor, but it sounds like possible Stockholm Syndrome. They, and many others, may need to be deprogrammed or de-brainwashed.
  2. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    "The rat population of Flint has now surpassed the human population by 50,000" Toronto 2018? "You're going to destroy this city" Doug Ford to John Tory
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Whenever I drive through the 'shwa on the 401, never having a reason to explore the place, I think of the line workers, the "rivet-heads" at GM. Probably the only thing worse than working there would be the fear of being laid off. I remember a guy telling me that a man dropped dead on the...
  4. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    No, it's good! ;) I'm sure Robbie would like it:
  5. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

  6. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I like Teddy's.
  7. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto It was what we used to call "a Kodak Moment". ;)
  8. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    That's very sad news. It takes a lot of courage to face that. A tough campaign ahead for Rob. Jim looks very dapper in his suit!
  9. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Are the fish still alive? And remember this? "Stain in City Hall carpet from Rob Ford's scale being moved out and then back into the mayor's office" So, they still have to figure a way to get the weigh scale back to the gym without...
  10. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    TPS dogs sniffed for bombs, so why not drugs? You're right, Kat. For peace of mind, it would be good house keeping for JT.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    "The cards are gone!!!!"
  12. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You have to be strong to survive in this city.
  13. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I find the poll by poll breakdown fascinating. Because as we all know, a ward is simply a collection of neighbourhoods sharing the same political boundary. It's only when you look at individual polling stations that things begin to make sense.
  14. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I wonder how they would feel after seeing the FN election night party at the Woodbine Centre? I was "shocked and appalled" by that video.
  15. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I would love to take them on a guided tour of the wards that voted for Doug. We could start in Rexdale.
  16. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Many in the rest of Ontario, the rest of Canada in fact, enjoyed some Schadenfreude over what the Ford's put Toronto through for the last four years. Maybe it's time for Dougie to give them back a bitter taste of their own medicine. I feel awful for saying that, but it will take Toronto years...
  17. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Oh gosh, I'm sorry, Pud. < embarrassed >
  18. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Thank-you very much, Pub. And thanks for working with the numbers! It's very interesting.
  19. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Pud, thanks very much for that. Can you give me a link to the source of those statistics? By that I mean, was it a single source I can link to, or did you work with various?
  20. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Kids say the darndest things. :)
