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  1. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Black Lives Matter Toronto And where #BLMTO comes from.
  2. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Black Lives Matter Toronto Where #BLM comes from.
  3. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    No Armour, not "no income tax for all black people." Sigh. A guaranteed basic income or negative income tax-style progressive tax system guarantees all able-bodied permanent residents of a country a minimum basic amount of money, paid out by the government. This is in place of, not added to...
  4. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    1. No. I would advocate a basic income / negative income tax, and a hell of a lot less pre-judging. 2. Seriously, what do you and FCG have with the 'making up your own definitions of words' thing? What could be less disingenuous than calling you out on your racism to your face? 3. You have...
  5. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    See, this is the thing: you are demonizing an entire racial group. You are lumping together all black people every time you do this. The lack of prefacing statements is the whole point of what makes you racist. You are demonizing an entire racial group with every post you make, every argument...
  6. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    I don't have a theory about 'whites', FCG. There's a long series of articles and research reports -- yes, from sociologists that we can both assume are left-leaning or at least progressive -- that the changes in the way the US Feds (i.e. the government) funded welfare changed the culture of the...
  7. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Armour: 1. You have made copious posts blaming an incredibly heterogeneous and historically discriminated population for its position in the world. 2. You have made at least one outrageous claim about the Jewish diaspora, so blatantly bigoted that Fresh Cut Grass, of all commentators, tried to...
  8. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Black Lives Matter Toronto And, finally, the impact Black Lives Matter is having in this US political cycle. They have hit a raw nerve, as Desmond Cole did with his Toronto Life cover.
  9. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    I'm not going to debate American welfare politics with you. You have nothing to add on the file. I don't have to show Armour to be a racist. He does that with every reply, sadly. You, on the other hand, are a much subtler creature. I don't have an opinion on your motivation, except the need to...
  10. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Mic (@mic) 2016-08-08, 11:02 Here's @Moore_Darnell breaking down the problem with #AllLivesMatter
  11. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Aga Khan Museum does it. Sounds like some neat programming, age appropriate & inclusive, but focused on their area of expertise: But your point on how to encompass the diversity of Black experience is well taken. I don't know how you...
  12. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    So.. your video 'exposed' that a young, university activist disrupted a provocative speaker and was annoying to him? Thank you for 'exposing' such craziness! I'm sure no one ever did that back in my or your university days... Hahahaha... you were the one that went all obscure reference on a...
  13. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Armour: Please. Stop. I know that you are an (apparently) well meaning fundamentalist Christian. But your knowledge of US black experience is so low, it's laughable. The two biggest reasons for single, black mothers rising in the US are twofold: 1. The welfare laws were changed to the detriment...
  14. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Hahahahaha... You're taking the side of a conservative provocateur who is such an amazing jerk he's been permanently banned from Twitter as a mega-troll. Even his Breitbart fetid swamp website cannot pretend she hit him ("took a swipe"). What she mostly did was take his cellphone so he'd stop...
  15. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Thanks for that. Interesting idea, but I prefer the 'Black History Month' programming in schools that piggy-backs on the Americans'. That way every kid gets to participate, rather than just those who go to a camp. FCG -- you messed up with your avatar. Snagglepuss was the 'Heavens to...
  16. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Black Lives Matter Toronto BLM activism on education. Not certain this translates well to BLMTO, as our public schools are in much better shape, and we do shape curriculum to the...
  17. Riverdale Rink Rat


    Any event that hosts 1+ million people will have crowding issues. "People watching" is part of the event itself! I walked down for lunch today and strolled from Pape to Donlands. Ate Greenwood beef brisket, a cold seafood taco from Tilde (more like a cole slaw w/calamari wrapped in a sofr...
  18. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Toronto Pinewood Toronto Studios | 10m | 1s | Pinewood Group | HOK

    That's amazing -- what does four years of Star Trek get you? 2 or 3 movies? Why would they change from YVR/Dubai of the last flick?
  19. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Toronto Pearson International Airport

    I have no proof, but I think, in fact, they're actually doing this. AC's many South American routes make no sense otherwise.
  20. Riverdale Rink Rat

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Actually, a couple of the veteran Toronto beat journos (Enzo from NOW? Desmond Cole? not sure) were shocked at how much they got from their list of demands after the police HQ sit-in. It helped that their demands were more focused on specific cases -- their demands at the UofT sit in and the...
