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  1. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It's SO awful. Remember that day he was bellowing out "Have you ever smoked marijuana?" over and over in council? He sounded like Miss Hathaway from the Beverly Hillbillies.
  2. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    God, EXACTLY. You were not the mayor, Doug!!
  3. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Doug claims to have worked day in and day out for the last four years. Crowd cheers and drowns out Chow and Tory. I may have to turn this off.
  4. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Who is that with Stephanie Smyth on CP24 preshow?
  5. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Also, "You know what...?", which is the classic belligerent response-preface from both RoFo and DoFo whenever anyone puts them on the spot (usually by calling them on one of their heinous actions or statements).
  6. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    That's so good it should go viral. And I'm still laughing at euler's "GUYS GUYS GUYS" I love this place :D
  7. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Tumour = "two more"
  8. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And egging Donovan. Quel Tool. Warmington is now saying he gets death threats too. There's crazy on both sides (even though I still think ours is the right side ;) )
  9. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I couldn't listen to more than 12 seconds (past "great city") of the audio. Was curious after Doolittle said he sounded very sick. He sounds exhausted and/or medicated, and as though he has been intubated (e.g., for breathing, or scoping, or anaesthetic administration). I've been there for many...
  10. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Dale has a twitter link to an article quoting a Yale doctor saying that Ford has an estimated 50% chance of survival. I can't get it to open, or it's been pulled. Now he's posting further links to JPags' article. Wonder what's up.
  11. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Animatronic does it again :D Now every time I try to fall asleep tonight I'm going to wake up laughing, singing "and you made Mike change his name" Sooooooo funny
  12. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    An' that's why we luvs ya, Jimmi T :)
  13. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm simultaneously outraged and terrified at the manner in which people are comparing Doug to Rob: The end result is to make Rob looks like a sweet, doddering, hardworking, well-intentioned, harmless, city-loving people person. This cannot become Rob Ford's legacy nor can it be allowed to...
  14. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Is there any video of this press conference? I'm looking but no luck so far. Also, didja see Metroman's latest, about the FoFam insider saying that this benign tumour was found in May, was planned to be removed after election, but used to switch seats today instead? Shoot, I'm pretty cynical...
  15. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Thanks pattycakes!
  16. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    If anyone happens to find a link to Donovan's article (or at least to the Star article to which he referred) could you please post it? I'll do the same if I find it but no luck so far. Not sure when these things go online - often it's the night before so I'm hoping they haven't pulled it.
  17. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Maybe he's back in rehab? (Hahaha, "back". Right.)
  18. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Great find, evva. Recommended reading for all.
  19. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yes, I have many mutual friends with the guy who was claiming he heard Ford was brought in booze and an eight-ball right to rehab. I believe it, don't understand the lack of follow up.
  20. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Doolittle's article tonight is advance publicity for her expanded/updated edition of Crazy Town, to be released September 16.
