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  1. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I can live with that assessment as long as Wynne fulfills this 'Mandate Letter'-thing. I believe she will. But...politics, right?
  2. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    With all due respect, he is making more substance of these debates than previously shown by 'real' candidates. So, for that reason alone he should perhaps be accorded more credibility than 'Crazy Kilt-Man' or 'PETA-Endorsed Drag Queen'. (Let's leave the earnest teenager out of this). Secondly...
  3. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Had hopes for her. Lost to me now. Whoever is running that clownshow ought to be exposed so that they never work in knife-fight, gong show politics again. The miscalculations are awesome in the old sense of that much degraded word. I once stupidly posted here that if it looked like Tory would...
  4. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Old Toronto timidity to be sure. There is no way in the world that Blusterf*ck should be determining terms, "Him or me, whouldya want?" I want a small, elderly woman to shove her finger squarely in his ample torso and say. "Who the fuck do you think you are?"
  5. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Perhaps the federal minister of justice or the PMO will leak that said jurist is, in fact, Beverly McLaughlin. Just for shits n' giggles.
  6. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    He's escalating. Up next, "brobdingnagian". "That, sir, is disingenuousness of brobdingnagian scale!", Mr. Ford said when asked to comment on reports that his wife's maternal grandparents were Salvationists".
  7. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Jeez, that looks like it could be a Jeff Wall photograph. Or Rodney Graham. Weird little details like the red light near RF's nose, the stuff in the garbage pail and Joey Worms' ill-fitting fez-dora.
  8. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Probably just me, but out-of-nowhere interjections about the random 'Cowboy-Hat Wearing 3rd Ford' and his alleged family negligence seem both gratuitous and unnecessary (and maybe legally more than these). Sure there's been lots of wild and imaginative speculation here -and that's fun n' all -...
  9. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Reminds me of those confrontational Public Enemy (who were/are great) promo shots from the late 80s-early 90s where Chuck D was surrounded by a faux militia. Looks like Dpug's got some S1Ws. In that happy-snap anyway. Now all we need is Graeme McEachern to jump out with a school-wall sized clock...
  10. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Pagliaro did a good job with the story, wherever she might have sourced it. "Faced with accusations he stereotyped people of Hebraic Faith at a UJAA-sponsored debate, Doug Ford later indignantly countered with the assertion that his wife, Karla, is in fact, Jewish. Huh. Since no one's heard...
  11. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Brain-hurt thinking of how that might play out. The possibilities are way too cringe-y to articulate.
  12. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well, there was that Bob Dylan thing. He went full-on evangelical for, like, a cup of coffee. THAT having being noted, one suspects the Eastern/Russian Orthodox thing was a little too complex for Doug-o. In fact, the first time he heard 'Othodox' he probably thought about his Jewish...
  13. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Regarding this latest excrescence from those carpetbagging pettifoggers at Forum Research, I for one eschew the notion that even a modicum of credibility ought be conferred on their statistical gyrations and numerical nonsense. Or as Conrad Black might say *cough*Bullshit*cough*.
  14. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Just a sidebar on this PostMedia/Sun play: Yes, maybe the powers that be will decide that SAL and Joey Worms have limited utility within the new 'culture'. But, still, one expects the Sun brand to continue on. In this market at least (Ottawa's fucked though, two major dailies, both owned by the...
  15. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Having spent waaay too many evenings behind the glass at focus groups, I'd make this observation/caveat: People in them tend to say what they think you want to hear, or just want to be all 'Alpha Dog' and be contrarian. Either way, marketers use the results for all-purpose ass-kevlar, so they...
  16. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yep. We'll all probably wake up one morning in 2016, read that Rob Ford has been turfed from office on COI stuff and go, 'Oh, yeah, Rob Ford! Eeh, why bother?". Then we'll turn to the latest John Tory fuck-up and face palm the beginning of our day.
  17. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    That Matt Galloway invu w/ Doug was reminiscent of the last great Galloway/Ford set-to where he unleashed the ferris wheels and monorails. My wife and I recalled, listening this morning, how gobsmacked we were at that one. This one was worse. Recall that the megamall, monorail cruise ship...
  18. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yes, one of those big red-brick ones on 9th. 127K! Of course, this was back when 17th was basically just the Ship & Anchor. Don't know what Inglewood is like now, but I'm sure it's doing just fine. Been back to YYC a few times for work, but schedule did not permit. The 'dangerous wasteland not...
  19. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Though, it would be awkward to say "And you're not?"
  20. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Stealing that.
