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  1. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Also, as another bizarre detail, IIRC the Fuhrer-stache was rainbow-coloured.
  2. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Michael Bryant brought them in, too. Fun fact, Patrick Muttart used to be part of that joint. It is run by, I believe, Jaimie Watt, a Harris-era "Little Shit®". to use Frank magazine's colourful terminology. Who knows what's going on with JG, but Jesse Brown is intimating some kind of 'scoop'...
  3. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    He wishes. But, it's looking like Doug gets the third prize come Monday at, oh, 8:53 p.m.
  4. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Semley's been doing so well all over the place. Lots of pubs, features and small bits. Guy's everywhere. Good writer. Don't know if this equal-opportunity slagging might be a CLM, but it is pretty humorous.
  5. hper

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Just out of curiosity, why "purview" (in quotes)? Isn't JGHall, when asking "one wonders why it should be in the purview of Toronto City Council to make up solutions for regional GTA transportation" using the actual meaning of the word: the scope of the influence or concerns of something? Or is...
  6. hper

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Yes, of course. Along with seeing other threads shut down by certain dates. You should run for MOD.
  7. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Can confirm. Did a double-take. However, The Star has offered the following: "Correction - October 24, 2014: This map was edited from a previous version that mislocated the address of Ward 32 candidate James Sears" Current link.
  8. hper

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Council Races

    Perks has pretty much the same green/white motif here in 14. I think he'll survive. Though Emerson does seem to be making inroads, sign-wise (which, FTR, are 4 Colour CMYK, Robin's egg BG, white AND black type with a handsome photo. Also, $$).
  9. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    betsy powell ‏@powellbetsy 1m1 minute ago Senior says there's Mel Lastman Square where will Ford Square be. "God willing I'll be back in 4 years and you and I can pick out a square." I'll say. Lastman ran North York for quite some time before he got Mega-Citied up. And, regardless of what...
  10. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    "Ford Nation. No one told us they'd be leaving the house."
  11. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    If only someone with extensive knowledge of the EMS were hereabouts. Then again. professionalism would likely make one reticent to part those curtains. Which is highly commendable.
  12. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Har. Already applied for Pan-Asian manufactury rights for production of the "Dugo. Dorf. Action! Figure!"(Folkswagen sold separately). Plus, team's working on the app and FPS PS4 component! Cheque's in the mail!
  13. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    These decidedly disparate dots seem compelled to be conjoined in a rather remarkably Fordian fashion.
  14. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Thanks. That was dumb on my part. Totally gapped. Also, I was honestly consumed with mystery. I do remember that though. Doug is a true Manitarian. He really deserves this win, folks. Do the brother a solid, woncha?
  15. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Thought he went to Toronto Western with the toe trauma?
  16. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Dying to know. Told Kelly Grant to get: 1) a pet 2) with it 3) fucked! 4) a subscription to the Star as it is the local newspaper of record ?
  17. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So, reports are that this psycho has a criminal record (in B.C.), narcotics etc.. He's 32 years old. He committed an heinous act on a basically unarmed young man. He was shot in his ridiculous assault on The Hill. He died. Listening to the breathless (maybe perceptions would differ if...
  18. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It's really kind of sad to see the last great Stones record besmirched in such a way, but that is high-larious. What is it? Where can I get one?
  19. hper

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Not for a New York Minute. But let's not kid ourselves that we are immune from the basic civic venality that afflicts all growing metropolises. Too many in this 'burg often do.
  20. hper

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Not when you consider the forelock tugging Tory went cap in hand to Diane Friggin' Ford to get blessed to go for the first time in ought three. There's a political establishment in this city, of which the Fords somehow, inexplicably, seem to occupy a commanding place (beyond ken, but there ye...
