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  1. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    I wouldn't use mayoral results to jump to conclusions about Amber Morley's future--after all, Lib/Bailao voters aren't necessarily *averse* to having a progressive councillor, even if they didn't vote for their mayoral counterpart. Mayoral results aren't a referendum on councillors (except...
  2. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    And another thing when it comes to Furey: he's probably the reason why Chris Sky did 1/3 as well as Faith Goldy did in '18.
  3. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    And actually, one other thing to keep in mind is that going by the scale of margin and the progress of the results over the evening, I wouldn't be surprised if Ana was already a clear 2nd in the advance polling--that is, before the Tory endorsement and everything; IOW all those Mainstreet polls...
  4. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    By that barometer, Nathan Phillips was Toronto's first racialized mayor.
  5. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    Re "slightly closer": in a strict 2-way contest, Chow got 53.39% vs Bailao. Miller got 53.22% vs Tory. So one might argue that according to *that* barometer, she actually did a hair *better*. (And not only that, but Lastman got 52.82% vs Hall in a 2-way in '97. Tory vs Ford in '14: 54.42%.)...
  6. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    Municipally speaking, it always was. Remember that Doug Holyday was its last pre-amalgamation mayor, and before him were snoozers like Bruce Sinclair & Dennis Flynn. It's the kind of place where Orange County-style "tax revolts" were likeliest to happen. It's a place where old crabs like...
  7. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    A different kind of ouch: 4.7% in his home ward--Perruzza got 10.7% in *his* home ward...
  8. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    If one accounts for "Bailao left-moderates" among the progressive-adjacent, it might already be latently there-ish. Eg-Law is too "Don Valley West West" in the E, and too "York South-Weston East" in the W. (And I also wonder how much certain voting demos--in this case, Jewish & Italian--make a...
  9. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    Knowing how the Layton-Chow household operated and operates, I'd imagine it'd be more about healing divides than Ford-style settling of scores.
  10. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    (1) because all the other pollsters were underpolling her (2) because that was before the critical John Tory endorsement (3) because push polling and strategic finagling to make a certain desired result happen, works. Thanks, Mr. Kouvalis; now, as I was braced for, Team AnaQuito can claim...
  11. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    And now the OliviAna margin's verging on 5 points--which isn't much below Miller vs Tory in '03 (and because their respective shares are lower than those of Miller & Tory, it practically sizes up the same)
  12. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    Yeah, I'm hearing CP24 pundits talking about Olivia "falling short"--she *didn't*, really; it's just that Bailao "fell long"...
  13. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    Art Eggleton won by less than a point over John Sewell in '80.
  14. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    I'm also definitely getting a vibe of advance polling making a difference. (Particularly given how individual ward results shifted Chow-ward)
  15. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    And Gong has less than half a point, behind Perruzza. (And what's with Lyall Sanders? How did he hold *that* kind of vote?)
  16. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    101 people and a dog. Now, where have I heard something like that before...
  17. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    I'd wonder if Gong's team is inane enough to wave his signs in front of polling stations as a GOTV move. (Come to think of it, at Pride yesterday, it almost seems like I saw him arguing with the cops while paused at Church & Bloor--which makes me wonder if Team Gong "crashed the parade"...)
  18. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    Speaking of Gong,, I was joking about the likelihood being something straight out of a BlahTO parody post--but he did, he really did have a Pride parade float and entourage. He's truly the Monkey Christ of this election race, in the "no publicity is bad publicity" worst way possible (i.e. in...
  19. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    Re the bump: "bland works"--it's how Eggleton won vs Sewell in '80. And better "bland and uninspiring" as an antidote to vewwy vewwy scawwy opponents. But re bland *not* working: it's why she's still way behind Chow.
  20. A

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    New Mainstreet: Chow 34, Bailao 25, Saunders 11, Furey 10, Matlow 7, Hunter 5, Brown 2, Bradford a Jakobek-esque 1. So Mainstreet's digging in on Bailao's behalf--yet Chow's margin increased 1 point. And new Forum Research: Chow 29 (down 3), Bailao 20 (up 7), Saunders 15, Furey 11, Matlow 8...
