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  1. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I pointed out that there are similarities in the mechanics of how both Ford, and Hitler came to power. I get that being compared to Hitler in any way is offensive, but it doesn't change the facts. If my comparison regarding the polarized electorate, and the inability of Ford's allies to tame...
  2. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    In Hitler's case, and in Ford's case, they were both empowered by opportunity, and a polarized electorate. Ford's allies, and supporters, thought they could tame Ford, the same way HItler's allies and supporters thought they could control Hitler. Scary stuff. Especially given Ford's...
  3. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I would wager nobody wanted to go through the ordeal, over a measly public mischief charge. Even if the video proved Ford was wrong, Ford would just turtle up, and claim he thought his family was in danger. Even with the video, Ford would just back up to "my neighbour told me the guy was...
  4. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Over four hundred dollars ($400) for the last two months. I don't know how. I was visiting one of my sisters this evening, and her bill for her whole house for two months was only one hundred and seventy five dollars ($175). I've got a friend who's an electrician, and I'm going to get him to...
  5. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Thanks for fixing that for me.
  6. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Somewhat unrelated but Disqus was recently cracked, and md5 hashes of email addresses can be publicly accessed I'm sharing this here because Disqus is used by the National Post, and the Toronto Sun. It's entirely possible that some Ford trolls might actually be staffers, like Price...
  7. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think it's probably a mix of bad metering, and inefficient appliances. We got a three hundred dollar bill in the summer and thought that was due to air conditioning/dehumidification but then our first autumn bill after unplugging the AC was the four hundred dollar plus one. Trying to steer...
  8. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You're lucky. I live in a one bedroom. My electric bill was over four hundred dollars ($400) last time. Our bills cover a two month period. The worst part is, that the largest chunk of my bill is a delivery fee which alone is over a hundred dollars ($100). This is ridiculous since we live...
  9. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Speaking of false, and/or ignorant things that Doug Ford Says: “Look under the definition of conflict,†said Councillor Ford, claiming he doesn’t have one. “I support the police. We’re going to move forward with a tight budget.†The only reasons the Ford's warped understanding of...
  10. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Wrong. Rob Ford(s) win by promising to save people money, period. Promises of ice rinks are just gravy. The internet is full of idiotic pro Ford arguments, and they almost all start, and end with allegations of his "fiscal responsibility". Until now I've never heard anybody trumpet Ford's...
  11. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    That might be a great starting point for Dubster's Ford treatment!
  12. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This is an accurate statement, except it doesn't pertain to the topic at hand, since Dale did not invade Ford's private family time. By all accounts Ford's neighbour invaded Ford's private time to alert him to Dale's presence in the adjacent park, which was the subject of Dale's story; not...
  13. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Perhaps the qualified portion of your post that called for Ford's arrest wasn't a defence of Ford, but one of your recent posts was very defensive of Ford; part of it was based on taking Ford at his word. It seems like if there's ever a situation where Ford could benefit from the doubt you seem...
  14. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    We also have a huge advantage with respect to administrative overhead (less insurance companies to deal with etc), and purchasing power. Not to mention the harder to measure benefits of having a healthier society. If Rob Ford were a fraction of the businessperson he thinks he is, he'd realize...
  15. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Looks like Hains is earning his keep again: Torontoist Live Blog: Black/Ford. I believe Doolittle is live tweeting too. edit/update. I'm glad this is being live blogged because Conrad seems to be as flexible with facts, as Ford; watching live would make me ill.
  16. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Thanks for the tweet info. I didn't think smh was a hip hop thing, I'm no hip hop expert though; not sure why Peepers though that. I though smh was internet slang.
  17. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I found ManuvSteele's drop in here to be bizarre. Seemed like he wanted attention/credit, and wouldn't provide anything definitive to back up his claims. I think there was a screen-cap of a Keenan tweet floating around, but it could easily have been faked. This doesn't definitively rule...
  18. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    That's probably because the Fords have no chance of winning. Right now the media's being exceedingly fair with the Fords, and they're still being accused of conspiracy. Even though the Fords make a lot of empty (and backwards) legal threats, if they had a reasonable chance of winning, I wonder...
  19. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    That's largely how I see it, and also what RC8 said. With respect to the latter part, I know I've been guilty of steering a lot of conversations onto the Rob Ford subject. Although since the crack admission, being obsessed with Ford news has become more socially acceptable; or so I think, I...
  20. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Ford's understanding of private health care in the United States is profoundly incorrect. There are even a decent number of Republicans that know Americans spend more money on healthcare, and get less; they just don't agree with the ACA. That's good ol' populist Ford though, parroting...
