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  1. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Doug will be straining to hold his temper, while doing everything he can to attack Tory. Tory will be straining to provoke Doug into a rage, while somehow not looking like an asshole while doing it. Chow will be saying, "See? Look at these two idiots, like peas in a pod!" Should be interesting.
  2. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I am going to hazard a guess: bomb threat-related.
  3. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Unfortunately I feel this has become almost the mainstream default, trickling down from 'edgy' stand-up comics to bad sitcoms to the collective unconscious.
  4. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Off topic of Ford, but anti-Chow trolls are going absolutely crazy on Twitter #topoli this morning, slamming her transit plan, saying "she thinks she knows better than Scarborough" and shilling for Tory. Very obvious they were given a "full frontal assault" order, by Kouvalis maybe? Is it me or...
  5. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Massively seconded. Rex Murphy and Randy Bachman are the only reasons I will turn off CBC radio if it's on.
  6. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Couldn't have happened to a more-full-of-shit guy.
  7. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well said. A perfect demonstration of exactly how important "the people" are to Rob Ford when it's not about blowing smoke up their asses.
  8. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I kinda wouldn't expect him to be drinking or drugging for the foreseeable future. Cohen said his chemo program will have to be quite heavy to treat this form of cancer, then he'll have surgery and recovery and who knows what else. I figure he'll be feeling way too rough to do anything illegal...
  9. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I suspect that will only happen if someone forces it to, and who's going to come out and insist on it? Rob will hang on to "being Mayor" under any circumstances. Others will defend it by saying he was only MINO anyway. He will finish his term. I keep going over and over this in my mind, and...
  10. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Very well put, and very accurate I suspect.
  11. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Hey, whatever, I don't care what his motives are for doing it, I just want confirmation that he does! Because I seriously f*cking doubt that DOUG FORD donates a significant amount of money to charity every year.
  12. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Oh man... so many awesome things can come of Doug in the mayoral race, and the Legend of the Donated Salary finally getting squashed is one of them. Media, you there? Whoever laid this one to rest would have serious bragging rights.
  13. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    For sure, but they do react when people call them on their shit. If no one knows exactly how sick Rob is, they won't be able to call him on his Ward 2 run.
  14. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I guess I don't get flonicky's point about what I originally wrote: if he's really sick, he WILL face questions about his motives for running for a post he knows he could win, but could not fulfill the required duties. Because that's a pretty huge abuse of public trust.
  15. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Seriously? You think cancer-ridden Rob should run in this election just for the sake of "staying positive"? When he's the heavy favourite, likely to win and then be unable to do the job? Wow.
  16. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This is actually what I'm expecting---no straight info from here on out, whether the news is good or bad. It works too well to the Fords' advantage to keep people in the dark about his condition. If it's benign and he's essentially OK, both he and Doug face a backlash about the sympathy play. If...
  17. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto ETA: Haha like one second too slow.
  18. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Think of it this way... these power grabbers are so low and cynical, and their aims so despicable, that they couldn't get into political office any other way than by making average people so disgusted that they disengage from the public discourse. They're depending on your apathy---it's part of...
  19. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    From the comments of Hollett's Now article: ...missing in the hullabaloo of Friday was the sudden registration of Doug Ford approved candidates John Nunziata, Chris Stockwell and Doug Holyday's kid. He's not just trying to take over the mayoralty he's attempting to take the entire council...
  20. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Speechless. Both the D. Ford and Chow numbers are just unbelievable. I'm done for the night and just drinking now. Good luck, Toronto, you're going to need it. I still miss the way you were in the early 00s.
