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  1. freshcutgrass

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    That's not the claimed that Miller was highly unpopular and was not as good at budgeting as Ford, when the evidence suggests otherwise. It's so sad to still see anti-Miller Ford apologists this late in the game. The only good thing that could be gleaned from the Ford experiment, is...
  2. freshcutgrass

    Toronto Forma | 308m | 84s | Great Gulf | Gehry Partners

    The 9000 sqft space on top of the warehouse is opposed to the 60,000 sqft of purpose-built, multi-room gallery facility in the former Cloud Garden podium of the former design. The old warehouse itself is not really a candidate for gallery space because of the nature of the Mirvish collection...
  3. freshcutgrass

    Toronto Eaton Centre (Ongoing Renewal) | ?m | ?s | Cadillac Fairview | Zeidler

    Well that photo sure doesn't make me feel too enthused about it. You could tack any store name on that big-box facade.
  4. freshcutgrass

    Toronto The One | 328.4m | 91s | Mizrahi Developments | Foster + Partners

    I think it's simpler than's incoherency about what constitutes heritage. Hire a few experts who know what they are talking about, and ignore the crybabies. You'll know just how not important Stollery's was, by how fast people forget about it. Take right next door with I Bloor East...
  5. freshcutgrass

    Toronto Forma | 308m | 84s | Great Gulf | Gehry Partners

    No it wouldn't. And if it was, would be further proof we have no clue what we are doing. From what I can tell, Tam was interested in ensuring we didn't have an empty lot sitting there for a prolonged period of time, and was using the heritage process to facilitate that.'s a misuse...
  6. freshcutgrass

    Toronto Forma | 308m | 84s | Great Gulf | Gehry Partners

    There would be if they concentrated on the stuff that actually justifies the effort. And if someone thinks the Eclipse White Wear warehouse and Stollery store are what's worth expending limited resources on then they should be fired and replaced with people who might have some actual talent in...
  7. freshcutgrass

    Toronto Forma | 308m | 84s | Great Gulf | Gehry Partners

    To be clear, London lost because Kings College simply decided to sell their 1.8 acre site to the adjacent hospital for expansion, rather than to the Aga had nothing to do with any London city planning. The Aga Khan Museum sits on a 17 acre's not like designing the complex...
  8. freshcutgrass

    Toronto Forma | 308m | 84s | Great Gulf | Gehry Partners

    Before you start calling other people's comments laughable, perhaps you should do a little research first. That's fantastic. When the time comes when you want to design and pay for a gallery to house your world-class art collection, feel free to to that.
  9. freshcutgrass

    Toronto Forma | 308m | 84s | Great Gulf | Gehry Partners

    Ironically, the city allowed the total demolition of Parkin's 1965 Bata Building (identified by the Toronto Society of Architects as one of 96 significant buildings and public spaces in Toronto built between 1953 and 2003). This is just another obvious example of how out to lunch the city is...
  10. freshcutgrass

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    We are all better off just not is depressing enough as it is.
  11. freshcutgrass

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    And if she was the two-term incumbent, she probably would have won.
  12. freshcutgrass

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    There was never a "crisis". Every budget must be balanced, and every budget faces an opening shortfall....Miller or Ford. This is normal. When you are city-building, improving services and just keeping up with inflation, it requires increased revenue. This is normal. There's a surplus...
  13. freshcutgrass

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    There are many factors that effect ridership, but service levels and fare increases is what effects ridership most. This is pretty common knowledge. Ridership peaked in 1989 and dropped year-over-year because of massive service cuts and fare increases. It didn't start it's year-over-year...
  14. freshcutgrass

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    What crisis? There was only Ford's rhetoric attempting to present a false dilemma to justify cutting taxes. He froze taxes and removed revenue sources (VRT) without that magic "gravy" he promised to find to pay for it, creating his own fiscal "crisis". Good thing Miller's last budget surplus...
  15. freshcutgrass

    Toronto The One | 328.4m | 91s | Mizrahi Developments | Foster + Partners

    I can't remember this much indignation in Toronto...ranks right up there with the kidnapping of the Active Surplus gorilla. I fear for the future of this project though, as you just know that a curse is attached to this STOLLERY STONE. We need a rendering...or something. fast
  16. freshcutgrass

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    What TTC culture? When Miller took office he faced declining ridership and service, obsolete vehicle fleet and infrastructure, and no new subway/LRT lines planned or funded. This is not a problem you solve with "smart cards". No...Miller launched the Ridership Growth Strategy, and improved...
  17. freshcutgrass

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    Wow. I had been wondering how a brain must work to actually think budgets under Ford were anything but moronic. Thanks for enlightening me.
  18. freshcutgrass

    Toronto The HUB | 258.46m | 59s | Oxford Properties | Rogers Stirk Harbour

    I was hoping this evil little fed agency would eventually be dissolved because of their long term inability to perform their economically self-sufficient. They are a huge thorn in Toronto's side and need to be run out of town but I'm afraid projects like this will help make them...
  19. freshcutgrass

    Toronto The One | 328.4m | 91s | Mizrahi Developments | Foster + Partners

    In ancient times hundreds of years before the dawn of history Lived a strange race of people, the Druids No one knows who they were or what they were doing But their legacy remains hewn into the living rock of STOLLERY STONE STOLLERY STONE, where the demons dwell Where the banshees live and...
