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News   Jul 15, 2024
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Search results

  1. freshcutgrass

    Paying an illegal damage deposit

    If a landlord is unaware of such a basic rule governing the business they have chosen to engage in, or have knowingly chosen to act illegally, then this is not a very professional landlord. And I wouldn't want to deal with an non-professional landlord for the same reason I wouldn't want my...
  2. freshcutgrass

    Condos That Allow Large Pets (85lb Dog)

    This subject is confusing because it involves various levels of authority, where some supersede others. The City of Toronto has a municipal bylaw restricting the maximum number of cats per household to 6 and the number of dogs to 3. Ontario Condo bylaws regarding pets are almost always going...
  3. freshcutgrass

    Toronto PATH Retail

    I mean...they aren't even knock-offs....they are slightly in the manner of. I think they just did a bulk buy for all their properties. In a $2 billion complex actually designed by Mies (right down to the signage fonts, which has also been cast aside), you'd think they could splurge for a...
  4. freshcutgrass

    Toronto Eaton Centre

    I can't help but notice how even more empty TEC seems. It's a giant empty hangar. I've noticed they've removed almost all seating. I'd be interested to know how much seating was in the original TEC vs now. Just when you think you couldn't possibly ruin what was once a great bit of design...
  5. freshcutgrass

    Toronto PATH Retail

    Can you guess what it is about this picture that irritates the hell out of me, and personifies all that is wrong with CF?
  6. freshcutgrass

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    Notice how your bin fees went up 58% this year? SUCKERS!!!
  7. freshcutgrass

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    That's the problem when the penalties for violating the law is a paltry 30 bucks. First of all, there should be a frigging zero added to that. Secondly, the ticket should include a wheel clamp, which doesn't get removed until you pay the fine (and if you don't pay up within a short period of...
  8. freshcutgrass

    Toronto Pinnacle One Yonge | 345.5m | 105s | Pinnacle | Hariri Pontarini

    Quite frankly, I think it's the local firms that are pulling off the better designs on tighter budgets. The local firms are getting plenty of work because of the massive Toronto market and can use the opportunity to improve their image that can be translated into out-of-town/international...
  9. freshcutgrass

    Seven ways to make Toronto a world-class city again

    Why relocate your family from Paris to Toronto....and expect Paris??? Why move anywhere from Paris if you weren't interested in something different than Paris?? It's not like Toronto is some 3rd world hell-hole that you need to flee after discovering what a huge mistake you made...
  10. freshcutgrass

    Toronto Pinnacle One Yonge | 345.5m | 105s | Pinnacle | Hariri Pontarini

    Right then....the best part of this proposal is the imaginary park on an adjacent property (that appears to have a functioning version of the Four Seasons fountain).
  11. freshcutgrass

    Seven ways to make Toronto a world-class city again

    Hmmmm. I'd say Paris is very good at maintaining its antiquities, and is just lucky to have them in the first place...we aren't so blessed. Paris has also acquired some fantastic big ticket modern items. But pound for pound, I'd say Toronto has done a better overall job at post-war city...
  12. freshcutgrass

    Toronto 88 Scott Street | 203.9m | 58s | Concert | P + S / IBI

    This is clearly just another market-driven condo building employing a convoluted architectural design. Quality of materials and execution can make a difference. Sometimes they work, and sometimes they don't. I have a feeling this one will just end up as filler.
  13. freshcutgrass

    Toronto Eaton Centre

    So...kinda what was originally there? At some point, I assume they will come to the conclusion that maintaining the complex as originally designed would have been the prudent idea. Oh well, I remember in the late 70's when it was new and garnered worldwide attention. Now we get excited...
  14. freshcutgrass

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    So in other words....never? The day we stop subsidizing car culture will be the day we finally grow up as an urban entity. Sadly, I suspect that day will be a long time off.
  15. freshcutgrass

    Toronto Theatre Park | 156.96m | 47s | Lamb Dev Corp | a—A

    In the manner of the Neal Small Slopes mirror.
  16. freshcutgrass

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    Luckily, the electorate, the Old City of Toronto, and all parties at the provincial level wanted it saved. The worst mayor in the history of Toronto is not Rob was Fred Gardiner (Chairman of Metro being the equivalent), who never met a neighbourhood he wouldn't like to demolish.
  17. freshcutgrass

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    You're just being annoyingly pedantic. After 150 years, I think it's safe to say that the islands have always had a residential component. Since many homes were moved or demolished to make way for the airport, that theory doesn't wash either.
  18. freshcutgrass

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    I have no idea what you are going on about. The residential communities have been there since day one. And if they were so interested in creating more recreational space to replace what they demolished building the Gardiner, why did they demolish the existing recreational space on the...
  19. freshcutgrass

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    First of all, it's a live venue where people go to hear real bands play real music. Secondly, you aren't seriously trying to equate a small cottage country dance hall to 60,000 puking 905'ers are you? If anything, it hindered it. Woop Dee Doo. There's no grandfather clause...
