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Search results

  1. joeclark

    Your experiences with the 2010 Museum subway diversion (May 22–25, Aug 14-15)

    I hit Reply with Quote. But lemme guess: You top-post your E-mail, right?
  2. joeclark

    Your experiences with the 2010 Museum subway diversion (May 22–25, Aug 14-15)

    Again, since this thread is turning into a teeming mass of Stupid: What we are talking about here, Bloke, is figuring out which exact train to get on at what exact minute. Your observations here are irrelevant.
  3. joeclark

    Your experiences with the 2010 Museum subway diversion (May 22–25, Aug 14-15)

    To my great surprise, it was not a disaster I was there yesterday afternoon and was gobsmacked to see the TTC had taken advice from somebody outside the company for the first time ever. Yes, I was the one who suggested they hold up cards stating the direction of each incoming train. (There’s...
  4. joeclark

    Your experiences with the 2010 Museum subway diversion (May 22–25, Aug 14-15)

    You must be new here. Sure. I’ll load that on my iTouch while I’m under 40 feet of earth and tile and find out which of the two trains on either platform is the one I want.
  5. joeclark

    Your experiences with the 2010 Museum subway diversion (May 22–25, Aug 14-15)

    Everybody was functionally deaf on that platform Deaf people had no way to determine which train was which except to guess at which platform to use and look for the destination sign, which they already knew lied to them because they had just gotten off a train claiming to go to Kipling or...
  6. joeclark

    Your experiences with the 2010 Museum subway diversion (May 22–25, Aug 14-15)

    We’ve already mentioned this event in a previous thread: This weekend, Bloor trains will interrupt their journeys at Museum station so that track work can be carried out at Bay. The last time this happened it was chaos and a total wayfinding disaster. That was three years ago, and you’d...
  7. joeclark

    Wayfinding signage ideas

    I like what you’re doing, but the TTC typeface isn’t really suitable for extended use on directional signage, don’t you agree?
  8. joeclark

    Toronto St. Clair West Transit Improvements | ?m | ?s | TTC

    Brad Ross’s official response to these photographs: “The track is perfectly fine.â€
  9. joeclark

    Can somebody post pictures of the new crowdherders at Bloor station?

    Just what it says: Can somebody post some pictures of the new morning-rush crowd control at Bloor station? You know, the barriers, the “cheerful†TTC staff, etc. Doesn’t have to be here – Flickr or anywhere else will do.
  10. joeclark

    A controversial thread about handicapped people

    Dude, this isn’t about cost/benefit ratios This isn’t about “return on investment,â€*because if that were your criterion, we’d have a subway line from Union to Eglinton and that would be that. Your anecdotal observations are about as useful as mine, e.g., I saw a young guy in a chair...
  11. joeclark

    Splitting the 501 Queen Streetcar

    And one of them’s a retread And the dude was the same guy CBC News at Six managed to dig up last night.
  12. joeclark

    Corrections To Route Schedules (Official Thread)

    Not necessarily the TTC’s fault Everything that matters in the reading experience, from fonts (and rendering and whitespace) to Web browsing, is substandard on Blackberrys. It is much too much to expect a Blackberry to render standards-compliant sites properly, since Blackberry browsers ignore...
  13. joeclark

    Colour Me Impressed: the New "old" Tile at St. Andrew Station

    Which is, incidentally, a third of an em. I measured it. It is in this case because we’re talking about two adjacent characters. Spacing adjustments across words or lines, or just across three characters or more, are called tracking. Anyway, vertical-sided + diagonal-sided caps are hard...
  14. joeclark

    DRL Station Design

    Arial! Argh! Wyliepoon, please stop using Arial. In the TTC setting it’s levels of fake.
  15. joeclark

    DRL Station Design

    Letterspacing, not kerning dunkalunk, it’s letterspacing or tracking, not kerning. Look it up.
  16. joeclark

    DRL Station Design

    I love the idea, but… I love what you’re doing here, but when you say “Sheppard style,†you mean it, complete with the half-assed channel signage over the platforms (an accurate rendering of the mistakes TTC would surely make) and the too-tight spacing of the station name. You need...
  17. joeclark

    TTC Website Redesign

    Not the “lowest”*bidder For the umpteenth time, the redesign was not awarded to the “lowest”*bidder but the only qualified bidder. And their bid total was significantly above TTC’s allotted budge.
  18. joeclark

    TTC Website Redesign

    Authoress of TTC Web redesign outs herself It is of course Joanna Briggs and she’ll be happy to take your questions.
