Kyle Campbell
Active Member
So far, the only Candian agency with a policy of always having redundant elevators is OC Transpo, but elsewhere in North America so does Boston's MBTA, Washington Metro, and BART.I suppose it was a "solution" in that it was the fastest available way relying only on TTC accessible infrastructure, but the message is definitely that you should never rely on TTC accessible infrastructure if you have an important trip to make.
Given how much cost and effort is going into retrofitting old TTC stations without elevators, it seems like it's easy to forsee in 20 years or so Metrolinx paying for a massive project to add redundant elevators when it becomes expected practice. This is a penny-wise, pound foolish decision.
And accessibility is for everyone. I didn't realize this myself until I had small children and was trying to navigate the Montreal Metro and underground with a stroller. It was hell.
I also wonder how much money they are saving. Line 2 in Ottawa has 9 out of 11 stations with redundant elevators (the remaining 3 are accessible without elevators needing to be added), and that entire line cost $1.6B. The elevator costs for the Ontario line would be pocket change out of the projected $27B cost.
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