Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

I’ve always wondered why we don’t have the asphalt meet the lip of the concrete curbs. Is there a good reason this is the case on new roads in Toronto?
Usually because the top layer of asphalt is still to come. They usually like to leave the lower layers to 'mature' for several months (or over a winter) so any defects appear before putting on the top layer.
WT indicates in an updated IG post that new Cherry St. will open on Jan. 11 and as mentioned earlier, without any event.
Wasn't expecting to see an event based on the time of the year for the opening other than the surprise it now open with the removal of the fencing over night.

Once open, they can close Villager permeant to build the rest of of the new Mouth of The Don across it.

Everyone will love the new route, especially the cycles traveling on smooth pavement. It standard to not have top coat pavement down for new roads as it help to compact the earth under the road with the top coat fixing any area that has flaws in it.

Every little is needed for things to be build across these new roads and they are in place now.
Ah sorry might have misunderstood this:

"other than the surprise it now open with the removal of the fencing over night."
Ah sorry might have misunderstood this:

"other than the surprise it now open with the removal of the fencing over night."
To be clear, my comment was for the day the roads are to open, not now.

Weather may have some say as which day the roads are to be open and it will be this week for sure.

You could drive by the area tonight and see the fencing in place and come morning, the fencing is gone and road open. or it could be Thursday morning or Friday.

No idea if signs will be posted saying road is open when it opens.
You got Loblaw's at Jarvis for medical needs with a Shoppers on Front St, but it will be some time before retail gets to this area. Either Shoppers or Rexall or both will be in the new area. Need a few grocery stores as well.

With the snow on the way, there most likely be no ribbon cutting and just open the roads up when ready as a surprise.
Confused as you point out nearby grocery stores that house pharmacies as reason why we don’t need any in the area, but then say we need more grocery stores…

Anyhow, it will be interesting to see how self sustaining Villiers will be. Everyone has differing thresholds for figuring what is and isn’t a hassle - but unless there’s a grocery store ON Villiers, and until the streetcar is on QQE, everyone on that island is driving to get groceries (cue bottleneck). I hope they at least get a Rabba in it’s early days
Confused as you point out nearby grocery stores that house pharmacies as reason why we don’t need any in the area, but then say we need more grocery stores…

Anyhow, it will be interesting to see how self sustaining Villiers will be. Everyone has differing thresholds for figuring what is and isn’t a hassle - but unless there’s a grocery store ON Villiers, and until the streetcar is on QQE, everyone on that island is driving to get groceries (cue bottleneck). I hope they at least get a Rabba in it’s early days
What exists today for the Villiers area that requires anything??

Once development starts to take place, everything to support the area will be needed.

As East Bayfront develops more, there is need for more retail of all types to support the area as noted so far, including a second grocery store.
What exists today for the Villiers area that requires anything??

Once development starts to take place, everything to support the area will be needed.

As East Bayfront develops more, there is need for more retail of all types to support the area as noted so far, including a second grocery store.
For someone who knows more than most about the TOTAL failure of "Transit First" and the lack of significant retail in West Don Lands, I applaud your optimism that all necessary services will be there when people move in but.......
Unfortunately, the opening of the bridges has been pushed back to the end of the month, based on the latest e-mail from my contact at WT.

"For a variety of reasons, the roads aren’t quite ready to open. We’re pushing really hard to get there. The new date is about two to three weeks from now. We’ll send out a construction notice once the date is firm, and I would be happy to forward that on to you if you don’t already receive them."
