Toronto The Yards | 132.8m | 40s | TAS | Giannone Petricone

The excavation mentioned above looks to be for the neighbouring West Condos by Aspen Ridge site:

All quiet at the abattoir when I passed by yesterday. Sinister lighting was necessarily lol.

It's actually pretty incredible how old that abbatoir building is. You would never know looking at it. I can't find the date now but I seem to recall it being quite old.


It needs restoration, which I think is part of the plan. It currently looks like shit.
It's actually pretty incredible how old that abbatoir building is. You would never know looking at it. I can't find the date now but I seem to recall it being quite old.


Built: 1914

Info obtained from this interesting paper on the decline of abattoirs that Google found for me.

Slaughterhouse Rules: Declining Abattoirs
and the Politics of Food Safety Regulation in Ontario

by Hillary C. Barter
Huh, newer than I thought. Thanks. I recalled seeing a date from then1860’s or something, and wondering why it wasn’t a listed property. It’s still a very unique structure and should probably be at least listed.
The Heritage Impacts report for this site and immediate surroundings are one of the more interesting ones that I have read (to be frank those reports are usually quite dry 😅 )

Some excerpts:





Construction should start in 2022 on a large project on a five-acre site — north of a rail corridor, south of King Street West, adjacent to Fort York and close to parks. When completed, the 2 Tecumseth Street development will include approximately 1.2 million square feet of purpose-built rental units, for-sale condo units and affordable housing, as well as commercial, office, retail, light industrial, community and event spaces.

The development will include a 30-storey building, a 22-storey building, a seven-storey building and two two-storey buildings. There will be underground parking spaces for approximately 860 bikes and 400 vehicles. More than 62,300 square feet of public realm improvements and new parks, as well as a four-metre-wide bike path along the site’s southern boundary, will also be included.

“It’s an amazing downtown location that’s being designed as a very integrated campus-like precinct,” said Mortazavi.
I recently bought a condo on Niagara and spelled it wrong in my username. I'm interested in this development and the Coffin Factory on the east side of Tecumseh. Does anyone know if they are planning to build a road to the south of the Coffin Factory's new towers? I can't imagine all the new residents using Niagara Street to get to Bathurst.

View attachment 326962
What are all those buildings to the east of Tecumseh, particularly the tall one to the east of the Coffin Factory? Are there plans to build there? The north side of Tecumseh is a residential street, the tallest buildings being 5 stories 60/62/64 Niagara and then 60 Lofts, a 10 story building with a bigger footprint on Bathurst than on Niagara. That building in the drawing to the east of the coffin factory looks to be 25 stories. There's no way they could build that???
What are all those buildings to the east of Tecumseh, particularly the tall one to the east of the Coffin Factory? Are there plans to build there? The north side of Tecumseh is a residential street, the tallest buildings being 5 stories 60/62/64 Niagara and then 60 Lofts, a 10 story building with a bigger footprint on Bathurst than on Niagara. That building in the drawing to the east of the coffin factory looks to be 25 stories. There's no way they could build that???

this project was approved by the LPAT though a settlement with a council a couple years ago. It’ll likely start construction in a couple years. IMO it’s a pretty exciting piece of city building.
this project was approved by the LPAT though a settlement with a council a couple years ago. It’ll likely start construction in a couple years. IMO it’s a pretty exciting piece of city building.
Which project are you referring to? I know about the Coffin factory and associated two buildings to the south. Are you saying that they will be taking down the Victorian homes to on the southern side of Niagara east of the Coffin Factory and the community centre to the south of them? To build a tall building?
