Toronto Ivy Condos | 102.41m | 32s | Dream | RAW Design

Not every 130+ year old building is deemed heritage and worthy of saving.

From the Toronto Preservation Board agenda:

"This report recommends the receipt of the heritage evaluation of the properties at 51A, 53, 53A, 63, 65, 67 Mutual Street. The report concludes that these properties do not merit inclusion on the City of Toronto Heritage Register because they do not meet Ontario Regulation 9/06, the criteria prescribed by the Province of Ontario for municipal designation.

Located on the east side of Mutual Street, between Shuter Street and Dundas Street East, the properties at 51A, 53 and 53A Mutual Street contain three, two-and-a-half-storey, brick clad row houses completed between 1885 and 1890. To the north, the properties at 63, 65 and 67 Mutual Street contain three, two-and-a-half storey row houses; originally brick clad, they were completed by 1880."
Great pic. Arena Gardens is a hidden gem in the Garden District. We have to work together with city planning staff and improve the park from its current disposition. Where was this picture taken from?
Why do you say it should be improved? Seems to serve the function of a small park quite well. There are gardens, benches, a play area for the daycare and green space. The notion that the park should better align with your condo proposal seems presumptious.
In the late evening, Arena Gardens suffers since there is a lack of proper lighting in the green space. As a result, this makes the space vulnerable to a bad element that we don't want around our community. We want to work with the councillor, her team and the community to improve the green space - this would be a collective effort by all who benefit from having this green space in our neighbourhood. Meeting with our neighbours at 76 shuter, there are also concerns of improper drainage. They seem to suffer when there is a heavy rainfall or when the snow melts in the winter. The drainage load that is created heads south towards their building. Part of issue is a function that this green space was created above a parking garage. The city councillor has made it crystal clear to us to stop bringing up the park with our application. The green space is not part of our application - this has never been our intent. Our intent is to raise awareness through community involvement so that things start moving forward for the benefit of all who currently use it and for the benefit of people moving into the area. Hope that clears up our intentions.
Few people truly make use of the green space here as it is essentially used for people to let their dogs do their business, and frequently it isn't picked up. People really need to take responsibility for their pets.
Few people truly make use of the green space here as it is essentially used for people to let their dogs do their business, and frequently it isn't picked up. People really need to take responsibility for their pets.

Many parks have become giant pet litter boxes.
I was not aware of the drainage problem. I wonder whether that condo was built before or after the park was completed. Either way you make a fair point.

Don't get me started on dog owners but this is a problem everywhere. Short of patrolling the park constantly I see no solution.

The so called "bad element" that this park "suffers" from seems so exagerated as to become a straw man argument. The statement implies that only through development may the community be saved.

To my eye, the only peril this park faces is being boxed in by condos. Our little community is far more vulnerable to rapacious development.
As someone with a dog, it really drives me crazy when people don't pick up after their pets. Makes the rest of us (the vast majority) look bad. It just takes one or two owners who frequent and area that don't pick up to make a huge mess. I have often scolded others on this, and I hate to say it but there are stereo types who are the worst offenders.
But what can you do, people littering is an even bigger issue.
People are careless and gross...
Some of the balconies look a little busy, but there are so many minimalist buildings now that something busy might be kinda refreshing.
A few minutes apart: the clouds have moved. Close call for our hero.

