| DESIGN CITYSCAPEMarch 13, 2025 | Sean Marshall | 8 commentsDysfunction Junction: Permanent Obstructions at Union Station Toronto can, and should, do better than the ugly and intrusive new barriers that are being installed around Union Station.
When it was learned that Union Station was finally getting permanent bollards to replace the haphazardly-placed ... |
 | NEWS CITYSCAPEFebruary 19, 2025 | Anthony Teles | 8 commentsGWL Realty Announces College Park 100 Ahead of Site’s Centennial This morning, GWL Realty Advisors announced College Park 100, an initiative to explore the past, present, and future of College Park in anticipation of its 100th anniversary in 2030. Through a newly launched website and an upcoming series of public ... |
 | NEWS CITYSCAPEJanuary 30, 2025 | Anthony Teles | 14 commentsSankofa Square Reveals Community-Driven Vision at Reception Community leaders, City officials, and everyday Torontonians gathered in the Thornton-Smith Building's Aperture Room on January 29 to learn the results of the Sankofa Square community research study. UrbanToronto was in attendance for the event ... |
 | INFRASTRUCTURE CITYSCAPEJanuary 25, 2024 | Anthony Teles | 1 commentCherry Street North and Commissioners Street Bridges Open to Public in Port Lands Today, Toronto marks a significant milestone with the public opening of two landmark bridges in the Port Lands. The Cherry Street North and Commissioners Street Bridges, part of Waterfront Toronto's ambitious $1.3 billion revitalization project, are ... |
 | CULTURE CITYSCAPEMay 19, 2023 | Craig White | 3 commentsIt's The Long Weekend, Drift Off With A Gorgeous Flight Long weekends are a chance to relax a little longer and drink in the things you love… and if you're a lover of Toronto, you just may want to drink in all the late evening atmosphere of this fantastic recent drone flight video by UrbanToronto Forum ... |
 | DEVELOPMENT CITYSCAPEJune 30, 2022 | Téana Graziani, Craig White | 2 commentsMidtown Toronto From Up In The Air With $5.3 billion in capital investment and 19km of new rapid transit intersecting with Toronto’s main north-south subway artery, Yonge and Eglinton is emerging as one of the most connected and important mobility hubs in the country. As Midtown ... |
 | FEATURES CITYSCAPEFebruary 25, 2022 | Téana Graziani | 9 commentsVaughan Looking For Input on City-Building Initiatives As one of the fastest-growing cities in Canada, Vaughan is rapidly changing — and the City is asking its residents to share their opinions on a variety of city-building initiatives. The input collected will be used to help inform municipal ... |
 | DEVELOPMENT CITYSCAPEOctober 15, 2021 | David Olsen | 4 commentsCity Recommends TAS to Revitalize Wellington DestructorA City of Toronto report has recommended real estate development company TAS as the long-term lessee to revitalize the Wellington Destructor site. Located at 677 Wellington Street West, is a former garbage incinerator built in the 1920s. |
 | DEVELOPMENT CITYSCAPEFebruary 13, 2019 | Julian Mirabelli | 1 commentEntertainment District Density Sets Up Tough Decisions for City It's a story that has been repeated ad nauseum in Toronto over the past decade. Developable land is scarce. Demand for housing is high. Land value is skyrocketing. And the only way to go is up. Density is the magic word on everyone's lips, whether ... |
 | DEVELOPMENT CITYSCAPEFebruary 12, 2019 | Jack LandauTower at Pier 27 Rising Taller Above Queens Quay Work continues at the site of Cityzen Development Group and Fernbrook Homes' Tower at Pier 27, where the architectsAlliance-designed condominium tower is rising above Queen's Quay East. Under construction immediately north of the first phase ... |
 | DESIGN CITYSCAPEDecember 03, 2018 | Stefan NovakovicRyerson Makes the Case for a Downtown Yonge Street Revival Yonge-Dundas Square. College Park. The Eaton Centre. Then the street unfolds in theatres, soaring towers, and fine-grained 20th century retail, before reaching down to the Lake, and stretching past Bloor Street, midtown, uptown, out of town, and ... |
 | DEVELOPMENT CITYSCAPEApril 06, 2018 | Jorge QuesadaWellesley-Parliament Square: A Plan to Revitalize St James Town Last month's City of Toronto Design Review Panel (DRP) session included a review of plans for Wellesley-Parliament Square, a thorough development proposal prepared for a substantial portion of the high-rise St James Town neighbourhood. The proposal ... |
 | PHOTOS CITYSCAPEMarch 21, 2018 | Jack LandauSidewalk Labs Creates Interactive Photo Map of Old Toronto Sidewalk Labs is best known in Toronto for their ambitious plan to build a new digital community from the ground up in partnership with Waterfront Toronto. In the meantime, the digital urban innovation company is getting to know our city a bit ... |
 | NEWS CITYSCAPEJune 22, 2017 | Stefan NovakovicOne Bloor: McEwan Joins Yorkville's Experiential Retail Roster Long a high-end shopping destination, the granite-paved Mink Mile is also poised to become a hub for Toronto's growing luxury supermarket sector. Joining the much-publicized Eataly at the transformed base of the Manulife Centre, the Toronto-based ... |
 | CULTURE CITYSCAPEApril 12, 2017 | Alexander VuNeighbourhood Node: Keeping Up with Talk in the UT Forum With Spring fitfully settling into the city, a look into the Toronto discussions in the 'Neighbourhood Node' threads of UT's Forum sheds light on the city at the fine-grained community level. Whether it's new restaurant openings, construction ... |
 | CULTURE CITYSCAPEMarch 13, 2017 | Stefan NovakovicHard Rock No Longer Prescribed at Yonge-Dundas Square Will they at least keep the giant plastic guitar? As Toronto's Yonge-Dundas Square welcomes the Sam the Record Man sign, an enhanced new advertising and broadcasting program, and—around the corner—a piece of Honest Ed's, it looks like Yonge ... |
 | NEWS CITYSCAPEMarch 08, 2017 | Alexander VuSam The Record Man Sign Coming to Yonge-Dundas Square Three years after the announcement of a new Yonge-Dundas Square home for the iconic sign, Ryerson University has revealed the Sam The Record Man sign will be back on display later this year, with proponents Sunset Neon chosen to restore the sign and ... |
 | POLITICS CITYSCAPEDecember 22, 2016 | Julian MirabelliAre Property Taxes Dooming Toronto's Heritage Buildings? It has recently come to light in local media outlets that the existence of Toronto's beloved 401 Richmond—an artists' enclave in the heart of the Entertainment District—is threatened by a massive increase in property taxes that will force the ... |
 | CULTURE CITYSCAPEDecember 15, 2016 | Cody KitaNeighbourhood Node: Ongoing Conversations from the UT Forum With winter finally upon us, we reflect on some of the recent changes to Toronto's communities discussed in the 'Neighbourhood Node' threads in UT’s Forums. While ongoing development and transit within Toronto and the GTA is very actively ... |
 | DEVELOPMENT CITYSCAPENovember 22, 2016 | Stefan NovakovicBilateral Funding Propels Downsview Park's Aerospace Campus Reinventing a hub of mid-century aerospace innovation, Downsview Park's new Aerospace Campus will see Toronto's former de Havilland aircraft plant adapted to become part of a new educational facility. With the Provincial and Federal governments ... |