Throughout October, UrbanToronto is celebrating 20 YEARS, with stories looking back over the last two decades. Each day we are also checking out our ever-changing street scenes, comparing an older "Then" shot with an up-to-date "Now" shot.
Then: looking west from Sunnyside Beach towards Humber Bay Shores, late 2005, image by Edward Skira
Stepping outside the downtown core, today's 'Then' and 'Now' comparison takes a look west towards Humber Bay Shores from Sunnyside Beach in 2005 and then 2023. This area has seen significant growth and redevelopment occur - the tallest buildings in 2005 being the Palace Place and Palace Pier condominiums standing at 138m in height. Today, the 'Now' photo (below) shows redevelopment has primarily shifted west, with a number of taller residential buildings and skyscrapers having been constructed along Marine Parade Drive and Park Lawn Road, forming a new distinct skyline that peaks with the angled crown of Eau du Soleil Condos at 228m. This area is now home to retail, residential, and institutional uses, as well as a trail network along the waterfront and Humber Bay Park East. And to the east are a number of redevelopments since 2005 - including Park Lake Residences (2010), NXT Condos (2011), and the newly-completed Mirabella Condominiums.
However, this area is far from completion - the 'Now' image shows Water's Edge at the Cove currently under construction (identified by the crane), which will top out at 182m, and a number of proposals will continue to alter the skyline - 2173 Lake Shore West (156m), 2189 Lake Shore (192m), and the masterplanned redevelopment of 2150 Lake Shore (the former Mr Christie site), which proposes 28 new buildings - eight of which are over 150m in height and would essentially double the number of buildings visible when viewed from this vantage point.
Now: looking west towards Humber Bay Shores from the Boulevard Club, September 2023, image by Michael Fernandes
Come back tomorrow for another Then and Now from over UrbanToronto's last two decades!
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Thank you to the companies joining UrbanToronto to celebrate our 20 years in business.