This instalment of Growth To Watch For restarts our journey through Toronto a bit northeast of Bathurst and Bloor, where we left off in the last instalment. Starting near Dupont and Davenport, we head west along Dupont and then follow Dundas through The Junction, reverse course by heading back east on St. Clair, then progress up Spadina to Eglinton, and finish off where Eglinton meets Black Creek Drive.
Map outlining the area covered, image retrieved via Apple Maps
Madison View is the first project on today's tour. Just north of the CPR tracks from Dupont, this development by Madison View Homes Inc. will bring 82 affordable rental units to this area of the city. The lotat 200 Madison Avenue has remained vacant and inactive for about a decade, until Mayor John Tory announced in 2015 that it would be the site of an affordable housing development. Designed by McKnight Charron Limited Architects, it appears that construction is just beginning on the site.
Rendering of Madison View, image courtesy of Madison View Homes Inc.
Heading south to Dupont from Spadina, we turn west, soon arriving at 328 Dupont. This is the first of several sites along the north side of the street, most of which are current or former industrial or commercial properties. No longer appropriate for industrial uses, development pressures mean that the sites are now attractive for housing, and often have commercial space proposed on the ground floors (and sometimes second storeys) as well. With their north property lines butting up against the CPR corridor, redevelopment of these properties must take 30 metre setbacks from the rails in account, complicating potential plans. Nevertheless, many sites have now been snapped up by developers, with the City responding by studying the development potential of the corridor.
328 Dupont was submitted in January 2015 with two towers, the east one at 29 storeys and the west one at 15 storeys, with a total 560 residential units. These were much higher than the Dupont study recommended, with the City seeking to bring the height down closer to 9 storeys. Developer Freed appealed to the OMB, and a settlement mediation is underway there now. We should know in April what height and density will be allowed on this site.
Next up is 420 Dupont at Albany Street. A Teeple-designed building for Tridel, this proposal was reduced in mid-2016 to 9-storeys and 245 new residential units. The architectural expression of the building features square-framed protruding volumes, similar to that of the same team's work at SQ Condos, just shy of 3 kilometres south of this site. This development is currently seeking City Council approval.
Rendering of 420 Dupont, image courtesy of Tridel
The next project we see on this street is 500 Dupont, just west of Bathurst. Designed by Core Architects for Lifetime Developments, this 9-storey mid-rise would see retail fronting Dupont, in addition to 145 residential units. A redesign was unveiled last year, as the developers reduced the scale of the project from 12 to 9 storeys, minimizing shadowing impacts on the surroundings. Documents seeking Site Plan Approval were submitted in December.
Updated rendering of 500 Dupont Street, image retrieved via submission to the City of Toronto
Immediately to the west is a proposal for a 3-storey mixed-use development at 524 Dupont. Built in a very neo-Victorian townhome style, this project at Palmerston Avenue proposes retail fronting Dupont on the ground level, with four residential units on the second and third floors.
Future site of 524 Dupont Street, image retrieved via Google Maps
Proceeding east, our next stop is the current site of Grand Touring Automobiles, midway between Christie and Shaw streets. Turner Fletcher Architects is the designer of 740 Dupont Street, currently at the City of its SPA review. This 8-storey mid-rise by RioCan would too consist of ground and second floor retail, in addition to 122 units on upper levels.
Updated rendering of 740 Dupont Street, image retrieved via submission to the City of Toronto
Moving on, we come to a surface parking lot that occupies a Sobey's grocery store. Also under SPA review, this site will soon see a mid-rise at 840 Dupont Street. Rising to 9 storeys, this mixed-use project designed by Turner Fleischer Architects will include a new Sobey's, in addition to office space in the lower levels, and 304 residential units.
Rendering of 840 Dupont Street, image retrieved via submission to the City of Toronto
Making a quick detour on to Ossington, The Ossington Luxury Townhomes are under construction north of Acores Avenue. Developed by Dunpar Homes, construction is expected to wrap up later this year.
The Ossington Luxury Townhomes, image by Forum contributor AlbertC
Returning to Dupont and turning west again, another modestly-scaled project is planned for the southeast corner at Westmoreland Avenue. Here, an application for a 3-storey condo consisting of 7 residential towns has been submitted to the City. Dubbed Dupont Towns, the design of the project is by George Popper Architect Inc.
Rendering of 1025 Dupont Street, image retrieved via submission to the City of Toronto
Continuing on, a rare proposal for a new commercial building on this stretch was submitted to the City for SPA last year. Located at 1120 Dupont, this JH Rust Architects proposal is for the construction of a 6-storey self-storage centre.
Rendering of the storage facility at 1120 Dupont, image retrieved via submission to the City of Toronto
As we arrive at Dufferin, we come across one of the most exciting proposals to surface in Toronto in 2016. This is the Galleria Mall Redevelopment, a massive undertaking that would demolish the aging shopping centre, replacing it with a new mixed-use community. Included in the proposal are 12 buildings that rise from three to 42 storeys in height split across seven blocks, a rebuilt community centre, and an enlarged park.
Rendering of the Galleria Mall Redevelopment, image retrieved via submission to the City of Toronto
Storefronts will be prominent at-grade, including "boutique-retail opportunities" along the mews that meets the "5-Point Plaza," where new roads meet on the site. The new community would also include commercial-office uses in the podiums of the towers. Undertaken by Freed Developments and ELAD Canada in partnership, the project is designed by Toronto-based Hariri Pontarini Architects. As currently proposed, the redevelopment seeks to add 3,416 residential units to the area.
Site Plan of the Galleria Mall Redevelopment, image retrieved via submission to the City of Toronto
At Lansdowne Avenue we reach the site of Fuse and Fuse2 Condos by the Neudorfer Corporation. While the towers are nearly finished, work continues in the 2-storey converted GE building at the corner. A new grocery store and pharmacy are expected to open here in the coming months.
After crossing under the GO Barrie rail corridor, we come to Campbell Avenue. On the southeast corner, demolition has cleared the site of 299 Campbell Avenue. Designed by Teeple Architects, this project by TAS will see a 12-storey condo constructed. Boasting 215 units on upper storeys in addition to ground-level retail, the project will see 10,000 square feet given over to a new Toronto Public Library. A benefit from a Section 37 agreement between the City and TAS, the library will replace the existing location at Perth and Dupont, which is roughly one-third of the size. TAS has not begun marketing of the condos yet.
Rendering of 299 Campbell, image retrieved via submission to the City of Toronto
Briefly turning north onto Symington Avenue, we find a proposal at 386-394 Symington Avenue just north of the rail corridor. The YYZed Project Management development proposes two 17-storey residential buildings and two rows of 3-storey townhomes. The design of the project is led by AJ Tregebov Architects, and in all would add 372 units.
386-394 Symington Avenue, image retrieved via submission to the City of Toronto
Heading back south, we turn west onto Wallace Avenue. Taking a few steps, we arrive at the construction site of Arch Lofts. Designed by Caricari Lee Architects, this Windmill Developments Group project includes the conversion of the former Seventh Day Adventist Church into a 2-building, 4-storey condominium with 42 residential units. The development experienced a few hiccups during construction; though now resolved, the project has resumed, and is targeting a completion for mid 2017.
Rendering of Arch Lofts, image courtesy of Windmill Development Group
Heading back to Dupont, we cross under the GO Kitchener rail corridor and reemerge where Dupont veers into Dundas West. Just to the north, DUKE Condos is in the final stages of construction, and set to be fully complete in the coming months. A 7-storey building, this Quadrangle-designed project will consist of 85 residential units, along with retail at grade.
DUKE Condos nearing the end of construction, image by Forum contributor MafaldaBoy
Rolling along through The Junction, a proposal to rezone the site at 2978 Dundas West seeks permission for the development of an 8-storey mixed-use building. Designed by RAW, this project includes ground level retail, while 84 rental units will be on the upper floors.
Rendering of 2978 Dundas West, image retrived via submission to the City of Toronto
A few blocks down is 3260 Dundas West. Here, there is an SPA for a 4-storey building that would consists of 9 townhouses, in addition to one office space.
Rendering of 3260 Dundas West, image retrieved via submission to the City of Toronto
Passing Runnymede Road, the next project that made its way to City Staff in 2016 was 3385 Dundas Street West. Developed in a joint venture by Terra Firma Homes and Habitat For Humanity, an 8-storey mixed-use building is proposed to include eight affordable housing units, as per Habitat's effort to provide affordable housing to low-income families. Overall, 123 units are proposed.
Rendering of 3385 Dundas Street West, image courtesy of Terra Firma/Habitat for Humanity
Just before arriving at the Humber River, there is one more proposal on this side of the valley at 3775 Dundas West. An SPA for a 12-storey, 293 residential unit building—another development by the team of TAS and Teeple—is making its way through the City's planning process.
Rendering of 3775 Dundas Street West, image courtesy of Teeple Architects
From here, we duck under the CP Milton corridor at Scarlett Road, then make an immediate right turn at St Clair Avenue. A block south of St Clair about a kilometre east, we find ourselves on Ethel Avenue, where a new mixed-use development proposes to bring 1,255 new residential units at 87 Ethel. Led by Red Eagle Enterprises, the porject includes five sizeable buildings, including commercial/retail and office uses, as well as one building with medical suites. The residential units are mostly 2-bedroom suites: 1,004 units of such are proposed. The developer is asking the City to designate the property as a regeneration area, looking for it to add residential density to the zoning on the site.
The site of 87 Ethel, image retrieved via submission to the City of Toronto
Just to the east of where Keele Street crosses St Clair, an application for an Official Plan Amendment was made in 2014 for JunXion Condos, and is still under review. The mixed-use development by Stanton Renaissance is designed by McCallum Sather Architects, and includes three 14-storey buildings, and one 8-storey building. Included will be commercial office space, retail space, and 478 residential units amongst the four buildings.
Continuing east along St Clair, we come across SCOOP, a mixed-use 6-storey building that is in currently in sales, with a second phase planned nearby. Designed by SMV Architects, SCOOP's first phase will add 72 residential units as the Graywood Developments' project looks to begin construction later this year.
SCOOP, image courtesy of Graywood Developments
Across the street at 1748 St Clair West, a proposal has been received by the City to replace the existing St Clair/Silverthorne branch of the Toronto Public Library with a new two-storey facility. G. Bruce Stratton Architects are the designer.
Rendering of the Silverthorne Library, image courtesy of Bruce Stratton Architects
Continuing east, an application for SPA at 1233 St Clair West was submitted earlier last year. Quite unlike most proposals seen by the City nowadays, this proposal seeks a 3-storey commercial building. It was designed by MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects for Shoppers Drug Mart, but reports are that now that the building has zoning approval, the site may be sold as rezoned.
Rendering of 1233 St Clair West, image retrieved via submission to the City of Toronto
About a kilometre east, Main and Main have begun work at their 898-900 Saint Clair Avenue West site, having the lot's single-storey commercial building last year. At the northeast corner at Alberta Avenue, the Quadrangle Architects-designed development will rise 12 storeys, renewing St Clair with retail space while adding 121 residential rental apartments above.
Updated rendering of 898-900 Saint Clair Avenue West, image retrieved via submission to the City of Toronto
A few blocks east, Homes of St. Clair West is awaiting construction. Designed by TACT Architecture, this Urbancorp project was in sales throughout 2015, though no timeline has been given on when construction on the 9-storey mixed-use project could begin.
Rendering of Homes of St. Clair West, image courtesy of Urbancorp
Directly across the street, Nest Condos at 829 St Clair West is on pace to finish construction later this year. Topping off at 9 storeys, this mixed-use development designed by RAW for the Rockport Group, will add 123 residential units, in addition to retail space at grade.
Nest Condos in late 2016, image by Forum contributor Mafaldaboy
Briefly heading up Vaughan Rd just before Bathurst, we come across the construction site of Oben Flats St Clair West. Designed by superkül, the site is being excavated for this 10-storey rental apartment, with construction to follow throughout 2017, finishing up next year.
Excavation underway at Oben Flats in late 2016, image by Forum contributor PMT
From there, we hop two streets over and end up at the northwest corner of Bathurst and St. Clair, where The Barrington Condos is set to begin excavation. Developed in partnership by Goldman Group and Lash Group of Companies, the Richmond Architects - designed project will be 18 storeys upon completion.
The Barrington Condos, image courtesy of Goldman Group/Lash Group of Companies
On the other side of the intersection, Rise Condos is doing just that. Roughly on its 6th level now, the Reserve Properties project designed by Graziani + Corazza Architects will rise 21 storeys, adding just shy of 300 new residential units to the area.
Rise Condos in late 2016, image by Forum contributor PMT
Just south on Bathurst, a 2-storey addition is planned for the Wychwood Library. The expansion and renovation of the heritage Toronto Public Library—designed by Shoalts and Zaback Architects Ltd—will also provide some interior space for the Wells Hill Lawn Bowling Club next door.
Rendering of the Toronto Wychwood Library Expansion, image retrieved via submission to the City of Toronto
Moving east again on St Clair, construction at Code Condos is in its final stages, with finishing touches being applied on the exterior and interior of Code. Built in partnership with BLVD Developments and Lifetime Developments, over half of the suites in the 9-storey 118-unit building are now occupied.
Code Condos in late 2016, image by Forum contributor Mafaldaboy
We detour south of St Clair at Russell Hill Road to find the site of a proposed luxury condominium at 200 Russell Hill. Hirsh Development Group is leading a project that would see a 5-storey boutique condominium replace a former mansion on this site. Designed by Lori Morris and Rafael + Bigauskas Architects, the development backs onto Winston Churchill Park, and would consist of 22 residential units.
Rendering of 200 Russell Hill, image courtesy of Hirsh Development Group
Continuing east on St Clair again, we next pass by Madison Homes and Fieldgate Homes' ZIGG Condos. Designed by Kirkor Architects, the 11-storey building is over two-thirds to structural completion, with about four more storeys to go. Scheduled to be complete by the end of the year, ZIGG will have 166 units for new residents to call home.
ZIGG Condos in December 2016, image by Jack Landau
A few steps east and across the street, a proposal for 200 St Clair West was appealed to the OMB in 2015, owing to the failure of the City to render a decision within the time required. Various mediations and OMB meetings to work out issues with the 15-storey condo took place throughout 2015 and early 2016, but no news has been posted to the OMB's website following a hearing scheduled for March of last year.
Another two blocks east, just past Avenue Road, work began in late 2016 on Blue Diamond Condos, a development by Camrost-Felcorp, Whitecastle Investments, and Diamond Corp in partnership. The south end of Deer Park Church—the existing building on the site—is now being demolished. The remains of the north half will be fashioned to serve as walls for a public courtyard, and could be home to a restaurant, while the new tower will be constructed at the south end of the property. The 26-storey tower and modern interventions in the church remains are designed by Diamond Schmitt, while ERA Architects are overseeing the heritage conversation aspects.
Rendering of Blue Diamond Condos, image courtesy of Whitecastle/Diamond Corp/Camrost-Felcorp
Backtracking one block, we will dip south on Avenue Road a couple of blocks to the site of The Davies. The 9-storey condo developed by Brandy Lane Homes is currently in sales, and will feature 36 residential units including 11 penthouse suites. Designed by SMV Architects, amenities are being appointed by Lukas Design Interiors.
Rendering of The Davies, image courtesy of Brandy Lane Homes
Now heading north on Avenue Road, clearing work has now taken place at the site of 609 Avenue Road north of St Clair. Developed by Madison Homes and State Building Group, the 19-storey condo designed by Richmond Architects should begin construction shortly, continuing into 2018.
Rendering of 609 Avenue Road, image courtesy of Madison Homes/State Building Group
We next head west on Heath St, and turn right onto Spadina Road. Here, a proposal at 390 Spadina Road for a 9-storey condo featuring 46 units was rejected by City Council in July 2016. The City regarded the proposal as an overdevelopment of the site, and not in keeping with the character of Forest Hill Village. The project, with retail at-grade, is designed by Giannone Petricone Associates. Developer the Armel Corporation has appealed the City's rejection to the OMB, with the prehearing set for March 1, 2017.
Rendering of 390 Spadina Road, image retrieved via submission to the City of Toronto
Heading west through the neighbourhood on Burton Road, we arrive at Bathurst Street then turn north. Four blocks north on the left is the site of 1996 Bathurst. Plans here are for a six-storey, two-building development of rental apartments by Eldebron Holdings. Designed by Quadrangle Architects, the 155-unit building includes 62 replacement rentals for the ones that currently exist onsite. The City is currently reviewing a Site Plan Application for the property.
Rendering of 1996 Bathurst, image retrieved via submission to the City of Toronto
At the north end of the same block, a 16-storey mixed-use condo containing 253 units is proposed for 859 Eglinton West. Another Quadrangle-designed project, City Planning staff believe this proposal is too tall and represents overdeveloped for the area. The site's previous strip plaza was demolished so the site could be used as a staging area for Crosstown LRT construction. Construction in the middle of the street will pop up every several blocks along this stretch of Eglinton, as station boxes are being excavated for the new rapid transit line, which planned to open in 2021. We'll look more closely at the Crosstown construction in next year's edition of Growth To Watch For.
Rendering of 859 Eglinton West, image courtesy of Quadrangle
Heading west along Eglinton, we arrive shortly at The Hill Condos, currently nearing completion. Designed by Core Architects and developed by the BSäR Group of Companies, the 9-storey mixed-use condo is adding 93 new homes to the area.
The Hill Condos nearing completion in late 2016, image by Jack Landau
Another kilometre along, Empire Communities has filed for Site Plan Approval for Empire Midtown at 1603 Eglinton West. The 16-storey condo will bring new investment to this stretch of Eglinton, as 219 residential units will help densify this area, while active retail at grade level will animate the streetscape. Designed by Richmond Architects, an 8-storey podium will front onto Eglinton, creating a new urban street wall, while the south side of the development will meet the low-rise neighbourhood with a three-storey frontage.
Updated rendering of Empire Midtown seen from the southwest, image retrieved via submission to the City of Toronto
A few blocks further west, we detour up Dufferin Street four short blocks to The Bean Condominiums, where construction workers are currently excavating the site. The 5-storey condo will feature 50 residential units, while retail will be prominent at-grade level. Developed by Royalpark Homes, work will progress on the Romanov Romanov-designed building throughout 2017 and into 2018. Occupancy is targeted for late next year.
Rendering of The Bean Condominiums, image courtesy of Royalpark Homes
Heading west on Eglinton again, the Oben Flats company is planning to break ground midway through this year at 2280 Eglinton West. The location would be the fourth in Toronto by the German company known for its modern high-design rentals. Dubbed Open Flats Castlefield Design District, the seven-storey 29-unit building with retail at grade is designed by superkül.
Looking north to Oben Flats Castlefield Design District, image courtesy of superkül
The final project in this instalment is the new York Community Centre, at the southeast corner of Eglinton and Black Creek Drive. Designed by Perkins + Will, final touches are being applied to the building as construct wraps up. The new facility, preparing for a soft opening this Spring, will feature a gymnasium, aquatic centre, fitness centre, and much more, for the community in the nearly 70,000 square foot building.
Rendering of the York Community Centre, image courtesy of Perkins + Will