Tunnelling for the west leg of the Crosstown LRT is nearly complete, priming many of the properties along Eglinton and the intersecting station streets for intensification. One of the strips soon to see revitalization is Dufferin Street north of Eglinton, where Royalpark HomesThe Bean Condominiums is to be built.

We got our first look at renderings of the 50-unit, Romanov Romanov Architects-designed boutique condo development last month, and now, a video rendering produced by Maverick Graphics is presenting a much more detailed picture of how this development will look, both inside and out.

The video starts off with a flyaround of the building, followed by a sweeping pan of the approximately 2,000 square feet of ground floor commercial space which will open on to Dufferin Street. Next, at around the 00:45 second mark, we are brought through The Bean's lobby, followed by a detailed flythrough of a one-bedroom suite (00:51), and then a two-bedroom with loft suite (1:37), before the video closes off with a terrace view (2:14).

The Bean Condominiums, Romanov Romanov Architects, Royalpark HomesRendering of The Bean Condominiums, image courtesy of Royalpark Homes

The Bean is currently offering a Grand Opening incentive package where purchasers can save up to $15,000 off of the total by visiting the project's sales centre at 2468 Dufferin Street.

The Bean Condominiums, Romanov Romanov Architects, Royalpark HomesRendering of The Bean Condominiums' lobby, image courtesy of Royalpark Homes

Additional information about the development can be found in our dataBase file for The Bean, linked below. In the meantime, you can join in on the discussion in the associated Forum threads, or leave a comment in the space provided at the bottom of this page.

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